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211 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Ways to know things
tradition (aka tenacity), authority, observation
problems with “knowing”
sometimes our “knowledge” is wrong
we allow “experts” to give us info
types of OHI
Causal reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning
errors in observation
inaccurate observtion, over-generalization, selective observation (streetlight effect), illogical reasoning
Descarte’s dilemma
how do I know anything? what if it’s an hallucination? (and thus the scientific method was born)
Correcting for inaccurate observation
Observe as a conscious, purposeful activity
use instrumentation
Correcting for Over-Generalization
Use sufficiently large samples
replicate results
Correcting for selective observation
specify in advance number and types of observations to be made
pay attention to deviant cases - make sure to notice all the times the streetlight doesn’t change state
Correcting for illogical reasoning
make logical reasoning a conscious, purposeful activity
Name Movements in Epistemology
Pre-Modern, Modern, Post-Modern
Describe Pre-Modern Movement
“Naive realism,” assuming your observation is reflective of the objective truth
Describe Modern Movement
Descarte and his cronies
there is a truth out there, but we can have different opinions (through different observations) that can be misleading
Describe the blind men and the elephant
Thanks! Note that this is an example of the Modern Epistemological Movement
Describe Post-Modern Movement
how do we know there is an objective truth at all? we have a complicated system that makes the world sensible, but it’s not meaningful to assess “truth value”
we make reality through consensus, independent of any objective truth -
The two foundations of scientific research
Logic, Observation (together forming Theory)
the collected understanding of a topic - is different from philosophy because it requires observation, and is different from belief because it requires logic
Describe Variable/Attribute
A variable has attributes... if Variable = Profession, Attribute = plumber, politician, etc...
Different types of research
Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory
Idiographic vs. Nomothetic Research
idiographic - an attempt to find all causal elements in a single case
nomothetic - gives a generalizable (but incomplete) explanation
Inductive vs. Deductive Research
Inductive - start with observations, reason an explanation, develop a theory
deductive - develop a theory, formulate an experiment, observe if results match theory
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
qualitative - description of things as you see them, what was it like in human terms, how did you feel? quantitative - description of amounts
the study of how we know - the theory of knowledge
a “set of instructions” - a constellation of beliefs, values, techniques shared by the members of a given community
“Inventor” of the paradigm shift
Kuhn (in his “Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1970)
Paradigm shift
Kuhn’s concept is that the evidence against one paradigm will build up until the paradigm collapses and makes way for another -- like the Copernican revolution
“Knowledge is Power” - understanding itself is not good enough, we want knowledge that will allow us to manipulate the world around us
Comte’s theory: you can know objective reality
the way is science
Three stages of Positivism
Theological (authority)
Metaphysical (associated with the Enlightenment - philosophical)
Positive (we can change or fix things regardless of doctrine or philosophy - to know, we need something both logically consistent and empirically demonstrable - thus, science
founder of psychology - followed the positivistic condition to form psychology
Problems with positivism
The human factor - we can create models based on rational human behavior, but people just aren’t rational, which is why economic prediction cannot be precise - but we can still predict why a person does not behave rationally (the post-positivistic)
why do we think objectivity is so preferable?
can’t total objectivity lead to exploitation? and objectivity can also obfuscate, by forcing you to ignore other possibly relevant information. and is it even possible for a scientist to be objective? aren’t you showing subjectivity just by selecting a topic to research?
the construction of a deductive theory
pick a topic
inventory knowledge and thought about that topic (literature review)
research what is known about two variables within that topic
create a propositional structure, predicting what is going to happen between the IV and DV
show that a relationship exists between those variables
the construction of an inductive theory
start with a broad question
make observations based on that question
start an open ended inquiry (not making predictions)
make conclusions
another name for inductive theory
grounded theory
informed consent
subject must understand what is being presented - note that the process must be tailored to the participants
Value-Neutral Science
science for science’s sake
Belmont Report
destroyed the idea of value-neutral science
Belmont Report’s Criteria for human-based research
Beneficence (research must benefit science, humanity, and the participants)
Respect (for the autonomy of the participants)
Justice (a fair distribution of costs and benefits among all segments of the population)
Anonymity vs Confidentiality
Anonymity: researcher cannot tie a response to a participant
Confidentiality: researcher can identify the participant, but will keep that information confidential
exploratory research
to satisfy curiosity
to develop methods to be used in a later study
descriptive research
a more systematic presentation of data
making a more exhaustive investigation (than exploratory research)
explanatory research
finding cause
Aristotle’s 4 types of cause
material (what is it made of?)
efficient (our usual idea of cause - action/reaction)
formal (the shape of the thing - what function does it support?)
final (the use - what is the goal?)
Aristotle’s material cause
what is it made of?
Aristotle’s efficient cause
Aristotle’s formal cause
the shape of the thing - what function does it support?
Aristotle’s final cause
the use of the artifact - what is the goal?
Three criteria of Nomothetic Cause
time order (cause comes before effect)
non-spuriousness (no third variable)
necessary cause
something you must have for something else to occur
sufficient cause
if you have it, something will occur
Unit of Analysis
the very thing being studied (tricky)
remember, statistics of a larger group are not the same as the statistics of the individuals
Cross-Sectional Study
study happening at one point in time
Longitudinal Study
takes place over a period of time
could be a Trend, Cohort, or Panel Study
Trend Study
looking at an entire population over a period of time
Cohort Study
looking at a certain subset of people over a period of time
Panel Study
looking at a specific set of people each time over a period of time
deciding how to measure a conceptualized variable
because how do you put a number on, say, social class?
Kaplan’s classes of things to be measured
Direct observables
indirect observables
indirect observables
history books, checkmarks on questionnaires, etc
theoretical creations
based on observations, but cannot be observed directly
IQ, compassion, predjudice
concepts as opposed to real “things”
regarding constructs as real
a sign of the presence of a concept
visiting hospitals for Hanukkah if the concept is compassion, etc.
dimension of a concept
a specifiable aspect of the concept
divisions such as “compassion for humans” vs. “compassion for animals”
Three definitions of a concept
real - not useful
nominal - represents a consensus, is useful for communication
operational - specifies how a concept can be measured - gives you a definition you can test, regardless of how “true” it is
Conceptual Order
nominal definition
operational definition
real-world measurements
Range of Variation
be aware of concealing useful datat by not allowing it to be reported
provide “oppose very much” instead of stopping at “don’t support”
attributes : mutual exclusivity
we must define “employed” and “unemployed” in such a way that no one can be both
attributes : exhaustiveness
offering only “republican” and “democrat” will cause you to miss data from independents, etc.
Nominal Measures
have only exclusivity and exhaustiveness
provide labels for characteristics
allow you to say that two things are the same or are different (but no more)
Ordinal Measures
allows an ordered ranking, but pays no heed to intervals
Interval Measures
allows a measure of distances between attributes
does not allow X = 2Y
often used with an arbitrary scale
Ratio Measures
adds a zero point, allows averages
an idiosyncratic understanding of a real thing - may not line up neatly with actual reality
a shared, intersubjective understanding of a real thing - may not line up neatly with actual reality
Ways to know things
tradition (aka tenacity), authority, observation
problems with “knowing”
sometimes our “knowledge” is wrong
we allow “experts” to give us info
types of OHI
Causal reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning
errors in observation
inaccurate observtion, over-generalization, selective observation (streetlight effect), illogical reasoning
Descarte’s dilemma
how do I know anything? what if it’s an hallucination? (and thus the scientific method was born)
Correcting for inaccurate observation
Observe as a conscious, purposeful activity
use instrumentation
Correcting for Over-Generalization
Use sufficiently large samples
replicate results
Correcting for selective observation
specify in advance number and types of observations to be made
pay attention to deviant cases - make sure to notice all the times the streetlight doesn’t change state
Correcting for illogical reasoning
make logical reasoning a conscious, purposeful activity
Name Movements in Epistemology
Pre-Modern, Modern, Post-Modern
Describe Pre-Modern Movement
“Naive realism,” assuming your observation is reflective of the objective truth
Describe Modern Movement
Descarte and his cronies
there is a truth out there, but we can have different opinions (through different observations) that can be misleading
Describe the blind men and the elephant
Thanks! Note that this is an example of the Modern Epistemological Movement
Describe Post-Modern Movement
how do we know there is an objective truth at all? we have a complicated system that makes the world sensible, but it’s not meaningful to assess “truth value”
we make reality through consensus, independent of any objective truth -
The two foundations of scientific research
Logic, Observation (together forming Theory)
the collected understanding of a topic - is different from philosophy because it requires observation, and is different from belief because it requires logic
Describe Variable/Attribute
A variable has attributes... if Variable = Profession, Attribute = plumber, politician, etc...
Different types of research
Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory
Idiographic vs. Nomothetic Research
idiographic - an attempt to find all causal elements in a single case
nomothetic - gives a generalizable (but incomplete) explanation
Inductive vs. Deductive Research
Inductive - start with observations, reason an explanation, develop a theory
deductive - develop a theory, formulate an experiment, observe if results match theory
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
qualitative - description of things as you see them, what was it like in human terms, how did you feel? quantitative - description of amounts
the study of how we know - the theory of knowledge
a “set of instructions” - a constellation of beliefs, values, techniques shared by the members of a given community
“Inventor” of the paradigm shift
Kuhn (in his “Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1970)
Paradigm shift
Kuhn’s concept is that the evidence against one paradigm will build up until the paradigm collapses and makes way for another -- like the Copernican revolution
“Knowledge is Power” - understanding itself is not good enough, we want knowledge that will allow us to manipulate the world around us
Comte’s theory: you can know objective reality
the way is science
Three stages of Positivism
Theological (authority)
Metaphysical (associated with the Enlightenment - philosophical)
Positive (we can change or fix things regardless of doctrine or philosophy - to know, we need something both logically consistent and empirically demonstrable - thus, science
founder of psychology - followed the positivistic condition to form psychology
Problems with positivism
The human factor - we can create models based on rational human behavior, but people just aren’t rational, which is why economic prediction cannot be precise - but we can still predict why a person does not behave rationally (the post-positivistic)
why do we think objectivity is so preferable?
can’t total objectivity lead to exploitation? and objectivity can also obfuscate, by forcing you to ignore other possibly relevant information. and is it even possible for a scientist to be objective? aren’t you showing subjectivity just by selecting a topic to research?
the construction of a deductive theory
pick a topic
inventory knowledge and thought about that topic (literature review)
research what is known about two variables within that topic
create a propositional structure, predicting what is going to happen between the IV and DV
show that a relationship exists between those variables
the construction of an inductive theory
start with a broad question
make observations based on that question
start an open ended inquiry (not making predictions)
make conclusions
another name for inductive theory
grounded theory
informed consent
subject must understand what is being presented - note that the process must be tailored to the participants
Value-Neutral Science
science for science’s sake
Belmont Report
destroyed the idea of value-neutral science
Belmont Report’s Criteria for human-based research
Beneficence (research must benefit science, humanity, and the participants)
Respect (for the autonomy of the participants)
Justice (a fair distribution of costs and benefits among all segments of the population)
Anonymity vs Confidentiality
Anonymity: researcher cannot tie a response to a participant
Confidentiality: researcher can identify the participant, but will keep that information confidential
exploratory research
to satisfy curiosity
to develop methods to be used in a later study
descriptive research
a more systematic presentation of data
making a more exhaustive investigation (than exploratory research)
explanatory research
finding cause
Aristotle’s 4 types of cause
material (what is it made of?)
efficient (our usual idea of cause - action/reaction)
formal (the shape of the thing - what function does it support?)
final (the use - what is the goal?)
Aristotle’s material cause
what is it made of?
Aristotle’s efficient cause
Aristotle’s formal cause
the shape of the thing - what function does it support?
Aristotle’s final cause
the use of the artifact - what is the goal?
Three criteria of Nomothetic Cause
time order (cause comes before effect)
non-spuriousness (no third variable)
necessary cause
something you must have for something else to occur
sufficient cause
if you have it, something will occur
Unit of Analysis
the very thing being studied (tricky)
remember, statistics of a larger group are not the same as the statistics of the individuals
Cross-Sectional Study
study happening at one point in time
Longitudinal Study
takes place over a period of time
could be a Trend, Cohort, or Panel Study
Trend Study
looking at an entire population over a period of time
Cohort Study
looking at a certain subset of people over a period of time
Panel Study
looking at a specific set of people each time over a period of time
deciding how to measure a conceptualized variable
because how do you put a number on, say, social class?
Kaplan’s classes of things to be measured
Direct observables
indirect observables
indirect observables
history books, checkmarks on questionnaires, etc
theoretical creations
based on observations, but cannot be observed directly
IQ, compassion, predjudice
concepts as opposed to real “things”
regarding constructs as real
a sign of the presence of a concept
visiting hospitals for Hanukkah if the concept is compassion, etc.
dimension of a concept
a specifiable aspect of the concept
divisions such as “compassion for humans” vs. “compassion for animals”
Three definitions of a concept
real - not useful
nominal - represents a consensus, is useful for communication
operational - specifies how a concept can be measured - gives you a definition you can test, regardless of how “true” it is
Conceptual Order
nominal definition
operational definition
real-world measurements
Range of Variation
be aware of concealing useful datat by not allowing it to be reported
provide “oppose very much” instead of stopping at “don’t support”
attributes : mutual exclusivity
we must define “employed” and “unemployed” in such a way that no one can be both
attributes : exhaustiveness
offering only “republican” and “democrat” will cause you to miss data from independents, etc.
Nominal Measures
have only exclusivity and exhaustiveness
provide labels for characteristics
allow you to say that two things are the same or are different (but no more)
Ordinal Measures
allows an ordered ranking, but pays no heed to intervals
Interval Measures
allows a measure of distances between attributes
does not allow X = 2Y
often used with an arbitrary scale
Ratio Measures
adds a zero point, allows averages
an idiosyncratic understanding of a real thing - may not line up neatly with actual reality
a shared, intersubjective understanding of a real thing - may not line up neatly with actual reality
Hermeneutic circle
winnowing down
look at a piece of a larger phenomenon and the conceptualization of that piece changes your conception of the larger construct which leads you to another small piece, etc
range of Variation
size of the spectrum of attributes
variation between extremes
what size gradiations?
how specific does the information need to be?
vs. validity
precision - getting the same results each time
assessing reliability
test-retest method
split-half method
use of established measures
vs. reliability
accuracy - how does it measure up to reality?
categories of validity
face validity
predictive validity
construct validity
content validity
face validity
is it valid on the face of it -- unlike the shoe-size/math skills study?
predictive validity
how well does it actually predict reality?
construct validity
does the measure rate as expected with other variaboes?
content validity
how well does it establish a true understanding?
reliability vs. validity
as reliability rises, validity may decrease.
Nonprobability Sampling
generally no control over representativeness
reliance on available subjects
purposive sampling
snowball sampling
quota sampling
Grounded theory
inductive theory
purposive sampling
aka judgmental sampling
not interested in representativeness
seen in Grounded Theory
a nonprobability technique
snowball sampling
asking subjects to recommend other subjects - useful when you cannot select freely of a, say, secretive group
a nonprobability technique
informant sampling
based on a subject’s willingness to talk - not unlike mafia informants
a nonprobability technique
quota sampling
when you think you know what the larger population looks like, and attempting to choose sample based on percentages in the larger population
a nonprobability technique
probability sampling
attempting to choose samples that wil be representative of the larger population
sampling bias
when the sample does not have the same aggregate characteristics as the larger population
Equal Probability of Selection Method - making you more likely to randomly choose a representative population
the unit of analysis before the actual analysis
aggregate of elements from which the sample is selected (made of theoretical and study populations)
theoretical vs study population
theoretical - the population you’re interested in studying - such as “overweight americans”
study - the population you actually study - such as “overweight americans from the contiguous states”
(Probability Theory)
the actual mean in the population
The Normal Curve
the bell shape curve created when taking enough samples around a value
sampling error
how likely we are right
Standard Error
S = sqrt[(p*q)/n]
in the bell curve, 68% of the population (34% on either side of mean) falls within S
Sampling Frame
the device by which you choose your sample
if you’re picking names out of the phone book, the phone book is the sampling frame
simple random sampling
probability design
everyone gets a number, and you choose subjects randomly based on number
Systematic Sampling
choosing every kth element
k = sampling interval = pop.size/samp.size
sampling ratio = 1/k
a problem with systematic sampling
when the list is arranged in such a way that the systematic sampling gives you a nonrepresentative study
like the sergeants
Sergeant Study
an example of periodicity
in a study of enlisted men, they chose every 10th member of the population for the study, but since there is one sergeant for every 9 privates, only sergeants were chosen, and were thus non-representative
Stratified Sampling
a modification of systematic sampling
organize the sampling frame into layers
Sampling error
how likely we are representing the population
Cluster Sampling
aka multistage cluster sampling
List, Sample, Repeat
correcting for disproportionate sampling
oversample an underrepresented population
weight the result by inverting the resultant data
Physiological IV
inserting a direct physiological element
experience IV
putting a subject in a context
stimulus IV
applying a stimulus to judge effect
unwanted variables
extraneous (confounding)
nuisance variable
extraneous variable
works between groups, moving the control and experimental groups closer or further apart
nuisance variable
spreads out scores within a group - doesn’t really move the distribution around the mean, just makes the curve flatter and wider
ways to measure DVs
measure correctness of responses - questionnaire
measure rate or frequency
latency/duration - how fast the response, how long it lasts
(controlling for unwanted variables)
if everyone has an equal chance you may neutralize the variable
(controlling for unwanted variables)
removing the variable altogether
(controlling for unwanted variables)
distribute the variable evenly among each group
such as spreading gender evenly amongst the subjects - make sure we use both male and female researchers for each subject, for example
(controlling for unwanted variables)
such as correcting for order effects - make sure each subject is exposed to each order, or within groups making sure each order is represented in the research
incomplete counterbalancing
when we don’t have enough subjects to properly counterbalance, randomly selecting sequences in hopes of giving a representation of all possible sequences
Type I Error
Incorrectly rejecting the Null Hypothesis
Type II Error
Incorrectly failing to reject the Null Hypothesis
Significance Level
indicates confidence... .05 confidence level means 95% surety
aka Alpha
Rosenthal Effect
“gifted kids” performed better
Controlling for Experimenter Effects
balancing (difficult)
standardizing (such as giving a script)
Controlling for Experimenter Expectancies
automation - use a machine
single/double blind experiment
Participant Effects
Demand Characteristics
Good participant effect
response bias (yea saying / nay saying)
response set
Controlling for Demand characteristics
double-blind experiment
deception (but IRBs don’t like it)
Controlling for Response Bias
word questions such that “no” is sometimes a positive response
Controlling for Response Set
Be careful about the context - including the wording of questions
pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
-1 to 1
problems with r
restriction of range will limit data
curvelinear plots can’t be described with r