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49 Cards in this Set

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Who was the author responsible, according to Abe Lincoln for the Civil War?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

What was the name of the book responsible for the start of the Civil War?

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Why was the book responsible for the start of the war?

It was written to awaken the Northerners on the issue of slavery and it made the readers not partake in the Fugitive Slave Law

Who did the author claim wrote the book?


What famous movement during the 1820s will lead to the creation of the book listed in #2?


What is wrong with the derogatory saying in the African-American community, “Your just an Uncle Tom”?

What other trouble-brewing book appeared in 1857 that stated the nonslaveholding whites were the ones who suffered most from the millstone of slavery?

The Impending Crisis of the South

Who was the author of the book in #7?

Hinton R. Helper

What was a “Beecher Bible” in relation to Kansas? Why did they get that name?

Sharps Rifles defending for antislavery in Kansas. Henry Ward Beecher a clergyman, was the Leader of the New England Emigrant Aid Company and they used the rifles in their fight.

Where did the “border ruffians” come from which poured into Kansas in 1855?


What was the purpose of the “border ruffians”?

To vote early and often in the election of making Kansas a pro or anti slavery state

Which man will be responsible for the Pottawatomie Massacre on May 24, 1856?

John Brown

This document said people could vote against slavery, but one provision stated that slave owners were permitted to keep their slaves which they already possessed.

Lecompton Constitution

Was this document passed? How successful was it?

In 1857. It was successful for the south but not for the north

Who will be known as the “Little Giant” and supporter of popular sovereignty?

Stephen A. Douglas

Why was Congressman Preston S. Brooks known as “Bully Brooks”?

The North saw Brooks was bullying Sumner

What happened to Brooks cane? What did some Southern admirers do for Brooks?

It Broke when he was beating Sumner with it. Some admirers sent him new canes as support

What was the nickname given to the victim in the incident described in question #17?


What was the nickname in #19 taken from?


Which presidential candidate will be known as “Old Buck”?

James Buchanan

Which presidential candidate of 1856 was known as “The Pathfinder”?

John C Fremont

What was the Republican platform in the 1856 presidential election?

Vigorously against the extension of slavery into the territories

What was the Democrat platform in the 1856 presidential election?

They declared no lessemphatically for popular sovereignty

With the influx of immigrants from Germany and Ireland during the 1840s, what political party will be formed?

American Party

What will be the nickname for the political party described in #25? Why?

Know-Nothing party

Why did John C. Frémont lose the presidential election of 1856?

Frémont lost much ground because of grave doubts as to his honesty, capacity, and sound judgment.

According to the text, why was it a good thing that the Republicans lost the presidential election of 1856?

Frémont, an ill-balancedand second-rate figure, was no Abraham Lincoln. Andin 1856 the North was more willing to let the Southdepart in peace than in 1860. Dramatic events from1856 to 1860 were to arouse hundreds of thousands ofstill-apathetic northerners to a fighting pitch.

What was the principle of the lawsuit brought by Dred Scott in 1857?

Dred Scott was suing for his freedom because he claims that he lived in free territory for a long time.

Why did the Supreme Court rule against Dred Scott?

Dred Scott was a black slave andnot a citizen, and hence could not sue in federalcourts

What were the consequences of the Dred Scott decision?

It caught the attention of the north and the Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional.

Who will be known as the Illinois Rail-Splitter?

Abraham Lincoln

What famous question in the Lincoln/Douglas debates did Lincoln ask Douglas concerning popular sovereignty and the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott?

Suppose, he queried, thepeople of a territory should vote slavery down? TheSupreme Court in the Dred Scott decision had decreed that they could not. Who would prevail, theCourt or the people?

What was Douglas’s answer to Lincoln? What did his answer come to be known as?

In spite of the Dred Scott decision, slavery could be excluded from territories of the United States by local legislation. Freeport Doctrine

Who eventually won the Senate seat in Illinois between Douglas and Lincoln?


What was the format for the Lincoln/Douglas debates? How many were there?

They follow the values debate system. There is a time schedule of 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 . Each person gets 13 min of speaking time and the rounds take 40 min. It was one on one. There was 7 of these

What was ironic about the first man to be killed by John Brown’s men at Harpers Ferry, October 1859?

A free black man

What eventually will happen to John Brown after he is captured by US Marines at Harper’s Ferry?

He was convicted with murder and treason. He was late hanged

Which Democrat will the Southern “fire eaters” regard as a traitor in the presidential election of 1860?

Stephen Douglas

Lincoln won every vote of the free states available except 3 from this northern State.

New Jersey

What two other Democrat candidates ran in the 1860 presidential election?

Douglas and John C Breckinridge

Which state will be the first to secede from the union following the election of 1860?

South Carolina

What percentage of the voting population didn’t vote for Abe Lincoln in 1860?


Which six states will secede in early 1861? And then followed by what other four by April 1861?

Early 1861 = Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas.

April 1861 = Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee

Who will be elected the president of the South?

Jefferson Davis

What will be the last failed compromise before the Civil War broke out?

Crittenden Compromise

What did the compromise say?

Permanent existence of slavery in the south. There would be a line separating the save and free states too.

Was Lincoln in favor of this compromise?


Which document and man will both the North and South claim represents their values?


Place the following events in Chronological Order: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, South Carolina secedes, Civil War in Kansas, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Pottawatomie Massacre, Dred Scott Decision.

Uncle Tom's Cabin --> Kansas Nebraska Act --> Pottawatomie Massacre --> Civil War in Kansas --> Dred Scott Decision --> Lincoln Douglas Debates --> SC seceding