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94 Cards in this Set

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They hypothalamus of the brain and the pituitary gland interact to control most metabolic functions of the body and to maintain ________.
The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland are anatomically connected by the funnel shaped _________ stalk.
The __________ controls secretions of the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland regulates secretions of functions of other body tissues called ____________.
Target tissues
The posterior pituitary is anatomically an extension of the hypothalamus and is composed mainly of _______ fibers.
Also called ACTH; stimulates the adreanal cortex to produce corticosteroids.
Also called somatotropin; stimulates growth of body tissues.
GH growth hormone
Causes release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Also called TSH; regulates secretion of thyroid hormones.
What is the function of FSH in the human body?
FSH one of the gonadotropins stimulates function of sex glands. FSH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland of both sexes, beginning at puberty. It acts on the ovaries in a cyclical fashion during the reproductive years, stimulating growth of ovarian follicles. These follicles then produce estrogen, which prepares the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized ovum. FSH acts on the testes to stimulate the production and growth of sperm (spermatogenesis), but it does not stimulate secretion of male sex hormones.
What is the function of LH in the human body?
LH (also called interstitial cell stimulating hormone) is another gonadotropin that stimulates hormone production by the gonads of both sexes. In women, LH is important in the maturation and rupture of the ovarian follicle (ovulation). After ovulation, LH acts on the cells of the collapsed follicular sac to produce the corpus luteum, which then produces progesterone during the last half of the menstrual cycle. When blood progesterone during the last half of the menstrual cycle. When blood progesterone levels rise a negative feedback effect is exerted on hypothalamic and anterior pituitary secretion of gonadotropins. Decreased pituitary secretion of LH causes the corpus lutem to die and stop producing progesterone. Lack of progesterone causes slough and discharge of the endometrial lining as menstrual flow. (Of course if the ovum has been fertilized and attached to the endometrium, menstruation does not occur.) In men, LH stimulates the Leydig's cells in the spaces between the seminiferous tubules to
What is the function of prolactin in the human body?
Prolactin plays a part in milk production by nursing mothers. It is not usually secreted in nonpregnant women because of the hypothalamic hormone PIF. During late pregnancy and lactation various stimuli, including suckling, inhibit the production of PIF, allowing prolactin to be synthesized and released.
What is the function of melanocyte stimulating hormone in the human body?
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) plays a role in skin pigmentation and has recently been found to play important roles in feeding and energy metabolism as well as in inflammation. Recently , MSH, particularly gamma MSH, has been linked to cardiovascular regulation and sodium metabolism.
What is the function of oxytocin in the human body?
Oxytocin functions in childbirth and lactation. It initiates uterine contraction at the end of gestation to induce childbirth and it causes milk to move form the breast glands to nipples so the infant can obtain the milk by suckling.
Case study:

Mr. Chasen is diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer. The physician orders Lupron 1 mg subcutaneously each day. You are responsible for the clients education regarding this disease process and medication regimen.

1. You explain that leuprolide (Lupron) initially stimulates LH and FSH secretion. After chronic administration of therapeutic doses, however, what does this drugs do?
The drugs goserelin (Zoladex), (Vantas), leuprolide (Lupron), nafarelin (Synarel), and triptorelin (Trelstar) are equivalent to GnRH. After initial stimulation of LH and FSH secretion, chronic administration of therapeutic doses inhibits gonadotropin secretion.
Case study:

Mr. Chasen is diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer. The physician orders Lupron 1 mg subcutaneously each day. You are responsible for the clients education regarding this disease process and medication regimen.

2. Mr. Chasen is concerned with eh is told that his medication regimen will decrease his testerone level and asks whether this change is permanent. How would you respond?
After initial stimulation of LH and FSH secretion, chronic administration of therapeutic doses inhibits gonadotropin secretion. This action results in decreased production of testosterone and estrogen, which is reversible when administration is stopped.
Case study:

Mr. Chasen is diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer. The physician orders Lupron 1 mg subcutaneously each day. You are responsible for the clients education regarding this disease process and medication regimen.

3. Mrs. Chasen your patients wife is hestant to administer the medication by injection and asks whether her husband can take the mediation by mouth. How would you respond? What other information can you give Mrs. Chasen regarding dosing?
These GnRH sequivalents cannot be given orally, because they would be be destroyed by enzymes in the GI tract. Goserelin (Zoladex), histrelin (vantas), leuprolide (Lupron), nafarelin (Synarel), and triptorelin (Telstar) are given by injection and are avaliable in depot preparations that can be given once monthly or less often.
Case study:

Mr. Chasen is diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer. The physician orders Lupron 1 mg subcutaneously each day. You are responsible for the clients education regarding this disease process and medication regimen.

4. What information would you give the patient regarding the adverse effects related to lupron?
Adverse effects of Lupron are basically those of testosterone or estrogen deficiency. When given for prostate cancer, the drug may cause increased bone pain and increased difficulty in urinating during the first few weeks of treatment.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called ______________ functions to regulate water balance.
The posterior pituitary gland stores and releases two hormones that are synthesized by nerve cells in the hypothalamus what are these two hormones?

a. PTH

b. MSH

c. ADH

d. Oxytocin
c, d

Rationale: The posterior pituitary gland stores and releases tow hormones that are synthesized by nerve cells in the hypothalamus: ADH and oxytocin.
Mrs . Gates is diagosed with hyperpituitarism. This condition is most often treated with which of the following? (select all that apply)

a. Medication to reduce pituitary secretion

b. Antibiotics

c. Surgery

d. Radiation
c, d

Rationale: Conditions resulting from excessive amounts of pituitary hormones (hyperpituitarism) are most often treated with surgery or radiation.
Mrs. Caster is diagnosed with a pituitary hormone deficiency. She complains that her drug dosages are modified frequently; you explain that the dosage of all pituitary hormones must be individualized. Which of the following factors determines the dosage?

a. The responsiveness of affected tissues, which varies

b. The age of the client

c. The weight of the client

d. The responsiveness of the affected tissues, which is static.

Rationale: Dosages of all pituitary hormones must be individualized, because the responsiveness of affected tissues varies.
Mrs. Andrews age 45 states that she has experienced a burst of energy since she received GH at a clinic. She presents to the physicians office with dizziness and headaches. Which of the following is a side effect of GH?

a. Congestive heart failure

b. Vertigo

c. Hyperglycemia

d. Hypertension

Rationale: Middle aged and older adults my use GH to combat the effects of aging such as decreased energy, weaker muscles and joints, and wrinkled skin. Possible adverse effects associated with GH especially with high doses or chronic use include acromegaly, diabetes, hypertension, and increased risk of serious cardiovascular disease (ex. Heart Failure)
Ms. Banka, age 43 has a history of breast cancer, hyperlipidemia, and atrial fibrillation. She has heard that GH will improve her appearance and increase her energy. You understand that based on her diagnosis, GH increases Mr. Banka's risk for which of the following conditions?

a. Cancer

b. GI Disease

c. Pancreatitis

d. Diabetes type 2

Rationale: There is concern about a possible link between GH, which stimulates tumor growth and cancer. GH stimulates the release of IGF-1 (also called somatomedin) a substance that circulates in the blood and stimulates cell division. Most tumor cells have receptors that recognize IGF -1, bind it, and allow it to enter the cell, where it could trigger uncontrolled cell division. This concern may be greater for middle aged and older adults, because malignancies are more common in these groups than in adolescents and young adults.
Mrs. Strands, age 22, is 2 weeks after her due date for delivery of her second child. In order to induce labor, the physician order IV _____________
Mrs. Strands asks how the IV medication will induce labor which of the following does the medication do?

a. Promotes uterine irritability

b. Increases oxygenation to the uterus

c. Causes labor to continue slowly

d. Promotes uterine contractility
Oxytocin (Pitocin) is a synthetic drug that exerts the same physiologic effects as the posterior pituitary hormone. It promotes uterine contractility and is used clinically to induce labor and in the postpartum period to control bleeding. Oxytocin must be used only when clearly indicated and when the recipient can be supervised by well trained personnel as in a hospital.
__________ is used in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices because of its vasoconstrictive effects.
Mrs. Bates is diagnosed with diabetes insipidus the physician order desmopressin, which is the synthetic equivalent of which of the following hormones?

a. PTH


c. ADH


Rationale: Desmopressin (DDAVP, Stimate), and vasopressin, Pitressin) are synthetic equivalents of ADH. A major clinical use is the treatment of neurogenic diabetes insipidus, a disorder characterized by deficiency of ADH and the excretion of large amount of dilute urine.
Mr. France is diagnosed with acromegaly. His secondary diagnoses includes hypertension, diabetes type 2, and a status post myocardial infact in 1992. Based on his diagnoses, the physician would modify the does of which of his medications?

a. Hypoglycemic medication

b. antihypertensive medication

c. Antianginal medication

d. Nitrate medication

Rationale: Pegvisomant (Somavert) is a GH receptor antagonist used in the treatment of acromegaly in adults who are unable to tolerate or are resistant to other management strategies. The drug selectively binds to GH receptors, blocking the binding of endogenous GH. In general, dosage should be individualized according to response. Dosage reduction of hypoglycemic agents may be required, because the drug may increase glucose tolerance.
The main clinical use of GH is for children whose growth is impaired by a deficiency of __________ hormone
Ocreotide has pharmacologic actions similar to those of somatostatin. For which of the following diagnoses and symptoms is octreotide prescribed?

a. Hyperlipidemia

b. Acromegaly

c. Hypertension

d. Diarrhea in AIDS
b, d

Rationale: Octreotide (sandostatin) has pharmacologic actions similar to those of somatostain. Indication for use include acrogmegaly, in which the drug reduces blood levels of GH and insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF -1); carcinoid tumors in which it inhibits diarrhea and flushing; and vasoactive intestinal peptid tumors, in which it relieves diarrhea (by decreasing GI secretions and motility). It is also used to treat diarrhea in AIDS and other conditions.
_________ a synthetic formulation is commonly used to test for suspected adrenal insufficiency.
Cosyntropin (Cortrosyn)
When ADH is secreted it has which of the following effects on renal tubules?

a. It makes them less permeable to water.

b. It decreases potassium secretion.

c. It increases sodium secretion.

d. It makes them more permeable to water.

Rationale: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) also called vasopressin, functions to regulate water balance. When ADH is released it makes the renal tubules more permeable to water.
____________ secretion is controlled by a negative feed back mechanism in proportion to metabloic needs.
GH, also called somatotropin performs which of the following functions?(select all that apply)

a. Stimulating growth of body tissues

b . Regulating cell division and protein synthesis

c. Promoting an increased in cell size and number

d. Decreasing long bone growth in young adults.
a, b, c

Rationale: GH, also called somatotropin, stimulates growth of body tissues. It regulates cell division and protein synthesis required for normal growth and promotes an increase in cell size and number, including growth of muscle cells and lengthening of bone.
Mr. Saks is prescribed GH. He also takes a medication to control his diabetes type 2. Which of the following conditions does GH cause?

a. Hyperinsulinmia

b. Hypoinsulinemia.

c. Hypertension

d. Hyperglycemia

Rationale: GH is often considered an insulin antagonist because it suppresses the abilities of insulin to stimulate uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues and enhance glucose synthesis in the liver. Paradoxically, administration of GH produces hyperinsulinemia by stimulating insulin secretion.
Levels of GH rise rapidly during adolescence, peak in the _______________ and them start to decline.
GH stimulates protein ____________ in many tissues.
The _____________ of the brain and the pituitary gland interact to control most metabolic functions of the body and to maintain homeostasis.
The ___________ controls secretions of the pituitary gland.
The _________ regulates secretions or functions of other body tissues called target tissues.
Pituitary gland
True or false

The anterior pituitary is composed of different types of glandular cells that synthesize and secrete different hormones.
True or false?

The posterior pituitary does not manufacture any hormones its self but it stores and releases hormones synthesized in the hypothalamus.
__________ are chemical messengers with a specific regulatory effect on the cells that control various bodily functions.
This hormone causes the release of corticotropin also called adrenocorticotropic homone (ACTH) in response to stress and threatening stimuli. It is secreted most often during sleep, and its secretion is influenced by several neurotransmitters.
Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
___________ can be used in the diagnosis of Cushing's disease, characterized by excess cortisol.
Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
_____ causes release of growth hormone (GH) in response to low blood levels of GH.
Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)
___________ may be used to test pituitary function and stimulate growth in children with GHRH deficiency.
Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)
__________ inhibits release of GH and is distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord where it functions as a neurotransmitter. It is also found in the intestines and the pancreas where it regulates secretion of insulin and glucagon.
Growth hormone release inhibiting hormone. (Somatostatin)
_________ causes release of TSH in response to stress such as exposure to cold. This hormone may be used in diagnostic tests of pituitary function and hyperthyroidism.
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
True or false?

A long acting somatostatin analog, (Sandostatin), may be used to treat acromegaly, carcinoid tumors, and vasoactive intestinal peptide tumors (VIPomas)
____________ causes release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteninizing hormone (LH).
Gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH
____________ is active during lactation after childbirth.
Prolactin releasing factor
_____ is active at times other than during lactation.
Prolactin inhibitory factor (PIF)
Name the seven anterior pituitary hormones.
GH aka Somatotropin
Melanocyte stimulating hormone
Out of the seven hormones of the anterior pituitary what two act directly on their target tissues?
GH and Prolactin
______ stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce corticosteriods. Secreation is controlled by the hypothalamus and plasma levels of cortisol, the major corticosteroid.
True or false?

GH is often considered an insulin antagonist because it suppresses the abilities of insulin to stimulate uptake of glucose in peripheral tissues and enhance glocose synthsis in the liver.
_________ also called somatotropin stimulates growth of body tissues. It regulates cell division and protein synthesis required for normal growth and promotes an increase in cell size and number, including growth of muscle cells and lengthening of bone.
Growth hormone. GH
A ___________ in GH in children leads to dwarfism.
A __________ GH in children leads to gigantism.
increase or excess of
In adults a ____ in GH can cause increased fat, reduced skeletal and heart muscle mass, reduced strength, reduced ability to exercise, and worsened cholesterol levels which can increase the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Deficiency or decrease
_________ GH in adults produces acromegaly, a chronic disease characterized by an abnormal patteren of bone and connective tissue growth associated with an increase incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
________ regulates secretion of thyroid hormones.
______ stimulates functions of sex glands is produced by the anterior pituitary gland of both sexes, beginning at puberty. Acts on the ovaries during the reproductive years stimulating growth of ovarian follicles. In men it acts to stimulate the production of growth of sperm but does not stimulate secretion of male sex hormones.
_____ in women stimulates the maturation and rupture of the ovarian follicle. After ovulation it acts on the cells collapsed follicular sac to produce the corpus lutem, which then produces progesterone. In men it stimulates Leydigs cells in the spaces between the seminferous tubules to secrete androgens aka testosterone.
___________ plays a part in milk production by nursing mothers.
__________ plays a role in skin pigmentation and has recently been found to play important roles in feeding and energy metabolism as well as inflammation. Has been linked to cardiovascular regulation and sodium metabolism.
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
Name the posterior pituitary hormones.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
______ aka vasopressin functions to regulate water balance in the body.
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)
_________ functions in childbirth and lactation. It initiates uterine contractions at the end of gestation to induce child birth and it causes milk to move from the breast glands to nipples so the infant can obtain the mild by suckling.
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for endometriosis metasitc breast cancer, and prostate cancer. It is administered subQ because it would be destroyed in the GI tract. Adverse effects are basically those of testosterone or estrogen deficiency. Drug can cause increased bone pain and increased difficulty in urinating during the first few weeks of treatment.
Goserelin (Zoladex)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for Palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer (Vantas) CPR (Supprelin LA) in children. It is administered 1 implant subQ every 12 months because it would be destroyed in the GI tract. Adverse effects are basically those of testosterone or estrogen deficiency. Drug can cause increased bone pain and increased difficulty in urinating during the first few weeks of treatment.
Histrelin (Vantas; Supprelin LA)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for Advance prostatic cancer CPP in children endometriosis uterine fibroid tumors. It is administered IM depot injection 3.75mg every month or 11.25mg every 3 months for 6 months.
Leuprolide (Lupron)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for Advance prostatic cancer CPP in children endometriosis uterine fibroid tumors. It is administered IM depot injection 3.75mg every month or 11.25mg every 3 months for 6 months.
Leuprolide (Lupron)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for endometriosis CPP in children. It is administered by 1 spray in one nostril in the morning and one spray in the other nostril in the evening starting between the 2nd and 4th days of the menstral cycle.
Nafarelin (Synarel)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for Acromegaly, carcinoid tumors, vasocative intestinal peptide tumors, and diarrhea. Given Sub Q, and has similar actions to somatostatin. It is also used to treat diarrhea in AIDS patients.
Octreotide (Sandostatin)
This Hypothalamic hormone drug is used for Advanced prostatic cancer. It is administered IM . Adverse effects are basically those of testosterone or estrogen deficiency. Drug can cause increased bone pain and increased difficulty in urinating during the first few weeks of treatment.
Triptorelin (Trelstar)
This anti pituitary hormone drug is used to stimulate syntheses of hormones by the adrenal cortex, and diagnostic test of adrenal function and treatment for acute exacerbation of multiple sclerosis. Administered for diagnostic use via IM, and sub Q. This drug is obtained from animal pituitary glands and has mostly been replaced by adrenal corticosteroids. It is used occasionally for diagnostic testing for addisons disease however, cosyntropin (Cortrosyn) is the drug of choice for testing of suspected adrenal insufficiency
Corticotropin (Acthrel; HP Acthar Gel)
______ is used as a diagnostic test in suspected adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease)
Cosyntropin (Cortrosyn)
This Anterior pituitary hormone drug promotes growth in children whose growth is impaired by a deficiency of endogenous growth hormone.
Growth Hormone aka: Somatrem, Somatropin (Genotropin, Hymatrope, Norditropin, Nutropin, serostim)
_________ is used to treat short stature in children that is associated with chronic renal failure or Turners syndrome (a genetic disorder that occurs in girls.) In adults the drug may be used to treat deficiency states caused by disease, surgery, and radiation of the pituitary gland or those with wasting disease associated with AIDS.
Growth Hormone
This anterior pituitary hormone drug is used for cryptorchidism (undescended testicle) and induce ovulation in the treatment of infertility. Mimics the effects of LH.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG aka Chorex)
This anterior pituitary hormone drug is used to induce ovulation and is used in combination with menotrpins to induce ovulation in the treatment of infertility. Excessive doses or prolonged administration can lead to sexual precocity, edema, and breast enlargement caused by over secretion of testosterone and estrogen.
Choriogonadotropin alpha (Ovidrel)
_____________ a gonadotropin preparation obtained form the urine of postmenopasal women, contains both FSH, and LH. It is usually combined with HCG to induce ovulation in the treatment of infertility caused by lack of pituitary gonadotropins.
Menotrpins (Pergonal)
_________ is a GH receptor antagonist used in the treatment of acromegaly in adults who are unable to tolerate or are resistant to other managment strategies. THe drug selectively binds to GH receptors, blocking the binding of endogenous GH. ****Dosage should be individualized according to response.**** Dosage reduction of hypoglycemic agents my be required because the drug may increase glucose tolerance.**** Increased dosages of this drug may be necessary when administering with narcotics.**** Must use caution in elderly and in people with renal or hepatic disease.***
Pegvisomant (Somavert)
________________ is a synthetic formulation of TSH used as a diagnostic adjunct for serum thyroglobin (Tg) testing in individuals with well differentiated thyroid cancer. Testing can be preformed with or without radio-iodine imaging. Tg testing radioactive imaging is the standard test for evaluating the presence, extent and location of thyroid cancer. This drug must be used cautiously in patients with coronary artery disease and with a large amount of residual thyroid tissue as the drug produces temporary rise of thyroid hormone concentration in the blood.
Thyrotropin alfa (Thyrogen)
___________, ___________, __________ are drugs used to stimulate ovarian function in the treatment of infertility and are used with HCG. A new liquid formulation is available in a pre filled and ready to use multidose FSH injection.
Urofollitropin (Bravelle), Follitropin alfa (Gonal - F), and Follitropin beta( Follistim)
This posterior pituitary hormone is the synthetic equivalents of ADH. A major clincial use is the treatment of neurogenic diabetes insipidus, a disorder characterized by a deficiency of ADH and the excretion of large amounts of dilute urine.
Desmopressin (DDAVP)
True or false

Parenteral desmopresin is also used as a hemostatic in patients with hemophilia A or mild to moderate von Willebrand's disease (type 1)
_____________ is effective when given to control spontaneous or trama induced bleeding and intraoperative and postoperative bleeding when given 30mins before the procedure.
_______ is used in the treatment of bleeding esophagel varices because of its vasoconstrictive effects.
___________ may be inhaled intranasally; where vasopressin must be injected.
__________ is a synthetic drug that exerts the same physiologic effects as the posterior pituitary hormone. It promotes uterine contractility and is used clinically to induce labor and in the postpartium period to control bleeding.
Oxytocin (Pitocin)