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94 Cards in this Set

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a physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body.


the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses.

Sensory receptors

sensory Receptors are specialized neurons or nerve endings that respond to changes in the environment by converting energy from a specific stimulus into an action potential (a process known as transduction).


Meaning the transportation of stimuli to the central nervous system, when physical signals from the environment are transformed into electrical or neural signals.

Absolute threshold

is the smallest level of energy required by an external stimulus to be detectable by the human senses, including vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. It is more precisely defined as the degree of intensity of a stimulus necessary to correctly detect that stimulus 50% of the time.

Difference Threshold

the smallest amount by which two sensory stimuli can differ in order for an individual to perceive them as different.

Weber’s Law

Any change in a stimulus that is barely noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus.

Who is Ernst Weber?

considered one of the founders of experimental psychology.

- Weber's Law

Signal detection theory

The theory that detection of a faint stimulus is not an all or nothing process, it requires a judgment to be made.


Sensory input in the signal detection theory.


Making a judgment in the signal detection theory.

Signal Detection Theory:

Four Possible Outcomes when a person is asked to detect the presence of a sensory input?

1. Hit- signal present and person says “yes”

2. Miss- signal present and person says “no”

3. False alarm- signal not present and person says “yes”

4. Correct rejection- signal absent and person says “no”

Sensory Adaptation

When there is a decrease in sensitivity in regards to a constant amount of stimulation.


the transparent layer forming the front of the eye


a flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center.


The opening of the iris. The pupil may appear to open (dilate) and close (constrict), but it is really the iris that is the prime mover; the pupil is merely the absence of iris. The pupil determines how much light is let into the eye. Both pupils are usually of equal size.


By changing its shape, the lens changes the focal distance of the eye. In other words, it focuses the light rays that pass through it (and onto the retina) in order to create clear images of objects that are positioned at various distances. It also works together with the cornea to refract, or bend, light.


The thin layer at the back of the eye that is sensitive to light and holds the sensory receptors.


A photoreceptor that is in the retina, is responsible for sight and stimulated by light (works best in dim light)

- Primarily responsible for night vision


A photoreceptor this is in the retina, is responsible for color vision and works best with bright light.


Is placed at the center of the retina where vision is clearest and is responsible for helping with clear vision.

- No rods are in the fovea.

Ganglion Cells

Neurons near the inner surface of the eye, they fire axon potentials

Optic Nerve:

The bundle of ganglion cells that transmits impulses to the brain from the retina.

- You have blind spots in both your left and right fields of vision.

Primary Visual Cortex

Located in the Occipital lobe it receives input from the Retina and provides basic information about vision.


The extent of the wavelength from top to bottom.


Giving out/reflecting light. Ex. bright red vs. dark red.


the distance between successive crests of a wave, especially points in a sound wave or electromagnetic wave.


A shade of a color- ex. Blue- light blue, teal, dark blue, etc.


Determines how intense the color is.

Trichromatic Theory

Proposed by Thomas Young it’s the theory that there are three different receptors in the retina that are responsible for three colors- red, blue and green.

- Trichromatic = “three colors”

What are the three cone receptors?

S Cones: Sensitive to short wavelengths and perceive blue.

M Cones: Sensitive to medium wavelengths and perceive green.

L Cones: Sensitive to long wavelengths and perceive red.

Additive Color Mixing

- When wavelengths are combined.

Additive color mixing is the kind of mixing you get if you overlap spotlights in a dark room, as illustrated at left. The commonly used additive primary colors are red, green and blue, and if you overlap all three in effectively equal mixture, you get white light as shown at the center.

Subtractive Color Mixing

When pigments are combined.

- The color of pigment is determined by the wavelengths that the pigment does NOT absorb.

Opponent Process Theory:

Theory proposed by Ewald Herring and expanded on by Richard Solomon proposes that the retina receives input from one type of cone and then input from another type of cone that results with the perception that some colors are opposites.

- Color-number synesthesia reveals that each person’s perception of color and visual perception in general are unique to each person’s brain and how it processes information.


If objects are close to one another they form a group.


Stimuli that look similar are grouped together.


When two objects intersect, they are perceived as different.

Closure of gaps:

The mind tends to complete figures even with gaps.

Illusory Contours:

When a contour doesn’t exist we still perceive contours.

Bottom-up processing:

The sensory receptors analyze the environmental stimulus; this analysis influences the conceptual processing of that information in the brain; that is how objects are perceived.

Top-down processing:

We perceive objects the way we do because of the complex analysis of prior experiences and expectations in the brain.

Binocular depth Perception:

Our depth perception has certain cues because we have two eyes.

Binocular disparity:

In order to perceive depth through binocular disparity we have to use both of our eyes because each retina has a slightly different view of the world.

- The brain has access to two different and overlapping retinal images.

Monocular Depth Perception:

Each eye has its own cues of depth perception.

- Also known as: Pictorial depth cues


When an object that is near you is blocking an object that is farther away.

Height in field:

An object is lower in the visual field is then seen as closer than the object that is higher in the visual field.

Relative size:

An object that is farthest away projects a smaller retinal image then the object that is closer and the (about) the same size.

Familiar size:

When a person is familiar with the size of an object and can then estimate how far away the object is by the size of their retinal image.

Linear perspective:

When parallel lines appear to the person to cross in the distance.

Texture gradient:

When a textured surface recedes, the texture of the surface continues to become denser.

Motion Aftereffects:

Occurs when a person is viewing a moving image for a long time and then fixate on a stationary scene. They appear to see the new scene as moving in the opposite direction from the moving image.

- Also known as, “The waterfall effect.”

Stroboscopic Motion:

When many still pictures are presented in a fast series, we then perceive motion of pictures.

Outer ear:

Hearing begins with the outer ear and helps the ear capture sound waves.


is a thin, cone-shaped membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear.

Middle ear:

The middle of the ear that contains the ossicles.


Made up of three tiny bones that help amplify the vibrations.

Inner ear:

the semicircular canals and cochlea, which form the organs of balance and hearing and are embedded in the temporal bone.

Oval window:

Membrane that leads from the middle ear to the inner ear.


the spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.

- A bony structure that holds two fluids- endolymph and perilymph, is shaped like a snail and resides in the inner ear.

Basilar membrane:

a membrane in the cochlea that bears the organ of Corti.

- A membrane that runs through the center of the cochlea.

Hair cells:

are the sensory receptors of both the auditory system and the vestibular system in the ears of all vertebrates.

- Located in the Cochlea these sensory receptors detect sound waves, convert them into signals that are then processed in the brain as sound.

Auditory nerve:

Carries information from the cochlea directly to the brain.

Primary auditory cortex:

is located on the superior temporal gyrus in the temporal lobe and receives point-to-point input from the ventral division of the medial geniculate complex; thus, it contains a precise tonotopic map.

- A part of the temporal lobe that processes auditory information (sound waves).


The frequency of the sound waves is what determines the pitch of the sound.

The SI unit of audio frequency is the hertz (Hz). It is the property of sound that most determines pitch. The generally accepted standard range of audible frequencies is 20 to 20,000 Hz, although the range of frequencies individuals hear is greatly influenced by environmental factors.


Vibrations per second.

- Humans can generally detect sound waves with frequencies from 20 Hz to about 20,000 Hz.

Temporal Coding:

The rate at which hair cells are stimulated by sound waves of lower frequencies results in the perception of lower pitched sounds.

Place Coding:

The location on the basilar membrane where hair cells are stimulated by sound waves of varying higher frequencies results in the perception of higher pitched sounds.


refers to a listener's ability to identify the location or origin of a detected sound in direction and distance.


The specific taste of a food that is produced by taste and smell.


The sense of taste.

Taste receptors:

Sensory receptor that helps facilitate taste.

Taste Buds:

Contain the gustatory cells and are located in the papillae on the tongue.


Mushroom shaped structures that are on the tongue.

Facial nerve:

Nerve of facial expression.

Gustatory cortex:

Responsible for the perception of taste.


Sense of smell.


The chemical molecules that come from outside your body.

Olfactory receptors:

Detect odorants that then give rise to smells.

Olfactory Epithelium:

Located deep within the nasal cavity, this thin layer of tissue is responsible for producing information that is processed in the brain as smell.

Olfactory Bulb:

Resides above the olfactory epithelium and carries information about smell to the brain.

Olfactory nerve:

Sends smell information to different parts of the brain.

Olfactory cortex:

A portion of the cerebral cortex that is involved in the sense of smell.

Warm receptors:

Specialized receptors that are embedded within the skin that detect the temperature of stimuli and processes the information in the brain as warmth.

Cold receptors:

Specialized receptors that are embedded with in the skin that detect the temperature of stimuli and processes the information in the brain as cold.

Pressure receptors:

Specialized receptors that are embedded within the skin that detect tactile stimulation and processes the information in the brain as different types of pressure on the skin.

Cranial nerves:

When a person is touched above the neck information is sent to the brain by the cranial nerve.

Spinal nerves:

When a person is touched below the neck information is sent to the spinal cord and then the spinal nerves send the information to the brain.

Somatosensory Cortex:

The main sensory area for touch located in the parietal lobe.

Wilder Penfield

Neurosurgeon that discovered that the somatosensory cortex can evoke the perception of touch in different parts of the body.

Fast Fibers:

Sensory receptors that convey sharp and immediate pain to the brain. Myelinated fibers

Slow Fibers:

Sensory receptors that convey chronic, dull and steady pain to the brain. Unmyelinated fibers.

- The actual perception of pain is created by the brain.

Gate Control Theory of Pain:

Created by Ronald Melzack and his collaborator Patrick Wall. According to them we experience pain when a neural “gate” allows the signals through to the brain. The gate is in the spinal cord. They believe that if the “gate” is closed pain will be able to be suppressed.

Ex. Scratching an itch

Kinesthetic sense:

Body awareness; helps us detect movements in our body.

Vestibular sense:

Awareness of body balance.