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17 Cards in this Set

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Open Innovation

idea generation method that opens up the floor to customers, stakeholders, the government, etc


idea generation method where you observe people in their natural environment


idea generation method in which you compare your product to the best-in-class

Reverse Engineering

idea generation method in which you disassemble a competitor's product to improve your own


continuous experimentation to create a working model of a product or service

Simplification vs Standardization

reducing the number of parts used in a product vs using commonly available and interchangeable parts


combining standardized building blocks to create a wide variety of finished product

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA)

designing a product so it can be manufactured easily and economically -> multiple uses for parts

Concurrent design

design method that involves simultaneous design of products and processes by design teams

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

using computers to aid in the design of a product (3D)

-lower overall cost, improves safety and quality, reduces inventories

Design for Environment (DFE)

designing a product from material that can be recycled

Life cycle Analysis (LCA)

examines environmental impacts of all stages of a product, service, etc


disassembly of used products including cleaning, repairing, refurbishing worn-out/defective components for resale

process: disassembly, cleaning, repair, reassembly

Challenges to the future of design

- diverse economy

- utilizing labor efficiently while making a social impact

- safe, easy to use, easily assembled products

- increasing the # of radical innovations

The Design Process

1. idea generation

2. feasibility study

3. prototyping

4. form and functional design

5. production design

How concurrent design aids in the design process

- involves suppliers

- improves quality of early design decisions

- incorporates production processes

Challenges of remanufacturing

- can be hazardous in some industries

- can be expensive

- requires cooperation of other supply chain peeps

- lack of incentives and product volumes