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23 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of a Social Movement (5)

- Informal grouping of people.

- Flexible tactics, loosely coordinated.

- Have some sort of leadership group.

- Organized against something.

-Draws energy from civil society.

Tactics of a Social Movement (4)

- Make noise

-Civil Disobedience

-Ask Questions


Difference between Social Movements, Interest groups, and political parties.

- Social movements are less structured, organized

-Interest groups seek to influence policy, more structured

-Political parties seek seats of power, most structured

Why are there more social movements?

- Question framing

- Social media

- Interest groups and political parties aren't getting it done

- Good timing

Advantages of Informal Organization (3)

- Can be nimble in defining and framing their issues

- Can change tactics quickly and be opportunistic

- Global networking and partnership

Disadvantages of Informal Organization (3)

- Weak staff structure

- Less resources

-Not enough longevity (govts. know this)

Major characteristics of Parliamentary Govt. (4)

A body of govt. (parliament)

- elected by citizens

- the only elected body in the state

- Bills passed by this group are the supreme law of the land.

- Is the executive power

Advantages of Parliamentary Govt. (3)

- Because the executive and legislative branches are united it makes policy making quick.

- Majority control

- Policy making responsibility clear

Disadvantages of Parliamentary Govt. (3)

- Fewer minority protections (they can feel vulnerable & ignored)

- Non regular turnover can cause instability

- Added problems with a minority cabinet

The Delegate v. The Trustee Model

Delegate Model: Reps regard themselves as speaking for the people so voting how they people want them to.

Trustee Model: Reps are expected to know more about policy than gen. pop. so they vote how they want to.

Major Characteristics of Presidential System (2)

- President is constitutionally independent of the legislature.

-Legislature and executive branches are independent and are elected separately.

Advantages of the Presidential System (3)

- Since there is one leader they don't have to consult with everyone.

-Tighter party discipline.

-Different types of leaders.

Disadvantages of the Presidential System (3)

- Unclear policy responsibility

- Less adaptable to new issues

- Harder to remove top issues

What is public administration?

A set of people who are not involved directly in the making of major political decisions - but who implement the policies. Elected officials are not public administrators.

(ex: IRS agents, school teachers)

What are some characteristics of "good" public administration? (6)


- Translates



- Responsive

-Not Arbitrary


How has the system of international politics evolved since WW2? (2)

- Two new powers (the USA and the USSR) arose to fill the power vacuum.

- No more European rule (decolonization).

How has the system of international politics evolved since the Cold War? (5)

- Emergence of NGOs and IGOs

-Interdependence among states

-No more bipolar system

-Economies shifted to open markets (made them more alike)

-International crime court

What are the main characteristics of an International System? (3)

- No central authority

- Fiduciary political roles

-Issues of communication

What are the three main institutions of international politics after WW2 (& briefly describe)

United Nations: Organization of 193 states, acts as a body of authority but has no police force or army to enforce decisions.

World Bank: Provides loans for developing countries for capital programs.

IMF (International Monetary Fund): Organization of 189 countries that helps facilitate international trade, provide financial stability, and reduce poverty.

Describe Bipolar, Unipolar, and Multipolar systems.

Bipolar: Two main states (other states pick a side), each state tries to preserve balance, nuclear deterrence theory.

Unipolar: Hegemonic stability theory (international system more stable with one dominant world power), hegemon must be willing to pay the price.

Multipolar: Many states have power, diplomacy, alliances

Describe Hard vs. Soft Power.

Hard Power:

- A state's military power determines it's overall power in international politics.

-An armed force will fight better on home soil.

- Economic sanctions.

Soft Power:

- Diplomacy

- Reputation

What is diplomacy?

- Conducting politics with other states peacefully.

-Ambassadors conduct high level politics in other states and gather information.

- Use of power may range from persuasion to coercion.

Name the three challenges to the state and briefly describe them.
