Thomas Kuhn's Paradigm Theory

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Paradigms “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” introduced Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm theory. Paradigms describe the scientific observations of a natural phenomenon or theory (Kuhn 2012, 41). Thomas Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” provides a philosophical look into the scientific process and an understanding of how theories change and progress over time. Paradigms help explain theories, concepts, and observations so they can be learned from (Kuhn 2012, 43). Kuhn himself defines paradigms by using two criteria: “Sufficiently unprecedented to attract and enduring group of adherents” and “they are open-ended, with plenty of problems for the “redefined group of practitioners to resolve (Kuhn, 2012, Introductory essay).” Under …show more content…
The fields of humanities and social sciences also subscribe to paradigms. Although originally limited to natural science, paradigms add understanding to cultural models when applied to other disciplines. As Kuhn described, a period of crisis exists to launch a new paradigm. Currently, the health care paradigm brings significant debate. An evolution of ideas and conflict over scarce resources, demands a paradigm shift from the current model of health care. While a paradigm stresses the need for universal access to health care, a new shift exists that demands the need for a new world view towards the debatable topic. Limited resources and proper management of health care programs, restricts a country’s ability to sustainably provide health care to all the world’s inhabitants (Maestad 2012, 1836). One new model emphasizes turning sick societies dependent on expensive medical procedures and medications, towards a holistic approach that emphasizes healthy living and preventative strategies (Hunter 2008, …show more content…
The social science paradigm of universal health care challenges human behaviors that affect health instead of a dependency on medical treatment. Kuhn’s theory is expanded towards social science even despite his original intentions (Kuhn 2012, 207). Furthermore, Kuhn discusses that other disciplines, such as art, history, music, and human activity, follow periods of development, similar to the tools utilized by science (Kuhn 2012, 208). Since Kuhn’s paradigms describe scientific observations of natural phenomenon and the changing of those theories over time, taking an interdisciplinary approach can extend those principles towards social science and

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