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31 Cards in this Set

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null hypothesis

no relationship between variables

one tailed hypothesis

directional- predicts a IV will have effect on the DV either positive or negative

e.g:adults will correctly recall more words than children

two tailed hypothesis

non directional- states there will be effect of IV on DV however does not state direction

alternative hypothesis

presents a relationship or difference between variables

time sampling

recording predetermined behaviours on specific time intervals e.g: every 5 secs

event sampling

recording predetermined behaviours on a checklist, writing down each time each behaviour occurs

likert rating scale

strongly agree| agree| neutral| disagree| strongly disagree

semantic differential rating scale


rating scale

On a scale of 1-10 how much do u like music?

(not at all) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (extremely)

BPS ethical guidelines

informed consent

protection from harm




ability to withdraw

extraneous variables

a variable you are not studying that could affect your results

researcher bias

bias to a particular research result due to researchers preconceived beliefs

demand characteristics

when’s participants change their behaviour as they think they figured out what the experiment is about

areas of practical report









what’s the abstract and appendices of report

abstract- short summary of research

appendices- extra information that wasn’t included in main body of report e.g:raw data,tables, photographs,sample questionnaires

internal reliability

consistency of results across items within the test

external reliability

can be generalised beyond this research

inter rarer reliability

seeing if different researchers gain the same results

test retest reliability

measures stability of research over time

split half reliability

measures the extent to which all parts of test contribute equally to what is being measured

face validity

whether the measure measures what its claimed to measure

internal validity

if research presents cause and effect relationship


consistency of results when repeated


degree to which research measures what it sets out to measure

external validity

extender to which research results can be generalised to population


difference between score and the mean

how to measure variance

- subtract each individual value from mean of group

-square each result

-add results

-divide that by number of values minus 1

standard deviation

square root of the variance

measures how much sample data deviates from sample mean

measure of dispersion


E= sum

n= number of scores

X=each score in data set

X(with dash)=mean of data

tyoe 1 error

a false positive

rejecting null hypothesis even if its true

type 2 error

a false negative

accepting null hypothesis even if its wrong