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36 Cards in this Set

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-increase rate of reaction
-do not change nature of reaction
-are not consumed
activation energy
-initial input energy required to start reaction
-allows molecules to get close enough to react and form products
ways to overcome activation energy
-large amounts of heat, enzymes to lower it (then small amounts of heat can push it forward)
How enzymes work
-substrates brought closer together so they can react
-each active site has a characteristic conformation or shape that is specific for a particular substrate
-ability of enzymes to lower energy requirement is due to structure
enzyme activity dependent on
temp, ph, salt conc
effect of temp
increase rate of reaction until a few degrees above body temp, then enzyme denatured
effect of ph. Where enzymes found, ph
ph optimum- peak activty within narrow range due to changes in enzyme shape
-reflects where enzyme is found in (pepsin 2-3 stomach, salivary amylase (6-7), trypsin (8-9) small intestine
effects of salt concentration
-if concentration close to 0, charged amino acid side chaines will attract to another
-if concentration high, normal interaction of charged groups will be blocked
-(both the enzyme will denature and form preticipate)
-inorganic ions may interact with active site by distrupting the H binding to the surround ionic residues
transports H atoms and small molecules between enzymes (derive from water-soluble vitamins)
help form active site through a conformation change of the enzyme or help in enzyme substante binding (metal ions such as Ca2+,Mg2+,Mn2+,Cu2+,Zn2+
ingestion, mastication, deglutination (swallowing), peristalsis, segmentation (churning/mixing)
exocrine- digestive enzymes, acid, mucus. endocrine: hormones to regulate digestion
immune barrier
simple columar epithelium with tight junctions which prevent swallowed pathogens from entering body
Carbohydrates begins in the mouth___, starch digestion begins in the __ by (enzyme). Ends?
mouth,mouth, salivary amylase, additional starch digestion continues in small intestine by pancreatic amylase
protein digestion begins in the ___, list types of cells
stomach. Goblet, cheif, parietal cells
goblet cells
secrete mucous, protects against autodigestion of epithelium
cheif cells
secretes pepsinogen (inactive enzyme), which is activated to pepsin by HCl and by pepsin itself by in postiive feedback mechanism
-Zymogen- inactivate enzyme precursor that requires biochem activation
parietal cells
secrete HCl (activated pepsin, pH (1.5-3.5) denatures protein in food, and kills many bacterial
-intrinsic factor: glycoprotein required for absorption of vitamin B12 in small intestine
protein --> large polypeptides
pepsin from stomach glands in presence of Hcl, to stomach, amino acids are absorbed by cotransport with sodium ions
large polypeptides--> small polypeptides/small peptides
from pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, chmotrypsin, carboxpeptidase), to small intestine
small polypeptides/peptides--> amino acids (somedipeptides, tripeptides)
brush border enzymes (aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, dipeptidase), to small intestine
Path of absorption Amino acids
1) amino acids are absorbed by cotransport with sodium ions 2) some dipeptides/tripeptides are absorbed via cotransport with H ions and hyddrolyzed to amino acids within cells 3) Amino acids leave the epithilial cells by facilitated diffusion, enter the capillary blood in the villi, and are trasnported to the liver via the hepatic portal vein
Lipid digestion begins in the ____ and completed in the ____ by _____
small intestine, small intestine, pancreatic lipase
Small intestine Villi
motile fingerlike entensions of mucosa, simple columnar epithelium and goblet cells
small intestine microvilli
-projections (brush border) of absorptive cells
-contains brush border enzymes,
Lipid digestion steps
1) emulsification of fat drolets by bile salts 2) hydrolysis of triglycerides in emulsified fat droplets into fatty acid and monoglycerides 3)dissolving of fatty acids and monoglycerides into miscelles to produce mixed micelles
large intestine
absorption of water, electrolytes, vit K, B vitamins
-production of vitamin k, b vitamins via microbial organisms (microflora necesary for synthesis of Vit K, Vit B, Folic acid) -Storage of feces -No digestion occurs
Salivary amylase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
mouth, saliva, starch, maltose, 6.7
pepsin (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
stomach, gastric glands, protein, shorter polypeptides, 1.6-2.4
pancreatic amylase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
duodenum, pancreatic juice, starch, maltose/maltriose/oilgosaccharides, 6.7-7
trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intestine, pancreatic juice, polypeptides, amino acid/di/tripeptides, 8.0
pancreatic lipase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intestine, pancreatic juice, triglycerides, FA/monoglycerides, 8.0
maltase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intest, brush border of epithelial cells, maltose, glucose, 5-7
sacrase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intest, brush border, sucrose, glucose + fructose, 5-7
lactase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intest, brush border, lactose, glucose + galactose, 5.8-6.2
aminopeptidase (site, source, substrate, product, ph)
small intest, brush border, polypeptides, amino acids/di/tripeptides, 8.0