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22 Cards in this Set

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Why study physical activity, health and wellness?

1. We have evolved to be physically active

2. Our environment no longer fulfills our needs to physical activity

3. Being sedentary has negative consequences on our health and lead to younger death rate

4. Delays generative diseases

Reason humans have evolved to be active

Gain muscle. Respond well to physical demands

Negative health outcomes if we aren't active

Our survival depending on it

We were meant to move!

The epidemiological transition

Pestilence and famine

-Large mortality rate & infections disease

Receding pandemics

- improvements in public health and sanitization lead to reduction of infectious diseases

Degenerative and man made disease

- life expectancy increases but disease of lifestyle increase

Delayed degenerative disease

- diseases of lifestyle still prevalent but treatment improves

Physically activity def

Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in an increase in metabolic rate over resting energy expenditure, only one component of our total energy intake (1/4)

Types of PA

Leisure time pa



Physical fitness (2 types)

Relates to an individual having the necessary characteristics to perform a give task

Performance related -athletic ability

Health related-daily task

Health def through history

Early concept - holistic

Early western - focused on physical

- 1990 introduced mental health (although physical and mental still very separate)

- focused on illegal heath and absence of diseases

Modern - health as well being , holistic

Health modern def

A state of physically, mental, and social well being not just the absence of disease.

Health vrs wellness?

Health - a state of complete mental, physically and social well being.

Wellness - state of good health

- states of living healthy

- concept describing a state of positive health in an individual

Self reporting measure

Most widely used


Memory recall issues

People overestimate PA

Self report methods

Rating for Perceived excertion scale (RPE) 6-20

PA records

Good for semi detailed infor


Cumbersome, prone to bias, reactive


Easy to distribute

Good for large scale

But, prone to recall errors

How to maximize recall

Provid example of intensity

Provid preamble

Electronic survey (allow for anonymity)

Measurement reactivity

When people increase their PA due to self monitoring


Objective measures of PA

Reactive concerns- blind participants

Provide direst measure of intensity and duration and not subject to memory errors and bias


Expensive and cumbersome

Types of objective measurement

Heart rate monitor

Pedometers (provides # of steps)

Accelerometers (detects acceleration of limp)

GPS (speed, slope, location, duration)

Self report vrs objective measure

Practical considerations

Stage of research

None will be perfect!


Using the scientific method to study

1. Distribute of diseases

2. Descriptive info to identify RF

3. Prevent of said disease through modifying said RF

John Snow

Father of epidemiology

4 main designs of research of epidemiology

1. Cross sectional survey

2. Case control studies

3. Prospective cohort studies

4. Randomized clinical trails

Cross sectional

Measure RF and presence of disease at the same time

Good for generating hypothesis but not for testing

Quick and easy

Lack of temporal relationship precludes conclusion about causation.

Case control studies

People with disease are chosen and then matched with someone with similar traits but without the disease

Retrospective study

Good for studying rare, slow progressing disease

Subject to recall bias



Creators game or little brother of war