Lesson Steps:
1. Introduce the concept that is going to be taught by reading some parts of the picture book Dooby Dooby Moo (2006), which contains words ending with -ed and -ing.
2. Next, TS will identify some words from the book that end with -ed and -ing. He will read the words as he points them out.
3. Then, he will be asked if he knows the meaning of the words he identified within the text.
4. After that, I will explain that those words are verbs with …show more content…
Then, I will model how these words are pronounced correctly if needed.
6. Once TS understand the concept, he will roll two dice. One dice contains verbs and the other has -ed and -ing. Then, he will read and write the words formed by rolling the two dice and state their meanings.
7. Next, he will write 2 or 3 sentences using the words from the “roll and inflectional ending” table.
8. After that we will review the usage of -ed and -ing.
9. To assess TS comprehension, he will complete an activity sheet. He will read a paragraph and find the verbs with the incorrect endings and make corrections.
Evidence of learning: (See documents except book reading activity).
Independent practice was provided to TS through the activities mentioned below.
1. TS easily recognized the verbs in the Dooby Dooby Moo book. He pointed out and read most of the words that end with -ed and -ing on the book accurately. He was confused if the word “going” is a verb. However, when he was given the time to decode the word, he realized it is a verb with -ing suffix.
2. TS filled-up correctly the Roll an Inflectional Ending Sheet. He wrote and read each word