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9 Cards in this Set

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Ascendancy of a class (social, political, ideological). Ability to convince other classes to see the world in the same way


People who went to private school:

-65% judges

-59% civil service

-57% house of lords

Key ideas

Capitalism: the historical development of capitalist and labouring classes

Class: an individual’s position in system of production relations

Access to schools, healthcare and utilities is often determined by socioeconomic position


- Social world analysed in totality

- Materialist conception of history, historical change is a reflection of economic development

- Tension between means of production and relations of production

- Class conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat


- Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism

- There are a core set of countries (eg colonial powers) exploiting peripheral states

- Gender oppression is similar to class oppression

Semi peripheral states

States subservient to core countries but occupy a middle ground.


- Why is revolution so difficult in Western Europe?

- Hegemony is imposed by coercion or fear by ruling classes

- Civil society must engage in counter-hegemonic struggle

Critical theories

- Concerned with ethics, security and international society

- Focus on superstructures, legal and political systems, cultures and institutions

- Working classes are now part of system, have been absorbed by it

- Emancipation: through radical democracy, all parts of society overcome barriers


- The spread of market economy and capitalist values after cold was

- Class structure more complex that dichotomy

- Communist revolutions in Eastern Europe did not bring more equality