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15 Cards in this Set

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How does EMR differ from other waves?

Requires nommedium for transmission

Oscillates the field not the media

Adsorption and emisson and radiant energy cannot be explained in terms of EMR being a wave, but more in twrms of EMR being made of particles

Energy of a photon (formula)

Frequency x h

h= planks constant 6.63x10^-27 erg sec

Frequency formula

Velocity /wavelength

Contance of frequency

Frequency remains the same regardless of what media light travels through.

Wave front

A surface that connects similar points.

Wave normal

A line at right angles to the wave which represents the direction of the wave's movement.

Light ray

Direction of propagation of light energy


Wave height


Distance between successive peaks or troughs


Time taken for the passage of one complete wavelength through a fixed point

Frequency (definition)

Number of oscillations per second.

What does it mean when retardation is i, i+1/2 or any other number (phases)

i+1 =destructive interference

i=constructive interference

Anything else= partially constructive interference

How can you derive the component of a resultant wave direction

Draw component wave in an abritary direction

Construct right anhled triangle with reaultant as hypotenuse


(Look at hint)

Polychromatic light

Light that consist of all wavelengths, white light

Monochromatic light

Lihtof a much narrower band of wavelengths