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17 Cards in this Set

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What does EPEA stand for

Environmental protection and enhancement act

Primary provincial legislation establishing protection over water, land and biodiversity

What are the six principles of environmental protection

Sustainability - practice is must be sustainable. This ensures that the use of resources and its effect on the environment today will not impair their use by future generations

Precaution - if you uncertain about the risk of environmental harm, always err on the side of caution and due diligence

Prevention- take preventative measures to anticipate and avoid environmental damage

Polluter pays -The entity that causes the pollution should bear the costs of the damage and remediation

Cumulative impact - each subsequent environmental harm compounds on the last, causing the problem to worsen over time and sometimes exponentially

Integration and participation- protective measures are in line with other policy areas and applicable to the individual level

Handling and disposing of hazardous materials


Store containers as required

Your research before doing anything

BOMA best

Builders owner and managers association

1907 - based in US and Canada

Largest Canadian environmental assessment program for existing buildings

BOMA best 3.0 - environmental

Is a framework to assess 10 areas of environmental performance and management





Health and wellness





Stakeholder engagement

International organization that assists all building types in lowering carbon emissions, conserving resources and reducing operating costs through sustainable practices


Which country is one of the top locations in the world for LEED certification


LEED 3rd party certification in what 6 areas

Location and transportation

Sustainable site development

Water savings

Energy efficiency

Indoor environmental quality

Material selection

What is one of the main factors of energy efficiency


What system circulate and manage air, moisture and heat


Incandescent bulbs use less or electricity and reduce heat as a byproduct

true or false


Is more electricity and create heat as a byproduct

What it is called the transfer of heat between objects not in physical contact

Thermal radiation

What is it called when heat is transferred through contact between materials


What is it called when heat is transferred through the flow of a medium such as air or water


What is the stack effect

It's a cycle of heat transfer that particularly affects tall or multi-story buildings.

In the winter the warm indoor air being more buoyant than cool air rises to the top of the building

The warm air finds points of exit and escapes the building

The upward movement creates a zone of negative pressure in the lower levels of the building

Cold air from outside moves into the lower levels to create equilibrium

The taller the building the greater the negative pressure created and the more severe the stack effect. Lower level occupants might struggle to maintain heat and colder weather and heating costs become inefficient

Reverse stack effect

During warm weather the stack effect occurs in reverse

Air conditioning transfers cool air to the interior which sinks to the lower levels of the building

The cooler air escapes from Windows doors and other exit points

Top floor become an area of negative pressure

The warmer exterior air moves inside to replace the sinking cool air

What material should reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions and improve recycling methods




High efficiency windows

Renewable energy systems

Energy recovering ventilators

On demand water heaters

High efficiency appliances