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8 Cards in this Set

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Claudication Distance

Number of block walked or stairs climbed before painting is produced.

Profile Sign

Checking for that precious 160 angle in the nails. 90 degree is clubbing

Inguinal lymph nodes

Upper thigh

Pulse Grade

0 no pulse 1 weak pulse 2 normal pulse 3 strong pulse 4 bounding pulse


Swooshing sound caused by turbulent blood flow

Pitting Edema scale

1 mild pitting no visible swelling 2 moderate putting slight indent fades quickly 3 deep pitting deep indent remains short time swelling of leg 4 very deep pitting lasts long time gross swelling of leg

Pregnant woman Edema and varicose veins

Bilateral pitting Edema lower extremeties. At end of day and third trimester. Varicose veins also common 3rd trimester

Older adult pulses

Dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses more difficult to find.