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72 Cards in this Set

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Structures of the Breast

Glandular Tissue (Lobes, Lobules, Lactiferious ducts)

Fibrous Tissue (Connective Tissue)

Adipose Tissue (Fat)

Axillary tail of Spence

Lymph Nodes

Axillary Nodes
central, pectoral, subcapular, lateral
Lymph Vessels
Carry lymph and WBC
Deals with immunity
Lymph Nodes
Filters substances to fight infection
Deals with immunity (Infection Control)
Acute Bacterial Mastitis
Signs of acute inflammation in breast during lactation
Deals with breastfeeding
Breast Absess
Fever, malaise, breast tenderness, decreased milk flow, nipple discharge
Deals with Infectious symptoms & lactation
Periductal Mastitis
Nipple discharge, mass, nipple retraction
Deals with nipples
Mastalgia: What is it?

Types of Pain?

Breast Infection

Cyclic Pain: response to monthly changes in estrogen pain

Non-cyclic Pain: Breast biopsy & arthritic pain

Hormone responses

Breast exam to evaluate pain

Treatment of Breast Infections
- limit sodium

- decrease caffiene

- pain relief drugs

- diuretics to decrease excess fluid

- Vitamins

- Cyst. aspiration

- Maintain ideal weight

Cyst. Aspiration: needle & syringe inserted to drain and diagnose breast cyst.
Male Bilateral Gynecomastia

What is it?

Treatment Options?

Male breasts due to hormone imbalance (Estrogen > Testosterone)

Treatment: - Meds & Surgery

- Stop rec. drugs

Man titties
Lung Sounds


I - observe equal bilateral raise

P - assess lung consolidation, fluid & tissue build up in pleural

P - listen for resonant (over lung tissue) & dull sounds (bone)

A - listen to lung sounds

What is normally found through lung assessment
Lung Sounds
Normal sounds = soft & low pitched

Crackles (Fine) = popping, high-pitched

Crackles (Hoarse) = popping, loud low-pitched

Wheeze (High/Low-pitched)

Name the 5 common lung sounds assessed
Vertical Diameter

Muscle of Respiration

Lengthens/shortens with the movement of the diaphragm through inspiration
Deals with breathing
Anteroposterior Diameter
Muscle of Respiration

Moves up or down with movement of ribs on expiration

Deals with breathing

What is it?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Obstructive lung disease, chronically poor airflow

S&S - shortness of breath, sputum production, cough

Deals with lungs & breathing
S&S of Heart Failure
- dilated pupils

- skin: pale, gray, cyanosis

- dyspnea (shortness of breath)

- Orthopnea (difficulty breathing, when laying flat)

- crackles, wheeze

- decreased B/P

- nausea/vomitting

- Edema

- Anxiety

- Confusion

- decreased O2 sat

- Fatigue

- decreased urine output

Tactile Fremitus

What is it? Most intense?

Vibration felt on chest when speaking low

Most Intense: right second intercostal space (Interscapular)

Deals with chest assessment
tmypanic sound, air stretching across pleural space
Deals with breathing & lung sounds
Pleural Effusion
dampened/muffled sounds, fluid between pleural membranes
Deals with breathing & lung sounds
Chest Type (Barrel)
Deep broad chest
Chest Type (Scoliosis)
Spine curvature
Chest Type (Pigeon)
Chest sticks out
Heart Assessment

All Pigs Eat Too Much

A = Aortic area

P = Pulmonic area

E = Erb's point

R = Mitral area

T = Tricuspid area

Order of heart auscultation
Blood Flow through Heart

Right Side: Vena cava -> R/A -> R/V -> Tricuspid -> pulmonary artery (Lungs for oxygenation)

Left Side: Pulmonary vein -> L/A -> Mitral -> Aortic valve

Path of Blood through Heart (Left & Right)
Heart Disease

Preventable Risks

- increased B/P

- increased cholesterol

- Diabetes

- Alcohol

- Smoking

- Stress

- Physical inactivity

Lifestyle/Diet factors
Heart Disease

Non-Preventable Risks

- Age

- Gender

- Family history

- Ethnicity

- History of strokes

Biological factors
Heart Sounds
S1 = Mitral & Tricuspid valves closing (LUBB)

S2 = Aortic & pulmonary valves closing (DUBB)

S3 = ventricular gallop, signal cardiac problems

S4 = Presystolic gallop, sound of blood rushing into stiff ventricle

4 common heart sounds
Heart Pacemaker

What is it? Identify it's parts

- regulates HR & rhythm

- treats arrhythmia if drugs don't work

Two Parts:

- Leads - transmits electrical impulses to heart muscle

- Pacemaker - generates electrical impulses

Deals with the heart & arrhythmia
hardening of the arteries, increases B/P
Deals with B/P & Arteries
Aging & Artheriosclerosis
- arteries more rigid with age

- intramuscular calf veins enlarge (Varicose Veins)

- size of lymph nodes decreases

- Prolonged bedrest/sitting increases risk for DVT

As we age we decompose
build up of fat, cholesterol & other substances in the arteries
Deals with arteries
Edema Scale
1+ Mild pitting, slight indentation, no perceptible swelling of leg

2+ Moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly

3+ Deep pitting, indentation, lasts short time

4+ Very deep pitting, indentation lasts long time


What is it? Risks & Causes?

Decreased movement of fluids in the body

- Prolonged bedrest, edema occurs

Risks: DVT, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Common Cause: Heart failure


What is it? Location ?

Upper Right Quad of Abdomen

- cleanses blood

- regulates supply of fuel

- manufactures body proteins

- balances hormones

- regulates body cholesterol

Your liver really hates you

Inflammation of liver
Deals with liver
Disorder caused by damage to brain controlling language
Deals with brain trauma & communication
Language disorder marked by speech deficiency
Deals with communication
Difficulty swallowing
Deals with ingestion
Invasion of degenerated muscle sacroplasm by histiocytes
Don't even know what the heck ...

What is it? S&S?

Kidney infection, can become blood infection (Dangerous)


- back pain

- fever

- Nausea & vomitting

- confusion

- hematuria

- cloudy/foul smelling urine

- pain when urinating

- increase frequency of urination

Deals with kidneys
Assessment of Kidney
Palpate kidneys for tenderness

- urinaysis

- CT scan

- Urine & Blood cultures

- ultrasound of kidneys

Tests preformed to assess Kidneys
Pinworms in Children



- itching around rectum

- restless sleep

- vaginal discharge

- abdominal pain

- nausea

Deals with GI system
abnormal growth on mucous membrane
Pruritus ani
irritation of skin at rectum (butthole)
Deals with dat booty
Benign Tumor
mass of cells that can't specialize
Deals with cells
Pilonidial Cyst
painful boil at end of tailbone
Deals with tailbone
Rectal polyp
abnormal growth, causes colorectal cancer
Similar to normal polyp, deals with GI
Fecal Impaction
hard lump of dry stool stuck in rectum
Deals with GI
Rectal Abscess
boil near anus
Deals with GI
Rectal Prolapse
rectum falls out of anus
Just ew!
Parts of Muscoskeletal System
- shoulder

- spine


- wrist & carpals

- hip

- knee

- ankle & foot

Important joints in the body
inflammation of joints
Deals with joints
low bone mass, deterioration of bone
Deals with bone density
ROM (Neck)
- flexion/extension

- rotation

- lateral bending

Stretches for the neck
ROM (Knee)
- flexion/extension
Stretches for the knee
ROM (Hip)
- flexion/extension/hyper

- adduction/abduction

- rotation (medial/lateral)

Stretches for the hips
Aging & Height Changes
gradual shrinking with age
Grandma <3
Function of Lobes


Front of brain, associated with:

- reasoning

- motor skills

- expressive language

Function of Lobes


middle of brain, associated with:

- sensory info

- pressure

- touch

- pain

Deals with senses/nerves
Function of Lobes


bottom of brain, associated with:

- interprets sound & language

- formation of memories

Function of Lobes


back of brain, interprets visual stimuli
Function of Brain Structures


Coordination of voluntary movements

- equilibrium

- muscle tone

Function of Brain Structures



- temp

- HR

- B/P

- Sleep

- emotional status

- pituitary gland regulator

Function of Brain Structures

Basal Ganglia

Controls autonomic movement

(Eg. swinging arms while walking)

Swagger your walk
DVT (Deep Venous Thrombosis)

What is it? Cause?

Formation of blood clot in one or more deep veins, usually legs

Cause: vascular damage, prolonged bedrest, thick blood, blood flow restriction

Modifiable Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

- Obesity

- Multiple drinks a day

- Hormone therapy

- Having child (30+ years)

- Contraceptives

Modifiable Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

- Obesity

- Multiple drinks a day

- Hormone therapy

- Having child (30+ years)

- Contraceptives


What is it? S&S?

Acute inflammation of prostate gland

S&S: fever, chills, malaise, urinary frequency & urgency, urethral discharge

Modifiable Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

- Obesity

- Multiple drinks a day

- Hormone therapy

- Having child (30+ years)

- Contraceptives


What is it? S&S?

Acute inflammation of prostate gland

S&S: fever, chills, malaise, urinary frequency & urgency, urethral discharge


What is it? S&S?

Malignant neoplasm, starts as hard nodule on prostate

S&S: nocturia, hematuria, weak stream, pain/burning when urinating


What is it?

- Anterior to rectum, behind symphysis pubis

- Secretes fluid to help sperm viability

- Heart shapes, 2.5 cm long & 4cm in diameter