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29 Cards in this Set

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General Characteristic of Protozoan

- Unicellular

- Eukaryotic

- Lack Cell Wall

- Pellicle: extension of cell membrane (Thick elastic) prevents osmotic shock

- Contractile vacuole: Helps remove water to prevent osmotic shock

- 98% are saprophytes

- 2% Pathogenic

- Cytoplasm: 2 types

-Endoplasm: Thick supports organelles

-Ectoplasm: H2O like flows fast for pseudopods collecting food ie phagocytosis

-Macro-nucleus: controlls asexual reproduction and controls all cellular activity

-Micro-nucleus:optional sexual reproduction (mixing of genes) via conjugation tube

What are the 2 forms of Trophozoites?

1) Trophozoite Form:

a. All protozoans have it "active form"

b. Causes disease like symptoms

c. Vegetative Form

2) Cyst:

a. Most but not all protozoans have a cyst

b. Thick walled highly resistance to chemicals, drying out, UV light, ect

c. Forms during adverse occurrence

d. Dormant

c. Method of transmission

d. Becomes Vegetative when optimal conditions are met

Phylum Amoebozoa



-Locomotion Amoebpid movement

-pseudopods fasle feet


-NO parrticular shape


ie Radiolaria (silicon dioxide)


foraminifera (Calcium carbonate)

Amoeba proteus

(non pathogen)

Free living saprophyte

Entamoeba gingivalis

(non pathogen)

Commensal in mouth

Entamoeba histolytica


Disease; Amoebic dysentary/Amoebiasis

-Transmission Food and water born (oral-fecal route)

-Ingestion of cysts

-Symptoms; spread in colon cause erosion in colon until it ruptures and causes sepsis or perionitis

Entamoeba coli

(Non Pathogen)

Commensal in Mouth

Iodamoeba butchlii


-Disease; Gastroenteritis (dysentery)

-Transmission; Food and water born oral fecal route ingestion of cysts

Endolimax nana


Disease; Gastroenteritis

-Food and water born oral fecal route

ingestion of cysts

Naegleria fowleri


(Only dimorphic Amoeba)

Disease;Meningoencephalitis (brain eating amoeba)

-Transmission; Swimming, Enters through nasal mucous to meninges and brain


25C=Amoeba (Amoeba)

37C=Flagellate (Eugenozoa)

Phylum; Ciliates


-Oval shaped or pear

-Most structurally advanced phylum extremely complex cell

-Asexual reproduction (fission) through Macronucleus

-Macronucleus controls daily cellular activity

-Sexual reproduction using the micro nucleus (mitosis and meiosis)

-Conjugation; joining of two cells (conjugation tube)

-exchange of micronucleus between two different cells

-Fusion of new micornucleus and old macronucleus meiosis and mitosis

-Result is mixture of genes

Paramecium caudatum

Non Pathogenic

slipper appearance

Balantidium coli


-Only ciliate that is pathogenic to humans

-Largest protozoan

-Habitat-Colon of humans and swine

-Gastroenteritis/Dysentery (may enter cerebral spinal fluid)

Transmission-oral fecal route

-Diagnosis ID; Cysts in feces

-Treatment; Metronidazole/Flagyl

Trophozoite =50-100microns

Trophozoite =50-100microns


Flagellates Phylum Euglenozoa, Phylum Diplomonads, Phylum Parabasalid

Structure; Pear shape, or spindle Shape


asexual (Fission) and sexual (Gametes) reproduction

Euglena species

(Non Pathogenic)

Nutrition;Chemoorganothroph and Phototrophs(Chloroplast)

-Eye Spot- organelle that sense light


Disease Giardiasis (Massive diahrea)

-Symptoms; diahrea

-Selfl limiting disease

-transmission; oral fecal route

-treat with Metronidazole/Flagyl

Parabasalids (flagellates)

Trichomonas vaginalis


Disease;STD Trichomoniasis

-undulating membrane

-No cysts formation only trophozoite

-transmission Sexual contact

-Symptoms; Male asymptomatic

-Female Vaginitis Yellow green discharge

-Diagnosis; by wet mount on dishcarge

Treatment Metronidazole/Flagyl

Trypanosoma gambiense


Trypanosoma rhodesiense

Disease African sleeping sickness

-Most Serious Flagellate disease

-Undulating membrane (and flagelle)

-Transmission; Bite of Tsetse Fly

-Sexual phase Definitive host vertebrae / or other mammal

-Asexual phase; intermediate Host Tsetse Fly

-Pathology;Trypanosomes Lethargy, coma, death

Trypanosoma cruzi


-Chaga's disease

-South america, Central America, and Texas

-undulating membrane

Animal reservoir is rodents

-transmission;bite by bug reduviid bug/ bedbug/ kissing bug

-Bug releases Trypanosoma cruzi in feces which enters bite wound portal of entry to blood stream and can cause

-Fatal myocarditis and encephalitis

no form of treatment



-Non motile

All species are pathogens

-Obligate intracellular parasites

-Complexes apicomplexa

Plasmodium species are

P. vivax, P.malariae, P.ovale, P.falciparum (Most dangerous)

Disease name is Malaria

Vector;Female mosquito

Complex life cycle -Two host

Asexual Phase -in humans

Sexual Phase-in Mosquitos

Schizogony life cycle in humans

(same for all species in 24hrs intervals)

A.Release of Merozoites from red blood cells

B.Release toxic waste products into human bloodstream

C.Causes high fever and chills (104-105F)

Hemolytic anemia lysed RBC's enlarged organs, spleen, liver, kidneys from excessive cellular debris, pulmonary failure


-Plasmodium falciparum may cause renal failure and encephalitis.

Treatment 3 only




Taxoplama gondii

Definitive host; House cat

-intermediate host; Humans

Transmission; ingestion of Oocyst in cat feces oral fecal route

Sporozoites develope

inside the host Tissue Cell

-Adult infection; Mild symptoms of disease

Congenital Infection; Mother to fetus

Tachyzoites cross placenta cause severe brain damage and blindness, and death

Pregnant women should avoid cleaning cat litter box

Cryptosporidium parvum

Disease Cryptosporidosis

transmission; water contaminated with Oocysts oral fecal route.

From animal live stock

-Chlorine not effective

-Gastroenteritis/diarrhea 24 hour flu

Can be fatal to AIDS patients


- Equal division of cytoplasm followed by multiple division of cytoplasm and mitosis


is nuclear division and produces two identical daughter cells


cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells.

Binary Fission

is the division of a single entity into two


Phagocytosis: Engulfing or eating of foreign material not dissolved in water ie bacteria Cell eating via pseudopods (false feet)

Pinocytosis / Endocytosis:

Soluble material, using infolding or invagination of cell membrane

- Cell Drinking