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84 Cards in this Set

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Piget is best know for his interest in the process of ________________ development
According to Piaget, Schemas are:
People's conceptual framework for understanding thier experiances
Interpeting new experiances in the terms of existing schemas is called:
according to Piaget, accommodation refers to:
Adjusting current schemas to make sense of new experiances
Olivia understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Olivia is clear in Piaget's ______ stage
sensor Motor
If children cannot grasp the principle of conservation , they are unable to
recognize the quantity of the substance stays the same despite the change of shape
the egocentrism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasised by
According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to:
innability to see the other person's point of view
according to Piaget, during the formal operational stage people begin to:
think abstractly
the powerful survival impulse that leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers is called:
Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most dily rectly to:
secure attachment
a critical period is a phase during which:
certain event patterns strong impact
Which of the following is an example of Imprinting:
Lorenz and the geese
One year old Eunice is not overly fearful of strangers but she clearly prefers being held by her mother more than anyone else, her behavior best illustrates:
secure attachment
Instead of happliy exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician's waiting room, little sandra tenaciously clings to her mother's skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of
Insecure attachment
in a pleasant but unfamiliar setting, infants with secure maternal attachment are most likely to:
Use the parent as a base for which to explore
Some mothers feed their infants when they show signs of hunger, whereas others fail to respond predictably to their infant's demands for food. These different maternal feeding practices are most likely to contribute to differences in infant:
Which of the following factors contributes most positively to the development of secure attachment between human infants and their mothers:
responsive parenting
When placed in strange situations without their artifical mothers. Harlow's infant monkeys demonstrated signs of:
insecure attachment
Children's sense that their parents are trustworthy and depandable is most indicative of:
secure attachment
Already at 15 months of age, Justin strongly senses that he can rely on his father to confort and protect him. This most clearly contributes to:
basic trust
for several months following a sudden and unexpected divorce, Henry was excessivly preoccupied with thoughts of his ex wife. His reaction resulted from the disruption of :
two characteristics of authoritarian parents are that they demonstrate:
high levels of parental control and low levels of parental responsiveness
Parents who are demanding yet sensitively responsive to their children are said to be :
Authortitative parents are likely to have children who:
greater self reliance, self esteem, social competance, and acheivement and motivation
Compaired to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be:
Loving and respectful, strict, and demand mature behavior
THe importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by
Two closed pyarmid shaped beakers containgin clearly identical amounts of liquid are suddenly judged by a child to hold different amounts after one of the beakers is inverted. the child apparently lacks a
A child's realization that others may have beliefs which the child knows to be false best illustrates the development of :
Theroy of the mind.
The process of imprinting occurs during a brief development phase known as:
critical period
Adolecents extends from
sexual maturity to independant adulthood
the body structurs that enable reproduction are the
primary sexual charachertisics
the first ejaculation is to adolescent boy as ______ is to an adolescent girl.
the ability to thik logically about hypothetical situations is indicative of the ________ stage of development
formal opperation
Piaget is to cognitive development as Kohlberg is to _______ development
According to Kohlberg, morality based on the avoidance of punishment and attainment of concrete rewaards represents a ___ Morality.
even though smoking marijauana would reduce the pain associated with her chrionic medical condtion. Juanita believs it would be morally wrong because it is prohibited by laws of her state. Kolhberg would suggest that Juanita demonstrages a>____ morality
According to Kohlberg, postconventional morality involves:
self defined ethical principals
according to erkison, trus is to _____ as identity is to _________
Infancy adolescence
according to erkison, isolation is to intimacy as role confusion is to :
According to erkison,achieving a sense of identity is the special taks of :
Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a developing capacity for :
Mark believes that choosing to vioiate goverment laws is morally justifiable if it si done to protect the lives of innocent people. Kohlberg would suggestst that this illustrates______ Morality
post conventional
compared to a century ago, menarche occurs___ in life and adult independance begins____ in life.
Earlier Later
Female breasts are_______ as male testes are to _______.
secondary primary
the process of developing a sense of identity during adolescene was highlighted by:
Adolescence is typically a time of
diminished parental influence and increased peer influence
According to Erikson, the central psychological challenges pertaing to adolescence, young adulthood, and middle are respectively are:
identity, intimacy and genraltivity
In preconventional morality, the person:
avoids punishments
Among the hallmarks of grwoing up are a boys's first ejaculation and a girls first mentrual period which also is called :
Whose stage theroy of moral development was based on how people reasoned about ethical delemmas:
In erkison's theroy individuals generally focus on developing ___ during adolescence and then ____ during young adult hood.
identity intamacy
reeof moral development
it is not culture specific
Sam, a junior in HS regularly attends church because his family and friends thinks he should . Which stage of moral reasoning is sam in?
After a sereics of unfullfilling relationships, 30 year old Carols tells a freind that he doesn't want to marry because he is afraid of losing his freedom and independence. Erikson would say that carolos is having diffucluty with the psychosocial task of:
Personmality is best defined as an individuals
Characteristics in thinking feelingand acting
Which of the follwoing techniques was freud most likely to use in an attempt to discover the hidden conflicts underlying his patient's symtoms:
Free associations or dreams
Freaud called his theroy of personality and the associated treatment techniques:
Psychoanalitic theroy
According to freud, thoughts that are too unsettling for people to acknowlege are:
Freud believed that our unconsciously repressed impulses express themelvesin
dreams, defense mechanisums and slips of tounge
Personality is best defined as an individual's
Characteristics thinking, feeling and acting
Which of the following techniques was freud most likely to use in an attempt to discover the hidden conflicts underlying his patients symtoms:
Free association
according to Freud, thoughts that are too unsettling for people to acknowledge are
Freued believed that our unconsciously repressed impulses express thems selves in:
dreams, defense mechanisums and slips of tounge
The pleasure principal is to the _______ as the reality principle is to the______
id ego
freud called his theory of personallty and the associated treatment techniques:
Psychoanalitic theroy
The super ego is the part of the personality that
represents feelings of moral guilt
According to freud, the most important erogenous zone earliest infancy consissts of the
Freud suggested that in the process of development people pass through
oral,anal,phalic, latency and genetal
Psychoanalytic theory suggests tht the ego disguieses threatening impulses and reduces anxiety by means of
defense mechanisums
a religious leader who attempts to overcome his hidden doubts with intense expressions of spiritual certainty illustrates most clearly the defense mechanisum of
reaction formation
Projection refers to the process by which people:
attribute to the impulse of others.
Carl Jung emphasized the importance of ________ in personality functioning
collective unconsious
test that present ambiguous stimuli designed to uncover hidden personality dynamics are called_________ tests
According to maslow, the psychological need that arises after all other D needs have been met is the need for__________
self actualized people. as described by maslow are least likely to:
experiance an external locus of control
the humanistic perspective emphasised the importance of
self determination
carl rojers suggested that the ________ is central feature of personality
self concept
Maslo mostclearly interjected his own personal values into his study of self actualized individuals by:
selectively studying people with qualities he admires. bias
self actualized people , as described by maslow are especially likely to :
being open and spontaneous
who emphasized the importance of unconditoinal positive regard in healthy personality development?
Carol rogers suggested that those who fall far short of theri ideal self expericance
negitive self concept
in promoting personality growth, the person centered perspective emphasizes all but
the school psychologist believes that having a positive self concept is necessary before students can achieve their potential. evidently, the school psychologist is an advocate of
humanistic perspective