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46 Cards in this Set

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the characteristics that enable the body to perform physical activity;more broadly, the ability to meet routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to rise to a physical challenge; or the body's ability to withstand stress of all kinds
physically inactive
Physical Activity
bodily movement produced by muscle contractions that substantially increase energy expenditure
planned, structured, and repetitive body movements that promote or maintain physical fitness
What are some benefits of being physically fit?
1) restful sleep
2) nutritional health
3) optimal body composition
4) Optimal bone density
5) resistance to colds and other infectious diseases
6) low risks of some types of cancers
7) strong circulation and lung function
8) low risk of cardiovascular disease
9) low risk of type 2 diabetes
10) reduced risk of gallbladder disease in women
11) low incidence and severity of anxiety and depression
12) strong self-image
13) long life and high quality of life in later years
the capacity of the joints to move through a full range of motion; the ability to bend and recover without injury
Muscle strength
the ability of muscles to work against resistance
Muscle endurance
the ability of a muscle to contact repeatedly without becoming exhausted
Cardiorespiratory endurance
the ability to perform large-muscle, dynamic exercise of moderate-to-high intensity for prolonged periods
the physical effect of training; improved flexibility, strength, and endurance
practicing an activity regularly, which leads to conditioning
Fill in the blank - ____is what you do; ____ is what you get in regards to fitness
Progressive overload principle
the training principle that a body system, in order to improve, must be worked at frequencies, durations, or intensities that gradually increase physical demands
the number of occurrences per unit of time; i.e. the number of activity sessions per week
the degree of exertion while exercising; i.e. the amount of weight lifted or the speed of trianing
length of time; i.e. the time spent in each activity session
growing larger; with regard to muscles, an increase in size (and strength) in response to use
becoming smaller; with regard to muscles, a decrease in size (and strength) because of disuse, undernutrition, or wasting diseases
5 to 10 minutes o light activity, such as easy jogging or cycling, prior to a workout to prepare the body for more vigorous activity
5 to 10 minutes of light activity, such as walking or stretching, following a vigorous workout to gradually return the body's core to near-normal temperature
Moderate exercise
activity equivalent to the rate of exertion reached when walking at a speed of 4 miles per hour
VO2 Max
the maximum rate of oxygen consumption by an individual at sea level
cardiorespiratory conditioning
improvements in heart and lung function and increased blood volume, brought about by aerobic training
cardiac output
the volume of blood discharged by the heart each minute; determined by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate
stroke volume
the amount of oxygenated blood the heart ejects toward the tissues at each beat
How do you calculate cardiac output?
stroke volume (volume/beat) x heart rate (beats/minute)
Weight training or Resistance Training
the use of free weights, weight machines, or the person's own body weight to provide resistance for developing muscle strength and endurance.
what is CP and abbreviation for?
creatine phosphate
Creatine Phosphate
a high-energy compound in muscle cells that acts as a reservoir of energy that can maintain a steady supply of ATP; it provides the energy for short bursts of activity
ATP and Creatine are combined to form what at rest?
Creatine Phosphate
Carbohydrate Loading
a regimen of moderate exercise followed by the consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet that enables muscles to store glycogen beyond their normal capacities
What happens when the rate of glycolysis exceeds the capacity of the mitochondria to accept hydrogens with their electrons for the electron transport chain?
the accumulating pyruvate molecules are converted to lactate
Sports Anemia
a transient condition of low hemoglobin in the blood, associated with the early stages of sports training or other strenuous activity
an above-normal body temperature
Heat stroke
a dangerous accumulation of body heat with accompanying loss of body fluid
a below-normal body temperature
hourly sweat rate
the amount of weight lost plus fluid consumed during exercise per hour
a decreased concentration of sodium in the blood
Glucose polymers
compounds that supply glucose, not as single molecules, but linked in chains somewhat like starch; the objective is to attract less water from the body into the digestive tracts
What are the symptoms of dehydration and heat stroke?
1) Headache
2) Nausea
3) Dizziness
4) Clumsiness
5) Stumbling
6) Sudden cessation of sweating
7) Confusion or other mental changes
What are the symptoms of hyponatremia?
1) severe headache
2) vomiting
3) bloating, puffiness from water retention (shoes tight, rings tight)
4) confusion
5) seizure
What are some benefits of cardiorespiratory conditioning?
1) increases cardiac output and oxygen delivery
2) increases stroke volume
3) slows resting pulse
4) increases breathing efficiency
5) improves circulation
6) reduces blood pressure
What factors affect the fuel mixture your body uses during an activity?
1) Diet (available glycogen stores)
2) Intensity and duration of training (fat used during moderate, long workouts; glucose during short)
3) Training (more fit, the more glycogen your muscles store)
What is the difference between iron deficiency anemia and sports anemia?
Sports anemia occurs a true iron-deficiency anemia, strenuous aerobic activity promotes destruction of older, fragile red blood cells which reduces the bloods iron content temporarily; it also expands the blood's plasma volume; number or size of red blood cells does not change
The process that regenerates glucose from lactate is known as what?
the Cori cycle
Conditioned muscles rely less on ____ and more on ___ for energy.