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21 Cards in this Set

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the association areas of the cortex are related to thinking, memory, and _____________
According to Jean Piaget, during the _____ operational stage of cognitive development abstract logic and the potential for mature moral reasoning are formed.
Beginning at around ___ months, children may greet strangers by crying and reaching for their familiar caregivers.
Twenty-five-year-old Jonah is wondering whether his rate of sperm cell production is within normal range. For a man his age, his doctor will likely tell him that the average rate of production is about _____ per second.
The _____ areas of the cortex are the last brain areas to develop.
Tommy was at the park with his father and excitedly pointed to the squirrel and exclaimed, "Kitty, kitty." His father pointed out that this was a squirrel, not a kitty. This best illustrates the process of:
recognition (or awareness)
A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. The child points to the rouge on the mirror's reflected image. From this example we can conclude that the child lacks self-_____.
fetal alcohol syndrome
A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. The child points to the rouge on the mirror's reflected image. From this example we can conclude that the child lacks self-_____.
Children start to gain control over their attention beginning in preschool. This control is related to a growth spurt in which lobe?
Amy's brother hid her favorite stuffed bear in a cabinet after Amy had originally put the bear in her own toy chest. Amy has developed a theory of mind. Therefore, when she returns, she _____ find the bear in the cabinet.
the pruning process
As a 5-year-old, Ivis suffered a brain injury and lost his ability to speak. With help he was able to relearn how to speak. As an adult, Ivis experienced a stroke and he lost his ability to speak again. This time, however, he could not relearn speech. His inability to relearn how to speak after the stroke was most likely due to:
Babies should be put to sleep on their backs to prevent:
No, she is not wasting her time. Her baby can hear her and will likely recognize her voice after birth.
You read about a woman who is seven months pregnant and has been reciting poems and singing to her fetus. Is she wasting her time?
They forgot all of their classmates
Imagine that 10-year-old children were shown photographs of 3-year-old preschoolers and asked to spot former classmates. What were the probable results?
A developmental psychologist studies the responses of a newborn. She puts her finger in the baby's fist. The baby grasps it. Then she strokes the baby's palm and the baby puts his fist in his mouth and sucks. The psychologist is testing the baby's _____ instincts.
Scientists have found that nicotine can be passed through the placenta. For the unborn children of mothers who smoke heavily, nicotine is a(n):
the sound of the mother singing
Based on research into the responses of infants immediately after birth, we can be MOST certain that the human fetus is aware of and learns to recognize:
Ten-year old Marie is sad. She is crying. Her older brother Paul looks at her and then continues watching TV. Paul may be showing signs of _____.
Carolyn Rovee-Collier's research on infants revealed specific, but not generalized, _____ learning.
A pregnant woman was recently arrested for using heroin. She is addicted to heroin and there is a risk that her fetus will be born a heroin addict as well. Heroin is clearly a ____ for the fetus
The orderly sequence of developmental growth is referred to as: