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42 Cards in this Set

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is defined as the earth's surface extending downward to the center of the earth and upward to infinity.


the minerals and substances that lie far below the earth's surface


the air above the earth, all the way into space.

Real Estate

is defined as land plus all human-made improvements to the land that are permanently attached (annexed) to it.


can be any artificial thing attached on or below ground, such as a building, fence, water line or sewer pipe, as well as growing things that are made part of the landscaping.

Real property

Is defined as the interests, benefits, and rights that are automatically included in the ownership of real estate. Real property is fixed like land and buildings

bundle of legal rights

Ownership rights of real property

What are the 5 list of bundle legal rights

1.right of possession,

2.right to control the property within the framework of the law,

3.right of enjoyment (to use the property in any legal manner),

4.right of exclusion (to keep others from entering or using the property), and

5.right of disposition (to sell, will, transfer, or otherwise dispose of or encumber the property).

Right of?

The word title, as it relates to real property (real estate), has two meanings:

(1) the right to or ownership of the property, including the owner's bundle of legal rights; and (2) evidence of that ownership by a deed. Title refers to ownership of the property, not to a printed document.


occurs when the attachment becomes part of the real property

surface rights

Ownership rights in a parcel of real estate that are limited to the surface of the earth.

subsurface rights

The rights to the natural resources below the earth's surface.

Air Rights

are the property interest in the "space" above the earth's surface

Water rights

Consist of Riparian and littoral rights

riparian rights

Are rights awarded to landowners whose property is located along flowing bodies of a river, stream or creek. Have to deal with water that is moving in a direction

Littoral rights

pertain to landowners whose land border large, navigable lakes and oceans. Concerned with the use and enjoyment of the shore. Water does not have a direction


increases in the land from the deposit of soil by the water's action.


Is the gradual and sometimes imperceptible wearing away of the land by natural forces, such as wind, rain, and flowing water.


is the sudden removal of soil by an act of nature. It is an event that causes the loss of land in a much less subtle manner than erosion. An earthquake or a mudslide, for instance, can cause an individual's landholding to become much smaller very quickly.

doctrine of prior appropriation

1.Determines water use in states where water is scarce

2.Right to use water is determined by the state not the land owner adjacent to the water

Personal property

Property that can be owned that doesn't fit the definition of real property. Personal property is movable


Items of personal property such as chairs tables clothing money bonds and bank accounts

Factory built housing

Is defined as dwellings that are not constructed at the site but are built off-site and trucked to a building lot where they are installed or assembled.

Factory built housing includes




mobile homes.

Manufactured housing

Is that which is built specifically to the standards of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), although the term mobile home is still commonly used.


Annually cultivated crops such as fruit, vegetables, and grain. Are considered personal property


An item of real property can become personal property, which is the act of separating it from the land. Example an owner cutting down a tree on his property


Is when you change personal property into real property. Example you buy (cement stones and sand) personal property and build a sidewalk (real property)


Is personal property that has been so attached to land or a building that, by law, it becomes part of the real property.

5 basic test to determine if an item is a fixture

1.Method of annexation: How permanent is the method of attachment? Can the item be removed without causing damage to the surrounding property, or can any damage caused by the removal be easily repaired?

2.Adaptability of the item for the land's ordinary use: Is the item being used as real property or personal property? For example, a refrigerator is usually considered personal property. However, if a refrigerator has been adapted to match the kitchen cabinetry, it may be considered a fixture.

3.Relationship of the parties: In general, a court will favor a tenant over a landlord, and a buyer over a seller.

4.Intention of the person in placing the item on the land: This should be the most important consideration, but the actions of the tenant may not be consistent with the tenant's earlier intention. If an installation is intended to be temporary, it should not be attached in a way that appears to be permanent.

5.Agreement of the parties: Have the parties agreed on whether the item is real or personal property in the provisions of an offer to purchase or lease?

Trade fixture

An article owned by a tenant, that is attached to a rented space or building, and used in conducting a business


Is when Trade fixtures that are not removed become the real property of the landlord.

Four Economic Characteristics of land that affect its value



permanence of investment

area preference.

3 physical Characteristics of land



Uniqueness / nonhomogeneity

Zoning agency

Regulations on use of land

Environmental laws

Disposition of hazardous material found on a property

Federal tax laws

Deduction of interest paid on a home

Contract law

Agreement to transfer ownership of real Estate

Real Estate license law

Requirements to become a real Estate professional

Agency law

Representation of clients


Gradual change of waterline on real property which gives the owner more dry land

fructus naturales

Trees, perennial shrubbery, and grasses that do not require annual cultivation. These are known as real property