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33 Cards in this Set

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Corporate Crime
illegal acts committed by corporate employees on behalf of the corporation and with its support
behavior that violates criminal laws and is punishable with fines, jail terms, and other sactions
Criminal Justice system
the more than 55,000 local state, and federal agencies that enforce laws, adjudicate crimes and treat and rehabilitate
the systematic study of crime and the criminal justice system, including the police, corts, and prisons
any behavior belief or condition that violates sygnificant social norms and the society or group in which it occurs
Differential Association Theory
the proposition that individuals have a greater tendency to deviate from societal norms when they frequently associate with persons who are more favorable toward deviance than conformity
Illegilimate opportunity structures
circumstance that provide on opportumity for people to acquire through illigitimate activities what they cannot achieve through legitimate channels
Juvenil delinquency
a violation of law or the commission of a stattus offense by young people
Lable Theory
the proposition that deviants are those people who have been successfully labeled as such by others
Occupational (white collar) crimes
a business operation that supplies illegal goods and services for profit
Political crimes
refers to illegal or unethical act involving the usurpation of power by goverment officials or illegal/unethical acts perpetaited against the goverment by outsiders seeking to make a political statment undermine the goverment or over throw it
Prime Deviance
the process that occurs when a person who has been labled a deviant accepts that new identity and continues the devian behavor
Social Bond Theory
the proposition that the probability of deviant behavior increases when a person's tries to society are weakend or broken
Social Control
systematic practices developed by social groups to encourages conformity and to discourage deviance
Strain Theory
The proposition that people feel strain when they are exposed to cultural goals that they are unable to obtain becouse they do not access to culturally approved means of achieving those goals
the calculated unlawful use of physical force or threats of violence aginst persons or property in order to intimidate or coerce a goverment, orgonization or indiidual for the purpose of gaining some political religious economic, or social objective
Terrtiacy deviance
deviance that occurs when a person who has been labeled a deviant seeks to normalize the behavior by relabeling it as nondeviant
Victimless Crimes
crimes involving a willing exchange of illegal goods or services amoung adults
Violent Crimes
consists of actions murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault involving force or the treat of force against others
What did Derkhim think about devience and social order
he believed it was benificial to have social order
3 things that determan deviance
1) Time
2) Place
3) public consern
Viloation of a social norm
Example of Devience
1) Homside
2) Homophoic
3) Prongraphy
difusion of responibility, a refusal to be come involved
the predjustace agnist gays and lesibian-
10% of U.S. population is Gay.
become harmful when it involves two things
1) Children
2) Viloence
Mental illness when they stop
1) Psychosis-makes break with reality
2) Neurosis-presistant fear and worry about trivial nature
What % of U.S. suffer form some type of mental illness
Why corp. crimes still exists in to day society
1) criminal's non-crimal self image
2) victium's less????????
3) socity's relative unaffected
find this one... does not match up...
Why the poor abuse drugs?
1) furfills the need for status
2) since of structure
3) it helps the user to cope
4) lack of social economic oppontiny in there neighbor hoods
Social Control
attempst by socity to regulate its memebers behavor
Our most prevelent form of social control is
our criminal justice system
Our criminal system composed of 3 parts. what are there?
1) police
2) Court
3) Punishment and corrections