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129 Cards in this Set

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From which religion is this saying? Who said it?

Blessed are the peacemakers

Christianity, Jesus.

Finish this key Buddhist teaching by the Dhammapada:

Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by...


What is the Noble eightfold path?

A key buddhist teaching:

1. Right view/Skilful understanding

2. Right thinking

3. Right mindfulness

4. Right speech

5. Right action

6. Right diligence

7. Right concentration

8. Right livelihood

Fill in the gaps of this Christian teaching:

Put a_ _ _ your s_ _ _ _. Those who l_ _ _ by the

s_ _ _ _ d_ _ by the s_ _ _ _ - Jesus

Put away your sword. Those who live by the sword die by the sword - Jesus
Complete this saying by Pope John Pan III:

Everyone must commit themselves to what?


Fill in the gaps in this key Buddhist teaching:

He should not k_ _ _ a living being, nor c_ _ _ _ it to be k_ _ _ _ _, nor should he i_ _ _ _ _ another to k_ _ _ - Dhammapada

He should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill - Dhammapada
What is the first precept of Buddhism?
The first precept - To refrain from harming others. This is ahimse, a core principle of Buddhism.
Complete this saying:

_ _ _ _ _ I leave with you, my _ _ _ _ _ I give to you - Jesus

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you - Jesus

'Love thy neighbour as thyself' is a key teaching in which religion?


What is Karma?

A key Buddhist teaching - what goes around comes around. If you do something bad you will be punished, if you do something good you will be rewarded.

Complete this Christian teaching:

Love your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ for them - Jesus

Love your enemies and pray for them - Jesus

Complete this key Buddhist teaching:

Peace can exist if everyone _________ all others - Dalai Lama


Religion and Animal Rights

Brainstorm ideas to see what you can remember

Give three differences between animals and humans

Some people believe that humans are superior to animals

Humans are more intelligent and have the ability to reason

Humans have moral values whereas animals only act to survive

Humans can create things such as art & music to help them enjoy life

Animals don't have religious beliefs

Humans have the intelligence to use our resources to create new products but we are destroying the Earth whereas animals are not destroying their habitats.

What do two different religions believe about animals?

Buddhists believe that all creatures are equal. Christians believe God put us on Earth as stewards and therefore humans are superior to animals.

What does the term 'Animal Rights' mean?

The term 'Animal rights' means that animals deserve to live according to their own nature and not be harmed, exploited or abused.

What do animal rights organisations do?

Animal rights organisations such as the RSPCA, Dogs Trust, World Horse Welfare, the Blue Cross and SPANA have been set up to help protect animals all over the world. They campaign for new animal welfare laws, educate people on basic animal care, provide veterinary assistance and rescue suffering animals.

What do animal rights laws do?

Laws have been put in pace in countries such as the UK and the USA to protect animals. For example by banning hunting and dog fighting as well as failing to sufficiently care for animals in your ownership.

Religion, War and Peace

Brainstorm ideas to see what you can remember

What is war?

Armed Conflict between two or more groups or nations

What is peace?

When people live in harmony with each other and are not trying to hurt each other. Pacifists do not believe in fighting in a war.

What is Justice?

Justice is fairness, where all people have equal rights and freedoms and are equally protected by the law and government. If people go against these laws they could be punished.

What is the sanctity of life?

Sanctity of life is the idea that all life is valuable and special. It recognises that every human being has a right to life because we are all unique. Because religious people believe human life is special they may refuse to fight in war or may chose to fight to protect lives.

What do different religions believe about the Sanctity of life?

Christians believe that God created all people and therefore human life is sacred. Buddhists believe that human life is special because it is very rare as the believe in reincarnation.

Name three causes of war.

Bonus: Try to name a war caused by them.

Militarism/ authoritarianism - e.g. WWI or WWII

Resources/Land - e.g. Iran

Religion - e.g. Israeli conflict, crusades, Tamil Tigers

Revenge/Justice - e.g. WWI or WWII

Alliances - e.g. WWI or WWII

Greed - e.g. Tamil Tigers

Cultural differences - e.g. Islamic State

Other causes include: Arms trade, Power, Rebellion, Feuds, Politics, Corruption, Racism

Name two types of war

Bonus: Try to give an example for each

Wars between nations e.g. USA vs Iraq

Civil Wars e.g. Syria

Wars against terrorism e.g. Afghanistan

What is terrorism?

Terrorism is the unlawful use of extreme violence, usually against innocent civilians to achieve a political goal. Most people think terrorism can never be justified because it harms innocent people and promotes fear.

Why can some people justify terrorism?

Some people believe that on rare occasions terrorism is the only way to make the world take notice when all other means have failed. Terrorists who are motivated by religion believe God will reward them for doing what they see as his will.

What is a terrorist?

A terrorist is a person who commits an act of terrorism.

What is a weapon of mass destruction?

A weapon of mass destruction is a weapon that can kill large numbers of people all at once. There are three different types: Biological, Chemical and Nuclear.

What are Biological weapons?

Biological weapons contain infective material which can cause disease or death. They can cause illness and death on a massive scale if they pollute the air, enter the food chain or contaminate water supplies. They are banned under the Geneva convention but many nations are still developing them and they have been used since.

What are Chemical weapons?

Chemical weapons were banned in 1925 and cause choking, burning, paralysis and destruction of the environment. They were used in WWI by Britain and Germany. Since being banned they have been used by the USA in Vietnam and by Iraq against Iran and the curds. One example is Mustard Gas.

What is a nuclear weapon?

When a nuclear bomb is dropped a reaction occurs which causes huge devastation. Radioactive fallout kills many more people than the explosion itself and can go on for decades after. America dropped 2 nuclear bombs, which they claim ended WWII more quickly. Today nuclear bombs are even more powerful and would cause a 'nuclear winter' lasting months. There would be a 50% increase in ultraviolet radiation. It could destroy life on Earth.

What is Nuclear Proliferation?

Nuclear proliferation is the increase in nuclear weapon possession and the spreading of possession in more countries.

What are the advantages of possessing nuclear weapons for nations all over the world?

Possession of nuclear weapons can prevent wars as other countries are less likely to go to war with a nation which owns nuclear weapons as they don't want to risk the devastating side affects. Countries can also threaten to use nuclear weapons to make the attacking country retreat before too much damage is done. It could be argued that a country not in possession of nuclear weapons is more vulnerable.

What are the disadvantages of possessing nuclear weapons for nations all over the world?

Nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous and if countries possessing them go to war it could have disastrous affects. Millions of people could die and it could even end all life on Earth. Therefore all religions are against the possession of Nuclear bombs.

What is a Just war?

Generally religions oppose war however many of them believe fighting is justifiable if it is the only course of action that will prevent real evil. A 'Just War' is a war deemed by Christians to be acceptable.

What are the criteria for a just war?

Just cause - e.g. self defence

Lawfully declared by official authority

Have a good intention

War must end when aims achieved

Be a last resort

Have a reasonable chance of success

Be fought by just means

Good achieved must outweigh evil of war

Excessive force must not be used

What is a Holy War?

A Holy War is a war with religious aims or goals. They are 'authorised by God' or a religious leader. Those who take part believe they will gain a spiritual reward, such as reaching heaven or paradise. An example of a Holy War is one of the crusades between 1095 and 1291.

What is Pacifism?

Pacifism is the belief of people who refuse to take part in any form of violence.

What are conscientious objectors?

Conscientious Objectors are people who object to fighting in a war because killing people is against their conscience.

What is NATO?

NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and was created in 1999. It is a military alliance between 26 countries in Europe, the USA and Canada.

Who are Quakers?

Quakers are members of the 'society of friends' a Christian denomination. They are a group of pacifists who believe that every person carries the 'Inner light of God'. They believe that war and fighting is wrong because if there is a bit of God in everyone then they should not kill anyone. How ever evil anyone may seem there is some goodness inside of them, because God is in everyone. They follow the peaceful teachings of Jesus Christ and will never fight against any man with violence for any reason.

What is the UN?

The UN (United Nations) is an international organisation founded in 1945 after WWII by 51 countries committed to maintaining International peace and security. The charter of the United Nations was signed on June 26th 1946 in San Francisco.

What are the aims of the UN?

To help countries co-operate with each other through international law and security

To persuade countries to settle their differences without fighting

Economic development and social progression

Protection of Human rights

Establishment of World Peace

Protection of civilians in the case of war

Keep peace between and within countries

Ensure aid is given when needed (E.g. Sending in Peace keeping troops)

Who was Irena Sendler and what did she do?

Irena Sendler was a Catholic Woman living in Poland in WWII. She was head of the children's section of Zegota, an underground resistance organisation against Nazi's. She and her co-workers saved 2500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto at the risk of their own lives.

What do Christians believe about War and Peace?

The teachings of Christianity are peaceful. Jesus taught a message of love and Christianity has a strong pacifist tradition. However many Christians accept that there are circumstances when it is necessary to use armed conflict, and will fight in a Just War. No Christian group supports the use of nuclear weapons.

What does Christianity teach about war and peace?

Christianity teaches:

Put away your sword. Those who live by the sword die by the sword - Jesus

Blessed are the peacemakers - Jesus

Love your enemies and pray for them - Jesus

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you - Jesus

Everyone must commit themselves to peace - Pope John Pan III.

Love thy neighbour as thyself - 10 commandments

What do Buddhists believe about War and Peace?

Buddhism is a religion of Peace, Buddhist countries do have armies but they only work as a second police force and for defence purposes. Buddhists believe their actions have consequences for their next re-birth. It is wrong to harm others and all peaceful means must be tried because war causes more problems tun it solves. It encourages the three poisons - Hatred, Ignorance and Greed.

What does Buddhism teach about War and Peace?

Buddhism teaches:

The first precept - To refrain from harming others. This is ahimse, a core principle of Buddhism.

The Noble Eightfold path - making you consider others and the consequences of all behaviour

Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love - Dhammapada

He should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill - Dhammapada

Peace can exist if everyone respects all others - Dalai Lama

Religion and Planet Earth

Brainstorm ideas to see what you can remember

In the Bible there are 2 creation stories. Outline what happens in the 7 day creation story (Genesis 1:1-2:4)

The world was created in 6 days. God creates by saying "Let there be..." showing his power and omnipotence. God is pleased with his creation (agape). Animals and humans are vegetarian. On the 7th day God establishes a day of rest (sabbath). Because God created the Earth there is an expectation that human beings should care for it. This is called stewardship.

Briefly outline in the creation story in the Bible of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4)

God creates a garden. Man (Adam) is created to look after the garden. He is created from soil and God "Breathes life in to him" (The Holy Spirit). God gives Adam animals as companions. He gives them names and cares for them but they do not satisfy his need for companionship. So God puts Adam in a deep sleep, removes one of his ribs and creates Woman (Eve). The animals and humans live in harmony. It is paradise. But a Serpent tempts them to eat fruit from the 'Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil' which God has forbidden them from doing. They realise their nakedness (loss of innocence) and hide from God. He punishes them throwing them out of the Garden of Eden. Paradise is lost.

Can scientific and religious views be united? How?

If the Bible is taken literally then it is hard to unite scientific views on the creation of the world with Christian ones because in the Bible it says the world was created in 6 days, but there is scientific evidence that the universe took billions of years to create. However if Biblical stories are taken symbolically then scientific and religious beliefs on creation can easily unite. For example if the 'days' in the christian creation story were a different length to our days it could be that God did create the Earth in 6 days. Science suggests how the Earth was made but Religions suggest why it was made.

What is conservation?

Conservation is saving and preserving animal and plant species so they do not become extinct. This can be done in many ways, for example preserving their habitats.

What is sustainable development?

Replacing the resources we use up. For example when a tree is cut down to use for furniture or paper, another one should be planted.

Give 5 examples of environmental issues.

Melting Ice Caps / Air Pollution / Deforestation / Water Pollution / Climate Change / Extreme Weather / Over Farming / Rising Sea Levels / Over Population / Animal Extinction / Over Fishing/Landfill / Soil Erosion / Plant Extinction / Oil Spills / Advanced Greenhouse Effect / Using up Fossil Fuels / Acid Rain / Sulphur Dioxide Pollution / Ozone Depletion / Poaching

What attitude do Buddhists have towards the Environment?

Buddhists believe that life in all forms should be respected. Everyone lives many lifetimes so it is important to protect the world for our own future as well as our children. Respect and compassion are two key beliefs of Buddhists. Destruction of nature and natural resources result from ignorance, greed (2 of the deadly poisons) and a lack of respect for Earths living things. The Earth is the ultimate source of life. It is for morality and survival that we must conserve it. The first precept of Buddhism is to help, not harm other sentient beings. There are karmic consequences to all our actions so we should show compassion for all life.

What attitude do Christians have towards the Environment?

Christians believe that God created the world and gave humans stewardship. Christians have more recently seen the need to heal the world and look after the Environment. The Earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord. Respect for life should therefore extend to the rest of creation. People are responsible for the further of the planet. Many Christians are motivated by their religious beliefs to look after the planet as they must face God on judgement day and if they looked after the world they will be rewarded. If they did not then they will be punished.

What is climate change?

The Earths climate is constantly changing. It gets hotter and colder over time. This is what caused the Ice-ages. The world is currently in the process of heating up. The problem is that scientists have found that human activity in the past 250 years is speeding up the climate change. They estimate that by 2100 the temperature of the Earth will have increased by between 1.4oC and 5.8oC.

What is causing global warming? What will it cause? How can we prevent it?

It is being caused by the release of gas when we burn fossil fuels. Global warming could mean more extreme weather, Ice caps melting, sea levels rising, spread of disease and animals becoming extinct or endangered. The solution is to find alternative and sustainable energy sources and stop burning fossil fuels.

What is acid rain?

Acid rain is rain made more acidic by air pollution caused by busy roads and factories. It can cause buildings to corrode, kill plants and pollute water killing pond life. It poisons the land.

What is pollution?

Pollution is when there is too much of something causing damage or intolerance. Air pollution can be caused by busy roads and large factories. It is bad for our health, wildlife and can cause acid rain. Fertiliser running off farmers fields and factories emptying their waste into rivers can poison fish causing water pollution. Fertiliser can also make algae grow quicker causing a lack of oxygen in water and suffocating pond life. Even dropping litter is a form of pollution and can kill animals if they get trapped in it or try to eat it. Light pollution can block out stars in big cities and people living near large airports can suffer from noise pollution.

How and why are we destroying natural habitats?

Pollution is one way in which habitats are destroyed. For example oil spills can wipe out all life in that area for years. Humans also cut down trees for furniture, paper, medicine etc. causing deforestation. We do it on such a mass scale species are losing their homes and dying out. Trees convert CO2 to Oxygen. This means they also help prevent global warming yet we are getting rid of them to create building and grazing space.

"Humans are using and abusing our Natural Resources" - what is meant by this?

Humans are using natural resources such as fossil rules faster now then they ever have before due to our technology giving us better access to them and needing more to work sufficiently. More people now are driving cars or going on aeroplanes meaning we are using up the fuels a lot quicker. Fuels such as coal are already running out as they are limited in quantity and takes millions of years to form. They also give off greenhouse gases causing climate change. There are alternatives such as solar and wind power, we just have to start using them.

What are Earth Summits?

Earth Summits have been held every 10 years since 1972. Governments of countries all over the World attend and discuss issues affecting the world. They seek solutions to Global issues such as Global Warming and technological advancements as well as World Developments. They try to build agreements between nations and help them fix their problems.

How is Modern Living affecting the environment?

Everyone contributes to Global warming and pollution in someway - by driving a car to eating non-organic foods to dropping Litter. Even buying your shopping in plastic bags contributes. All our waste which cannot be recycled goes into landfill which emits Greenhouse Gases. Buying un-organic food means pesticides or fertiliser has been used to grow it and therefore could have caused harm to the wildlife. Simply switching off lights can help save the plant as less electricity is used so less fossil fuels need to be burnt.

Religion and Early Life

Brainstorm and see what you can remember

What is meant by 'The Miracle of Life'?

The 'miracle of life' describes how wonderful and rare childbirth is. Parents, particularly those who have been trying for a long time to have a child, truly consider their newborn a 'miracle'. Christians believe that 'Children are a blessing and a gift' and were given to them by a loving God. Buddhists do not believe in a God so they do not see Children as a gift, but still regard all human life as precious.

What do different religions teach about the sanctity of life?

All religions teach that life is special and precious. Christians believe that life is sacred because it came from God. God created life and gave us the means to reproduce. All life is God-given and therefore precious and should be valued and cherished, not destroyed. God gave life and only God has the right to take it away. Buddhists believe that life should be valued and every person deserves a chance to do good and build up good Karma because it affects their future and their future lives. Destroying a life results in Bad karma. Buddhists follow the precept to refrain from taking life as they consider it sacred.

What is meant by the 'Quality of life'?

The quality of life is a measure of fulfilment in a lifetime. If a persons quality of life is poor then they may live a life of suffering, sadness or poverty.

Name 2 things that can affect a persons quality of life

A severe disability

An unwanted child


There are several views on when life begins. Name 2 of them

Life begins a conception

Life begins at the development of the back bone or spinal column

Life begins when the heart starts beating

Life begins when the foetus is viable (could survive outside the womb)

Life begins when the child is born and leaves the womb

When do different religions believe life starts?

Buddhists believe that life begins before conception because they believe that everything is in a cycle of life, death and rebirth so there is no point at which life begins. Christians believe that life begins as an embryo as it is a person or potential person so has (or should have) rights.

What is abortion?

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy

What was the 1967 abortion act?

Before 1967 abortion was illegal is the UK. Women wishing to end a pregnancy had to turn to unqualified people who were willing to break the law, sometimes with tragic results. Now in the UK under the 1967 abortion act and 1990 Human fertilisation and Embryology act abortion is permitted if 2 doctors agree that the mother might die unless her pregnancy is ended Or their is a substantial risk of the baby being born severely disabled OR there is a substantial risk to the women, or her existing children's, mental or physical health.

At what point in a pregnancy can a woman have an abortion?

If the woman might die or the child might be born severely disabled the pregnancy can be ended at any time. If there is a risk to the woman, or her children's health, then the pregnancy can be ended in the first 24 weeks.

What rights does the father have in terms of law and abortion?


What happens if a doctor does not want to carry out an abortion?

Doctors who do not agree morally or ethically to abortion do not have to carry it out

What is adoption?

The legal process where a child is permanently taken into a new family as a son or a daughter

What is fostering?

The temporary taking of a child from a different family into a family home and bringing them up with the new family until circumstances change and they may return to their original family or be permanently adopted.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a baby out of wedlock?

Low mental health risk for woman and child, less emotional and financial help available but still some social shame in being a single mother, interferes with entire life and mother may not be able to look after the child.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of adoption?

Child gets a secure home, couples who are unable to have children can adopt but it is emotionally challenging for Mother and Child, child can feel unwanted or have to live in care home until adopted.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of fostering?

Temporary - children still go back to mother, mother can sort out situation but it can be emotional for mother, child and foster parents, unstable and mother could feel guilty.

What do christians think about abortion?

Christians believe in the sanctity of life

Children are created in the image of God

Children are a gift from God

Life begins at conception

"From the time the ovum is fertilised, a new life is begun which is neither that of the father nor of the mother - it would never become human if it were not human already"

You shall not murder

God loves children

"Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception. Abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes."

"Before birth God has given every person a purpose in life."

"You shall not kill an unborn child, or murder a newborn infant."

Some Christians accept abortion under certain circumstances if it is seen as the lesser of two evils such as in the case of rape or risk to the mothers life. In these situations they agree with the most compassionate thing.

What do Buddhists think about abortion?

Buddhists do not have a God so do not believe that birth is a God given gift but do believe it is special and precious.

They believe in a continuous cycle of birth & death until nibbana (enlightenment) is reached.

When conception occurs, life has already begun, so abortion is the deliberate taking of life.

The first precept is "I will not harm any living thing"

Tibetan Buddhists say that because it is so rare to be reborn in human form, to end this precious rebirth would waste all previous lives.

However Buddhists consider motives very important. They believe abortion for selfish reasons would result in Bad Karma but in some situations it is the most compassionate action.

"Abortion is the same as taking the life of a living being and as such is not a just action. However, there may be exceptional situations... if the child will be born with severe abnormalities or where the mothers life is in danger. It depends on the intention behind the action.

Each case should be decided on its merits and wise or skilful actions taken. If the motive is selfless compassion for others, the taking of a life is balanced by good intention.

Religion, Prejudice and


Brainstorm and see what you can remember

Define prejudice

Pre-judgin before a proper examination of the facts. It is based on feelings, attitudes or ideas that people have about something.

What is discrimination?

The action taken against different groups due to prejudice

What is positive discrimination?

Treating one person more favourably than another on the ground of that individuals sex, race, age, marital status or sexual orientation.

Name 2 different types of prejudice



Judgement on appearance

Religious prejudice



Who was Archbishop Desmond Tutu?

Born in South Africa 1931, Government apartheid system meant there was total separation between the black and white community and the minority whites controlled the country. Desmond Tutu used is religious position to campaign against the way black people were treated. Criticising the apartheid put you at risk of facing torture and imprisonment. By 1976 he was already a Bishop and was known worldwide so the government would have lots of unwanted attention if they tried to do anything to him. 1984 he was awarded a Nobel peace prize. 1986 he became Archbishop of Cape Town. He wanted a non-racial South Africa where everyone mattered. He organised a non-violent struggle using marches, boycotts, petitions and invited international media in to South Africa to see what was happening. As a result of his and others actions the Apartheid system was dismantled. Tutu still speaks out for the rights of the poorest groups.

What UK laws are there to stop discrimination?

1975 Equal pay + Sex discrimination

1976 Race relations

1995 Disability discrimination

2000 Amendment Race Relations

2007 Sexual Orientation

2010 Equality Act (all forms of discrimination made illegal)

What is the Fawcett society?

Founded by suffragette Millicent Garrett Fawcett in 1866, the Fawcett society is now the UK's leading organisation campaigning for equality between men and women

What is StoneWall?

An organisation working for equality and justice for people of all sexual orientations

What is Age UK?

The UK's largest organisation working for and with older people, influencing the government and influencing public opinion as well as providing vital local services for the elderly.

What is FARE?

Football Against Racism in Europe

What do Christians believe about discrimination?

God created everyone equally

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, Slave or Free man, Male or Female. We are all equal is Christ.

So in everything do unto others what you would have done to you

What do Buddhists believe about discrimination?

Buddhism believe that as discrimination leads to suffering then it must be wrong and should be avoided.

Religion and Young People

Brainstorm and see what you can remember

Name 3 ways in which young people can encounter religious activities

Religious studies lessons at schools

Churches, synagogues and other places of worship

Faith groups

Church/faith schools

Religious friends or families

Wedding, baptism, funerals, 1st Holy Communion Ceremonies etc.

Festivals - Christmas, Easter, etc.

What Buddhist birth ceremonies are there?

No special ceremony to mark the birth of a child

Local customs are usually followed

Often the child is named in a temple

A monk sprinkles water over the baby while blessing the child for a happy life

What Christian birth ceremonies are there?

Most Christians have their baby baptised as a sign of initiation in to the family of the church

A priest pours water from the font onto the child's head and declares "I baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit". Godparents make promises on the child's behalf. When the child is old enough they may confirm the promises made for them. Baptism symbolises the washing away of sin and a new life as a follower of Christ. Some denominations believe it is only right to be baptised when a person has made their own decision to be christian (e.g. baptism). In Orthodox Christianity the baby is immersed in water, dressed in white and oil it poured on their head (this is known as christening).

What religious influences are there in the home of a Buddhist child?

A child will observe worship in the home and learn to respect the shrine room with its statue of Buddha, incense Burner, candles and trays of food offerings

What religious influences are there in the home of a Christian child?

Christian families may teach their children to pray, say grace before meals and attend worship on Sunday. Bible stories are taught and celebrations take place at festivals such as Christmas.

What moral codes are Buddhist children taught?

A teaching of the Buddha, the eightfold path, is believed to be the way to end suffering & reach enlightenment and Nibbana. It involves having correct understanding, intention, speech, action, occupation, effort, mindfulness and concentration. The first two strops on the path are about wisdom, the next three are about morality and the final three are about mental development.

What moral codes are Christian children taught?

The moral codes include the Ten Commandments and the sermon on the mount, together with the golden rule, these teaching form the basis of Christian morality. Young Christians are brought up not to be selfish.

What is meant by the 'Golden Rule'?

The most important rule in a religion. The golden rule of treating people how you which to be treated is common to all the major religions along with understanding that decisions, actions and failures to act have consequences.

What is the golden rule of Buddhism?

Just as a motor would protect her only child with her life, even so let one cultivate boundless love towards all beings - Metta Sutta

What is the golden rule of Christianity?

Love thy neighbour as yourself

What is Taizé?

February to November each year young people from over 30 different countries all over the world gather in Burgundy, France for a few days or weeks to learn about Christianity, pray and meet other young Christians. It was founded by a man named Brother Rogen in 1940 and there are now over 100 protestant and Catholic Brothers in residence there. Thousands of young people arrive and stay in tents at Taizé each week. There are no paid staff so everyone has to help out looking after the facilities, cooking dinner, washing up etc.

What is the Spring Harvest?

Spring Harvest began as a 1 week event in Wales in 1979 and has now grown to become the largest Christian Conference in Europe. There is a combined attendance of 50000 people of all ages, in two different venues. There are Bible study groups, workshops, modern worship music... It aims to equip Christians for action in their local community.

What advantages are there for young people attending religious activities?

Meet new people of similar age and same religious faith

Learn about/explore new ideas about your faith you haven't thought about

Grow in your faith

What disadvantages might there be for young people attending religious activities?

May be intimidating - particularly for those finding their faith

Can make 'normal life' seem less interesting

Scary meeting new people

What Buddhist festivals and celebrations are there?

Many Buddhist celebrations are centred on the life and teachings of the Buddha. Wesak celebrates the Buddhas birth, enlightenment and death. Lights and decorations are put in the home of this colourful festival. In Thailand, children help to make lateens out of paper and wood. Cards are sent to friends. One Wesak ceremony includes the release of caged birds. Chinese Buddhists include dancing dragons as part of their celebrations and gifts are given to charity. In Sri Lanka, young people celebrate the festival of Poson by letting of firecrackers. This festival reminds them of the arrival of Emperor Ashoka's son Mahinda in their country. Songkran, the Buddhist New year is also an important festival.

What Christian festivals and celebrations are there?

The Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter are particularly enjoyed by young people. The celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas includes giving presents, sending cards, signing cards, performing nativity plays, parties, eating special foods and decorating homes and public spaces. At Easter chocolate eggs are given. The eggs symbolise new life and celebrate Jesus's resurrection.

What are coming of age ceremonies?

Most religions have ceremonies for young people approaching adulthood. During these ceremonies the individual takes on the rights, rules and responsibilities associated with their religion.

What Buddhist coming of age ceremonies are there?

In Buddhism there is no coming of age ceremony but when a Buddhist man recognises himself as mature he may show commitment by becoming ordained. Most men are about 20yrs when they go through the process. They shave their head, dress in white and are given a new monastic name, signifying the beginning of a new life. They must answer questions to prove they are genuine and if all is satisfactory they will be allowed entry into the sangha and will weary the robe of a monk. He is given a spiritual master and begins his spiritual training. A young woman may follow the same rout to become a nun.

What Christian coming of age ceremonies are there?

In some Christian denominations, membership or conformation classes are held for those who wish to confirm the promises made on their behalf at their baptism as an infant (christening). They are taught about the faith and responsibilities of christianity. Conformation enables the participant to be regarded as a full member of the Christian community. They believe that they receive the gift of the Holy spirit when they are confirmed.

What is meant by the term Generation Gap?

A difference between the views of young people and people of an older generation

What is Marginalisation?

The social process of becoming or being isolated and left out due to differences such as religion or appearance

What is peer pressure?

Influence exerted by friends on each other

Define Secular

Not religious

What are the Positives of belonging to a faith group or religion?

Gives people a purpose and explanation of why we're here.

Gives people a flinging of empowerment and offers opportunities to learn and participate in activities and events for their age groups

Gives people a sense of belonging and brotherhood

Religion, Death and the


Brainstorm ideas to see what you can remember

What can elderly people offer to young people?






Stories and History



Changes brought to society

What challenges do the elderly face?







Memory loss/mental illness





What attitude do Christians have towards the Elderly?

Honour your father and your mother

Listen to your father who gave you life and do not hate your mother when she is old

You shall rise up before the grey headed and honour the aged

What attitude do Buddhists have towards the Elderly?

We may carry our mothers on one shoulder and our fathers on the other and look after them for a hundred years... We will still be in debt to them

Old people are a demonstration of anicca, so we learn from them

May all beings be happy