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21 Cards in this Set

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You may be a visual learner if?

. Like to learn by readings

.like looking at charts and diagrams

.need quiet time to study

What show of you try as a visual learner?

.take notes

.use flashcard

.create diagrams

To make mental images

.color code study note

.make mind maps

Can people prosses a combination of learning style


How may your be an auditory learner

.like to learn by listening and hearing

.like to hear music and can easily along

. become bored by readings text

Like following spoken direction

What should auditory learner try.

.read out loud

.record your reading and listen to them later

.paraphrase or try teaching the material to other

.have test questions read to you

Your may be a kinesthetic learners if you

.like to learn by doing hands learn ing

.like puzzle, assembling thing

.find it hard to sit and listen

.like learning on the go

.aren't bothered by back ground noise

If your a kinesthetic learners you should try the following

High light when reading

.do something else while

. studying like exercise

.use flashcard

.make diagrams or drawing of important

.walk around or rock in chair

While you standy

What is a truncation?

Uses character or symbols to replace end letter in a search


Ex: child*

What is wildcards ?

Uses characters or symbol that replace one letter of a word

Exp wom!n



What does the term "+" do

Exp : veterinary + medicine

Is a mandatory word

What does the term"-" do

The word following "-" is to be excluded from search

What is a profitable business

Means the business has more than enough money to pay it's bills and continue to operate

What does economy means

Greek work forit is oikonomia meaning the art of the household

What is financial management

Is the art of getting the greatest benefit from limited financial resources

How many people work out side oy the home


What is a pie chart meant to be

A rough guide of your expenses

What two dividend of expenses


2 Discretionary

What is fixed expenses

Expenses that occur in a regular basis often once a month

What are some fixed expenses

1 mortgage /rent


3.automobile- car payment- insurance-gas -maintence

4 utility's gas-electric,water phone

What are discretionary expenses

Don't occur on a regular basis

What are some discretionary expenses

1.eating out



4.personal necessity's