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74 Cards in this Set

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Which statement is true about rehab and restorative care for older adults?

A person can learn skills and gain abilities that enable functioning
An older adult is in the hospital because of heart failure and has become incontinent or urine. Which evidence based resource should the nurse use to guide continence care for this patient?

Nursing Standard Practice Protocol
The nurse understands that stress incontinence occurs:

as a result of increased intraabdominal pressure
A large residual urine volume characterizes what type of incontinence

Which action should be included in all bladder retraining programs?

Toileting at bedtime
The nurse assesses a male resident in a nursing home for urinary incontinence and determines that he is unaware of the problem. Which recommendation should the nurse implement?
Provide regular toileting
The nurse wants to begin helping a resident who is overweight and has urinary incontinence with healthy bladder behavior skills. Which intervention should the nurse implement?

schedule voiding at 2 to 4 hours intervals
What is the most important aspect of care for the nurse to maintain when assisting an older patient with urinary incontinence?

Maintaining an attitude that is respectful and positive about resolving the problem
An older woman tells the nurse practitioner that she fears her family will place her in a nursing home because she developed stress incontinence. Which recommendation should the nurse implement?
Recommend exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor
The nurse is caring for a patient who has recently had an indwelling catheter placed. The nurse should assess the patient for:

A change in mental status

An older adult who is on bed rest after surgery is prescribed morphine for pain. Which of the following is the nurse's priority for preventive care?

Which of the following is a true statement about elimination in older adults?

Defecation less than once each day is not necessarily constipation
Which option is part of a program that addresses bowel incontinence in an older adult patient?

Ensuring that a toilet or commode is readily
Which is an important consideration about the skin of an older adult person?

The skin becomes more vulnerable to damage
Which topical agent is safe to apply?

Light mineral oil to moisten skin after bathing
A 70 year old woman complains of dry skin and asks for advice. Which advice should the nurse offer to this woman for improving dry skin?

Keep bath water between 90 and 105 degrees F
The nurse monitors for which clinical indicator when the older adult complains of pruritus?

Coarse Skin
Which infection control practice should the nurse implement when caring for an older adult who has active herpes zoster?

Cover ruptured skin lesions with a nonabsorbent dressing
The nurse is conducting an admission assessment on an older adult and notes a small lesion with a multicolor appearance. Which assessment approach should the nurse use?

ABCD (asymmetry, border, color, and diameter)
The nurse cares for an older man who has a malignant melanoma. Which intervention should the nurse implement for this man to prevent a recurrence or advancement of this condition in the future?
Instruct him to wear sun protective clothing and a hat at all times
Which of the following is a true statement about impaired skin integrity?

Muscle and fat cannot regenerate
An older adult is vitamin deficient. Which of the following does the nurse offer to the older adult to provide the important missing vitamin for maintaining healthy skin and enhancing tissue repair?

Orange slices
An older adult woman complains of foot pain from a corn. After assessing her feet, which intervention should the nurse implement to alleviate her discomfort safely?

cut out an oval corn pad to make a U shape
Which of the following is a true statement about Medicare for older adults?

Eighty percent of Medicare's annual expenditures are for individuals with chronic illnesses

Acute illness is to chronic illness as to which of the following comparisons
An emergency department is to a nursing home
An older adult female client is diagnosed with a chronic illness. Which principle should the nurse apply when answering her questions?

Chronic illness is unending, and coping can be influenced by perception of uncertainty
Over 50% of the population, aged 65 years and older, suffers from which of the following chronic health conditions?

Which older adult has the most characteristics associated with becoming frail

Male, Hispanic American, with hypoproteinemia
Which of the following describes the nurses role for an older patient with a chronic illness?

provide caring to help the patient live at the optimal level of health and wellness
Which of the following statements is the most suitable for establishing goals when teaching an older adult with a chronic illness about potential changes in health maintenance regimen?

Management of the patients chronic disease rests on the patient and the caregiver; therefore the goals should be collaboratively set
Compared with acute pain, the following is true of persistent pain
It can bring about changes in lifestyle
The nurse admits an older male patient who had abdominal surgery. Admission vital signs are P 73, R 20, BP 136/84. He is receiving IV fluids but has not requested pain medication since surgery. Seven hours later his vitals are P 98, R 26, BP 164/90 and he denies pain. Which intervention should the nurse implement?

Ask him about discomfort at the surgical site
An older female adult had hip replacement surgery 1 day ago, and the nurse thinks that the woman also has dementia. Which patient assessment does the nurse use to determine that this woman is experiencing pain?

Holds abdomen tightly
An older male adult who is Hispanic states he is not having pain, but he had knee replacement surgery 2 days ago. Which is the best pain assessment tool as recommended by the Hartford Institute from "Try this" for the nurse to apply for this man?
Faces pain scale revised
The safest opioid analgesic choice for an older patient who has severe acute pain in which of the following?
Morphine Sulfate
An older adult admitted for back surgery asks for opioid pain medication. The nurse knows the patient asks for pain medication 15 mins before it is due. Which recommendation should the nurse implement?

Administer the pain medication as prescribed

The nurse administers an opioid analgesic to an older male adult postoperative patient on a surgical unit. Which is the most important intervention for the nurse to implement before leaving the patients room?

Instruct him to ask for help before getting up
The nurse administers an opioid analgesic to an older male adult postoperative patient on a surgical unit. Which is the most important intervention for the nurse to implement before leaving the patients room?

Position the patient comfortably
The nurse plans the care of an older female resident of a nursing home who has experienced a sudden deterioration in visual acuity. Which intervention should the nurse complete first?

Examine her mood and functional status
The most detrimental illness or condition that an older adult with deafness that occurred at birth can experience is which one of the following?

Which of the following diseases affects the eyesight of an older adult by damaging the central part of the retina?
Macular Degeneration
Which population groups are most at risk for macular degeneration

those aged 60 and over, whites and Asians, white women over 80, genetic predisposition, smokers, family history, and excessive sunlight

what does the nurse teach the patient with retinopathy to slow its progression

constant, strict controls of bs, cholesterol and BP. Laser photocoagulation treatments can halt the disease. Laser treatments can reduce vision loss in 50% of patients and recent evidence suggests that treatment with various drugs may be better, avoid wind and hair dryers
An older adult complains about experiencing dry eyes daily. Which of the following should the nurse assess to help determine the cause of the patients complaint?
Prescription antihistamine use
The nurse is teaching older adults about maintaining health and wellness. Which recommendation should the nurse include in the teaching to maintain optimal vision?
Wear sunglasses that block sun rays
How does the nurse approach the hearing impaired elder for conversation

face the pt, sit or stand on the same level, don't turn away while speaking, eye contact, slow speech, nonverbal approached, reduce background noise
Persons with normal age related sensory changes are more likely to have the most difficultly distinguishing which of the following?
Spoken pairs of phrases like "shes praised" and "fees raised"
Which of the following is used to treat the most common cause of hearing impairment in elder

Ear canal irrigation
A medical illustration shows a man with the blunt end of a tuning fork pressed to the center of his forehead. The man is being tested for which of the following?

Unilateral conductive hearing loss
An older man who is a non Hispanic Caucasian has a fasting blood sugar level above 130. Which patient assessment does the nurse use to confirm a high risk for diabetes mellitus in this man?

68 years of age
Which comorbidity commonly associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus enhances the development of the mircovascular complications of diabetes mellitus?

What concerns the nurse regarding patient with DM that confirms progression to chronic illness

patient diabetic + toe removal= increased health problems (chronic illness)
The nurse assists an older man who has type 2 diabetes mellitus to improve his glucose control. Which of the following instructions does the nurse give to this individual when he plans to walk more than usual in one day?

Supplement caloric intake
Which is a true statement about osteoporosis?

A high risk of death follows an osteoporosis related fracture
An older female adult seeks advice from the nurse about preventing further bone loss after being diagnosed with osteopenia. To achieve the woman's goal, which teaching should the nurse provide to enhance activity of osteoblasts?

Exercise with weights
Which are characteristics of RA that are unlike OA
it is systemic and symmetrical
which statement is true about joints in older adults?

surgical joint replacement can cure osteoarthritis
An osteoporosis related fall necessitated hip replacement surgery for an older female adult who is entering a rehabilitation facility. Which is the nurse's priority goal during this woman's rehabilitation?

Recapture preoperative mobility status
Which assessment is typical for a patient with osteoarthritis

narrow joint spaces with crepitus
the nurse prepares an older male adult who has osteoarthritis for discharge. Which instruction does the nurse include in patient teaching to maintain safety for this man?
Report joint instability to the health care provider
An older male adult who has osteoarthritis tells the nurse that he has experienced fatigue for the past 2 weeks. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement to help him manage fatigue?

help him plan exercise and rest
Which of the following statements is true about RA?

can affect body systems other than the joints

Which of the following nursing interventions are suitable for a patient who has gout?

Colchicine (Colsalide) by mouth
Which of the following is a true statement about heart disease in older men and women

women generally receive less aggressive treatment than men do
Which classic sign of an acute myocardial infarction can be absent in an older man with an AMI

crushing chest pain

An African American58 year old man in goo health has a blood pressure at 120/73 at his annual physical. Which of the following is the best goal for the nurse to use to assist him in maintaining his health and wellness into older age?

Prevent cardiovascular disease
An older woman has severe ischemic heart disease, hypertension and low cardiac output. Which medication does the nurse administer to counteract the neurohormonal activation of this patients cardiovascular status

beta adrenergic blocker
which of the following is the most important goal in the nursing plan of care to decrease the frequency of hospitalizations for acute exacerbations of HF in older adults who have HF

control fluid balance
an older man in a cardiac rehabilitation exercise class refuses to participate in the cool down phase of activity; consequently, 2 mins later, he passes out but quickly regains consciousness. Which instruction does the nurse include in patient teaching to reinforce the importance of cooling down after exercising to this man

baroreceptor function diminishes with age
which condition is a COPD

bronchial asthma
An older woman who has COPD wants to perform self care activities. Which instruction should the nurse include in patient teaching to help her achieve this goal?

Bathe and eat slowly with periodic rest
Which of the following statements is true about cardiopulmonary disease in older adults

mouth hygiene is essential to prevent and treat pneumonia
which of the following is a true statement about tb in older adults
older persons, particular those in nursing homes, are at risk for tb