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30 Cards in this Set

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What is meant by the "desired action" of a drug?

The expected response - the drug does what it is supposed to do - it gives the desired therapeutic effects

How can a nurse help to reduce the side effects of a drug?

Give low doses

Take the drugs with food or water

What are some drug side-effects that a nurse must stop the dosage immediately?

Syncope (fainting)


Are side effects expected effects of a drug?


What class of drugs cause severe side effects to the liver? What class does the same to the kidney

Liver - hepatoxic

Kidney - nephrotoxic

Drug responses that are strange, unique, peculiar or unpredictable are called?

Idiosyncratic responses

Idiosyncratic responses can produce an unexpected result such as ______or _______ or an __________

Pain, bleeding or overresponse

This type of idiosyncratic response happens where the opposite of what would be expected happens

Paradoxical effect

This allergic reaction cause trouble breathing and the heart to stop?

Anaphylactic reaction

Clinical signs of anaphylactic reaction to a drug?

Swelling of lips, throat, trachea that prevents breathing

Name all of the drug actions and responses?

Desired effect - result is reached

Side effect - expected effect

Adverse effect or reaction - more severe symptoms or problem

Idiosyncratic response - special or strange response (unknown)

Paradoxical reaction - the opposite of what is expected of the drug

Allergic (hypersensitivity) responses - body builds up antibodies to fight the drug

Anaphylactic reaction - a severe allergic reaction

Common symptoms of a side effect?




Common symptoms of an allergic reaction?



Itching or swelling of the skin

What is a generic equivalent drug?

Generic drugs that are identical to the initial brand, having the same ingredients

What is a drug interaction?

When one drug changes the interaction of another drug

Drug interactions takes place during this process?

Metabolism/biotransformation of the liver

What is an additive effect?

When drugs are given together to boost the effectiveness of the other drug

What adverse effect does antibiotic have on birth control?

Makes it less effective causing the woman to become pregnant

If one drug interferes with the action of another drug it has an ________ effect?


What is drug displacement

When one drug replaces another drug at the receptor site decreasing the effects of the first drug

What is a drug synergistic effect?

The effect of taking two drugs at the same time is greater than the sum of the effects of each drug given alone

Which muscle for Infants has the highest absorption rate


Which muscle for Infants has the lowest absorption rate

Gluteal muscle (buttock)

List the following muscles from lowest to highest in absorption for neonatal and children: vastus lateralis, gluteal muscle and deltoid?


Vastus Lateralis

Gluteal (Buttock) Muscle

What are prodrugs

Drugs that must be metabolized before the are active

Why are children given medical dosages per mg/kg/dose

They absorb meds more than adults because of a higher metabolism rate

Why are children given medical dosages per mg/kg/dose

They absorb meds more than adults because of a higher metabolism rate

Why is a neonatal (less than one month of age) unable to absorb oral drugs from the GI tract?

There's no gastric acid present to break down the drugs

No intestinal bacteria

No enzymes function to metabolize the drug

What is the best form of drugs to give to neonates, Infants and younger children? Explain why

Water-soluble drugs

It is more widespread because of their high percentage of water

Does Water-soluble drugs absorb fast in older children and adolescents? Explain why


Because older children and adolescents distribution is affected by lean-to-fat body mass ratio