Physical therapist must monitor closely for blisters and other potential damage to their feet, before and after exercise. 17
She has adhesive capsulitis and for that, Physical therapist check for sensation before treatment of hot modalities. Because vascular diseases are contradiction of hot modalities like SWD, MWD, Hot pack, IR etc.
Cryotherapy is also not recommended for vascular disease.
In neuropathy, patient may have reduced capacity for physical activity. Physical therapist should not give high …show more content…
It is necessary for intense exercise because it is preferred fuel, which can be mobilized and oxidizes to meet the requirements during high intensity exercise.24
Blood glucose and muscle glycogen are forms of carbohydrate. In skeletal muscle, they derived from liver gluconeogenesis and glycogenosis and the main factor for contracting muscle. Because of depletion of these CHO forms, fatigue often occurs. The rate of glycogen utilization and glucose uptake are decided by type, intensity, frequency and duration of the exercises.
Regulation mechanism of CHO metabolism during exercise include local control of calcium at intramuscular level, metabolic intermediate; alteration in glucose, free fatty acid and glycogen availability; and hormonal control. The restoration of glycogen in muscle primarily and it depends on the intake of CHO.26
In the first hour of exercise, muscle glycogen provides most of the energy. After some hours of intense exercises, blood glucose and muscle glucose provide the same amount of energy, but after that blood glucose contribute more CHO energy to support exercise at 70-75% VO2 max.