The vision system is the sense that allows …show more content…
The system translates pressure waves into sounds. Hearing permits the body to enjoy the noises of the world. Parts of the ear involves the, pinna being the visible part of the ear that extends on side of the hear, the auditory canal, and the ear drum (tympanic membrane). Sound waves enter the auditory canal, touching the tympanic membrane making it vibrate. The vibrations; passing other parts, eventually stimulates the hair cells (auditory receptors). These hair cells are located in the cochlea of the ear containing fluid. Results of hearing loss can be due to injuries to the ear canal, loss of the auditory receptors because of exposure to loud noises and wear and tear. When having a hearing loss, most people turn to hearing aids that allow them to pick up on sounds that they are not able to hear independently. However, gaining back the loss of hearing is not always as simple as having hearing aid if the hearing loss is more severe than partial deafness. When being deaf, you have complete inability to hear. Deaf comes in any age, and can not only be contracting later on in life. 3 in 1,000 babies are born deaf due to genetic factors. Other deaf related cases can result in speech impediments. This can be because when deaf comes early in age, it can take more time to develop vocabulary and grammar …show more content…
Although commonly neglected, one other sense called the vestibular sense. This sense gives us the ability of balance and body posture. When we have motion sickness, this sense is in full effect. When maintaining balance, the vestibular system takes the important information for handling movement and there flexes that move many parts of the body to make up for changes in body position. Nevertheless, both proprioception (perception of body position) and kinesthesia (perception of the body’s movement through space) interact with information given by the vestibular system. Sensation relates to psychology because it has a lot to do with how the mind processes and delivers information. It also relates to perception because is the way we interpret sensations. Perception is the way one notices or understand something using one of the senses. Resorting back to the introduction, our senses help us navigate in the world and provide data for perception. Sensation is how the body brings information from the outside world into the brain. What is interesting about these senses is that, without them, we are not living and being able to experience life and how it operates. With senses, we can maneuver through this obstacle course called life, and be able to make physical connections with this great big world that surrounds