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64 Cards in this Set

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No me mal interpretes

Don’t get me wrong

Que la pases muy bien

Have a good one

Te debo una

I owe you one

Brush up


My spoken French is good but I would like to brush up a bit.

Put down


She puts her pens down on the desk.

Mother put him down and he ran off to play.

Run off

Salir corriendo-huir

I saw the intruder run off as soon as he heard the alarm.

Try on


I tried the shirt on and decided I didn’t like it

Give up

Darse por vencido-dejar-abandonar

I gave up trying to get them to believe me

Put out


Quickly!. Someone please put out the fire.

Fill in


If you don’t fill in every answers on the form, the inspector will be suspicious

Put off

Postergar- posponer-completar

Can we put our meeting off until tomorrow?

Go over


I need to go over my presentation before the meeting.

Run out

Quedarse sin

Can you go and buy milk? We have run out of milk.

Lay off


The current economic crisis has led many companies to lay off some of their employees.

La actual crisis económica ha obligado a muchas compañías a prescindir de algunos de sus empleados

Get across


That is exactly the message that I want to get across today.

Get along with

Llevarse bien

My mother never got along with my friends.

Get over


I haven’t been able to get over my fear of heights

Get back


When did you get back from NY?

Get rid of

Deshacerse de algo

We need to get rid of all these computers.

Estoy envejeciendo

I am getting old.

Oscurece muy temprano en invierno

It gets dark very early in winter

Mi padre se enojó mucho ayer

My father got very upset yesterday.

Bring up

Mencionar-sacar el tema de

It is not a good idea to bring out politics with my family

Grow up

Crecer-hacerse mayor-madurar

I grew up in a village in UK

I wish my brother would grow up (madurara) and get a place of his own.

Tear down


The guverment must tear down several houses to build the highway.

Bring up

Mencionar-sacar el tema de

It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my family.

Grow up

Crecer-hacerse mayor-madurar

I grew up in a village in UK.

I wish my brother would grow up and get a place of his own

Tear down


The government must tear down several houses to build the highway.

Fix up

Arreglar-restaurar algo-reparar

We will fix up the living room with new curtains and a new rug.

Patch up

Arreglar un hueco o gotera

There are no more mice in the house since I patch up the hole in the wall.

Wire up


I wire up the new PC to the power source.

I don’t know how to wire up the speakers.

Hand back


The immigration official handed back the passport without comment.



We can run the wires under the carpet



Edwin was delighted to see his old friend.


Pista- prueba

The investigator looked for clues

Watch up

Estar atento-tener cuidado

When You drive in winter to have to watch out for icy patches


Dispuesto a

I am willing to cook dinner tonight

Wolf down


He wolfed down the cheeseburger as if he hadn’t eaten in a month.



He stayed home on a Friday night. That’s weird.



The country is united

Take up


He took up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather’s tools

Hand down


Before I Die, I will hand down to you, my son, my entire estate.

Hand in


The students handed in their assignments to the teacher.

Hand out


Volunteers in Haiti are handing out food and water to earthquake victims.

To drop

Dejar caer - caer

He dropped his keys on the pavement

The table tennis player dropped the ball on the table to serve

Hang out

Convivir o pasar el tiempo

I’m going to hang out with my friends after work.

We like to hang out at home

To drop out


The driver of the car leading the race dropped out with engine trouble.



The fishing store sells a variety of baits.



The sun’s rays broke through the clouds.


He saw a ray swim past the boat.



The wasp (avispa) stung Maggie on her foot

Shake out


Fold up


Put away


Si o si

No matter what

Show up

Acto de hacer presencia o asistir a un evento.

He didn’t even show up to the appointment

Just be sure to show up in time

Show off


He was showing off his new cellphone

Take back

Retractarse. Llevar de regreso

How could you say that?. Take it back.

Take it back to where you found it.

Give away

Regalar. O. delatar

The look in his eyes is what gave him away.

You are going to have to give away a lot of your stuff to get rid of all the clutter.

Take out

Sacar-invitar a una cita

Did you take out the trash?

I am taking you out to a nice dinner.

End up

Terminar en X situación

And that’s how I ended up living in Japan.

She ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Reach out to

Ponerse en contacto

Reach out to me next week to talk about it.

Rely on

Depender o confiar en alguien

I wouldn’t like to rely on anybody to do it.

I can rely on him if I need to.

Come up with

Ocurrir una idea

I came up with this temporary solution.

I haven’t come up with anything.

Take over

Tomar el control o hacerse cargo de algo

The new manager has already taken over.

I will take it over from here.