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25 Cards in this Set

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What is a solenoid

Coil of wire that acts as a magnet when electrical current passes through it.

What is a uniform field

When the magnetic field lines are the same distance apart from each other.

How can we nake the magnetic field stronger?

By increasing the current.

By changing the wire into coil.

Add more coil.

Using soft iron core within the solenoid.

Electrical current?

Flow of electric charge

What determines the strength of the magnetic field lines around a current carrying wire.

The distance from the wire.

The magnitude of the current flowing through the wire.

What is an electromagnet?

A solenoid with an iron core

Why is iron core used as the core for a transformer?

Its easily magnetised

Induced magnet

A meterial that becomes magnetic when placed into a magnetic field.

What is permanent magnet?

Produces its own magnetic field.

What is Magnetic field

The region sorrounding a magnet where another magnet or a magnetic meterial experiences a non contact force.


Part of a magnet where magnetic forces are strongest.

What does a magnetic compass contain

Small bar magnet that points in the direction of thr earth magnetic field.

Difference between permenant magnet and induced magnet?

Permenant magnetic produces its own magnetic field.

Induced magnet becomes magnetic when placed in a magnetic field

What happens when two different poles are Brought close to each other.

They attract.

What is produced when current flows through a conducting wire?

A magnetic field is produced around the wire

What happens when an induced magnet is removed from a magnetic field.

It losses all/most of its magnetism.

What type of force does induced magnetism always cause.?

Force of attraction.

In what direction does a magnetic field point?

North to south

At which part of magnet are the magnetic force the strongest?

In the poles of the magnet

Four examples of magnetic materials.

Cobalt, nickel, steel, iron

Describe the magnetic field found inside a solenoid

Strong and uniform

What happens when two magnets are brought close to each other?

They excert a force on each other

What happens when two same poles are Brought close together.

They repel.

What can always be said about the force between a magnet and a magnetic material.

It is always attractive.

What do scientists think is the cause of the earth's magnetic field?

The fact that the earth has a magnetic field tell that the earth's core is Magnetic.

The north pole of the magnetic pole points in the North Pole of earth. That is first suprising because two same poles can't attract,however magnets north poles is accually earths south pole.