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92 Cards in this Set

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the psychological and social dimension of being female of male
Gender Roles
sets of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, or feel.
Evolutionary Psychology Theory
Emphasizes that adaptation during the evolution of humans produce psychological differences between males and females. In this theory, primarily because of their differing roles in reproduction, males and females faced different pressures as they were evolving.
Male contribution to the Evolutionary Psychology Theory
in having multiple seual liaisons,improve the likelihood that males will pass on their genes, natural selection favored males who adopted short-term mating strategies. These males competed with other males to acquire more resources in order to access females.
Female contribution to the Evolutionary Psychology Theory
their contributions to the gene pool was improved by securing resources for their off sprindg, which was promoted by obtaining long-term mates who could support a family. As a consequences, who could provide their offspring with resources and protection.
Social Role Theory
Eagly's theory that psychological gender differences are caused by the contrasting social roles of women and men.
Psychoanalytic theory of gender
stems from Freud's view that preschool children develop a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent, than at 5 to 6 years of age, renounce the attraction because of anxious feelings, subsequently identifying with the same sex parent and unconsciously adopting the same sex parent's characteristics.
Social Cognitive Theory of gender
the idea that children's gender development occurs through observation and imitation, and through rewards, punishment for gender, appropriate and inappropriate behavior
Cognitive Theories
1) Cognitive developmental theory of gender
2) Gender schema theory
Cognitive developmental Theory of Gender
states that children's gender typing occurs after children think of themselves as boy or girl. Once they consistently conceive themselves as male or female, children prefer activities, objects, and attitudes consistent with this label
Gender Schema Theory
states that gender typing emerges as children gradually develop schemas of what is gender appropriate and gender inappropriate in their culture. Children are internally motivated to perceive the world and to act in accordance with their developing schemas.
Gender Sterotypes
are general beliefs about females and males.
examples- men are powerful, women are weak ect...
Broverman Classic study find
in 1970 it assessed which traits and behaviors college students believed where characteristic of females and which they believed were characteristic of males.
Stereotyping & Culture
Males: were widely believed to be dominant, independent, aggressive, achievement oriented, and enduring.
Female: were widely believed to be nurturing, affiliative, less esteemed, and more helpful in times of distress.
Gender Stereotypes and Ethnicity
people link certain characteristics with men and women from different ethnic groups. Thus, people not only may have a stereotype people on the basis of gender and ethnicity.
prejudice and discrimination against and individual because of his or her sex.
Gender Similarities and Differences.
1) physical
2) cognitive
3) socioemotional
Physical Similarities and differences
Women, have about twice the body fat of men, most concentrated around breast and hips. stop growing at puberty, longer life, less likely to develop physical or mental disorders, more resistant to infection, and blood vessels are more elastic
Physical Similarities and differences
Fat is more likely to go to the abdomen, grow 10% taller, have higher levels of stress hormones, which cause faster clotting and higher blood pressure.
Cognitive similarities and differences
MALES: have better math and visuospatial skills
FEMALES: have better verbal abilities than males.
Socioemotional similarities and differences
how males and females relate to each other as people, how they deal with things on an social but emotional matter
Verbal Aggresion
such as yelling, females are often as aggressive or even more aggressive than males
Relational aggression
involves such behaviors as spreading malicious rumors in order to get other to dislike a child or ignoring someone
males usually show less self regulation of emotions and behavior than females, and this self control can translate into behavioral problems.
the presence of a high degree of feminine and masculine characteristics in the same
Bem Sex-Role Inventory:
what are the 4 gender role orientation
1) masculine
2) feminine
3) androgynous
4) undifferentiated
Androgynous individual
is a female or a male who has a high degree of both feminine (expressive) and masculine(instrumental) trates
Feminine individual
is high of feminine (expressive) traits and low masculine(instrumental) traits
Masculine individual
is high on instrumental traits and low on expressive traits
undifferentiated person
is low on both feminine and masculine traits
Gender role transcendence
thinking about ourselves and others as people, not as masculine, feminine, or androgynous.
women's status around the world
in much of the world, people's lives are governed b traditional gender roles that assign a subordinate status to women
Women and Politics
too often women are treated as burdens rather than assets, especially in developing countries, women marry early and quickly have many children
Women and work
work around the world is more limiting and narrow than men;s. more likely to have low pay, low status and little security
women and education
canada, U.S and Russia have the highest percentages of educated women
Ethnic Minority Women in the United States
these women have experienced the double jeopardy of racism and sexism. in addition, women form ethnic minority groups may be especially likely to find themselves caught in a conflict about gender roles.
Asian American Women
the attitudes toward gender roles found in the mainstream culture clash with the traditions of their ancestors.
Women in traditional Mexican families
women assume the expressive role of homemaker and caretaker of children
Women's Psychological Health
face some special stressors because they are women, victims of domestic violence, and rape, women who experience frequent sexism have more symptoms of depression, anxiety and body complaints.
Problem among women
1) dissatisfaction with their bodies leading to
2) cosmetic surgery,
What women do to cope with stress
is reduced when they receive social support, tend to engage in nurturing and protective behaviors that seek alliances with others when faced wit stressful situations
Adjustment Strategies for women
1) recognize your competencies
2) pay attention to developing your self as well as your relationships
3)Don't put up with sexism
Human Sexual response pattern
Master & Johnson Developed this concept to describe 4 phases of physiological responses as
Psychological Health in Women
women face special stressors because they are women,
Victims of domestic violence and rape.
Dissatisfaction with their bodies translates into dieting and other weight control practices.
Adjustment Strategies for Women
1) Recognize you competencies
2) Pay attention to developing your self as well as your relationship
3) don't put up with sexism
Human Sexual response pattern
Masters and Johnson developed this concept to describe four phases of physiological responses as individuals masturbated or had sexual intercourse
1) excitement 2) plateau 3) orgasm 4) resolution
Excitement phase
begins erotic responsiveness, lasts for several minutes to several hours depending on the nature of the sex play.
Plateau phase
is a continuation and heightening of the arousal begun in the excitement phase
Orgasm phase
last only for 3 to 15 seconds. involves an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension and an intense pleasurable feeling.
Resolution phase
in which blood vessels return to their normal state
predominate in females and are produced by the ovaries
predominate in males and are produced by the testes in males and by the adrenal glands in both male and females
are scented substances that are powerful sexual attractants in some animals.
Sexual scripts
Stereotyped patterns of expectancies for how people should behave sexually
Traditional religious script
sex is accepted only within marriage, extramarital sex is taboo, especially for women, sex means reproduction and sometimes affecion.
romantic script
sex is synonymous with love
Gender and sexual motivation
females, more than males, cite bein in loe as he main reason for being sexually active,
Males, the male sexual script emphasizes sexual conquest, higher status tend to accrue to males who can claim substantial sexual activity
Double Standard
a belief that many sexual activities are acceptable for males but are not for females.
Sexual orintation
an enduring attraction toward members of one's own sex (homosexual orientation) or members of the other sex (heterosexual orientation)
sexual fantasies are more likely than gay men's to be personal and romantic,
have fewer sex partners than ay men,
have less permissive attitudes about casual sex and sex outside a primary relationship than gay men.
a person who is sexually attracted to people of both sexes
Sexual Communication
is both verbal and nonverbal
Strategies for Effective Communication in Sexual Relationship
1) Understand that it is normal to feel uncomfortable talking about sex with a partner
2) take responsibility for your sexual needs
3) Learn about your partner's sexual needs
4) criticize constructively
5) handle criticism effectively
6) if you mean no say no
7) pay attention to nonverbal cues
Sexual Myths
1) men need large penis to satisfy a woman
2) male and female orgasm are absolutely necessary for satisfaction
3) that intercourse is the only real sexual act
4) that good sex has to be spontaneous
5) that for men to have questions, doubts or problems with sex is virtual a crime
Sex Education
a large majority of U.S. adolescents say they cannot talk freely about sex with their parents, most U.S. parents prefer to let schools do the job of educating their children about sex. U.S. Sex education typically has focused on the hazards of sex and the need to protect adolescent females form male predators
oral, condoms, diaphragm, spermicides, IUD,Norplant, Depo-provera, Ortho Evra, Preven, Tubal ligation, vasectomy.
Most popular among older adolescents and adults
Pill or diaphragam
Most popular among younger adolescents
most likely to use condoms or withdraw.
Psychosexual dysfunction's
disorders that involve impairments in the sexual response pattern, either in the desire for gratification or the inability to achieve it.
Treatment for Psychosexual Dysfunctions
women are encouraged to enjoy their bodies and engage in self stimulation to orgasm, with a vibrator.
Men are given meds such as Viagra
are psychosexual disorders in which the source of an individual's satisfaction is an unusual object, ritual, or situation.
Types of Paraphilas
Fetishism,transvestism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadism, masochism pedophilia
is a psychosexual disorder in which an individual relies-on inanimate objects or a specific body part for sexual gratification.
is a psychosexual disorder in which an individual obtains sexual gratification by dressing up as a member of the opposite sex
is a psychosexual disorder in which individuals expose their sexual anatomy to others to obtain sexual gratification
is a psychosecual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification from observing the sex organs or sex acts of others, often from a secret vantage point
is a psychosexual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification form inflicting pain on others.
is a psychosexual disorder in which individuals derives exual gratification from being subjected to physical pain inflicted by others or themselves
is a psychosexual disorder in which the sex object is a child and the intimacy involves manipulating the child's genitals
is a disorder of gender identity in which individual has an overwhelming desire to become a member of the opposite sex
Sexually transmitted infections
are disease that are contracted primarily through sexual contact
is an bacterium STI which thrives in the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat, vagina, cervix, urethra, and anal tract, spread by contact between the infected moist membranes of one individual and the membranes of another.
caused by bacterium, spread by penile-baginal, oral genital, or anal contact
caused by bacterium spreads by sexual contact and infects the genital organs of both sexes
Genital Herpes
caused by a large family of viruses with different strains, produce no sexually transmitted infections, there is no cure
Human Papillomavirus
a virus that causes genital warts
caused by the human immunodeficiency virus which destroys the body's immune system
Strategies for protecting against STI's
1) know your and your partner's risk status
2) obtain medical examinations
3) have protected, protected sex
4) don't have sex with multiple partners
is forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not give consent
Date or acquaintance rape
coercive sexual activity directed at someone with whom the victim is at least casually acquainted
Sexual Harassment
takes many forms, remarks, physical contact, to blatant proposition and sexual assaults
sex between people who are close relatives, usually a universal taboo