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25 Cards in this Set

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Asexual Reproduction

When an organism makes an identical copy (clone).

Asexual Reporduction involves a process called...

Mitosis. During this process the chromosomes duplicate, ripped apart, then the cell splits in half.

The five steps of Mitosis

I.P.M.A.T (Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)


This is when the chromosomes are replicated or doubled. The nucleus is still present with chromosomes inside.


The chromosomes and their replicas are in a X shape, with one half containing the original and the other the replica. The nuclear membrane disappears and the centrioles appear.


The chromosomes line up in one line down the middle. Centrioles make spindle fibers and attach to each side of the chromosomes.


The spindle fibers pull the original and the replica chromosomes apart to each end of the cell.


The cell splits in half and two identical diploid daughter cells are made.


Divides cytoplasm

Plant mitosis

Since the cell wall doesn't pinch in half, a new cell wall has to be built.

Asexual Reproduction Facts

1 organism, makes clone, does mitosis, used by skin and body cells, done by amoeba, identical genes, low survival rate, low evolution rate, 1 round of divison.

Diploid number

The normal amount of chromosomes a member of a species has in each non-gamate cell. Symbol is 2n.

Haploid number

Half the diploid number and the amount of chromosomes one gamete has. Symbol is n.

Human diploid and haploid number

46 and 23

Fruit Fly diploid and haploid number

8 and 4

Monera Asexual Reproduction

Binary Fisson

Protista Asexual Reproduction

Binary Fisson

Fungi Asexual Reproduction

Sporulation (Yeast can also bud)

Plant Asexual Reproduction

Vegetative Propagation

Animal Asexual Reproduction

Binary Fisson (Hydra can also bud or regenerate)


The chromosomes are copied identically, but there's an unequal division of the cytoplasm at the end of mitosis

Binary Fisson

The cell divides equally into two genetically identical cells.


Spores are cloned cells, which develops in a case. When the case is full, it ruptures and the spores go in the air.

Vegetative Propagation

When part of a plant is used to produce an identical plant. Natural Ex: Leaf cutting, runners, corms, tubers, bulbs. Artificial Ex: Grafting


To regrow lost parts. Ex. Starfish, planaria, some lizards.