Optical telescope are used to focus light from the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This is the variety of wavelengths / frequencies that radiation extend to. The smaller the length of the radio wavelength, the larger the Frequency (Hz) of the object is, as seen in the picture above, with a radio wavelength having the largest wavelength and an atomic nucleus having the smallest wavelength. Different wavelengths produce a different sort of radiation, and the only radiation that our human eye has the ability to detect is from a visible light source. This is for the reason being that other types of wavelength are either to short or to long for the eye to detect. For this reason many telescope have been explored to allow us to explore deeper into the universe. (Physics Central). To explore deeper into the universe that is only visible by infrared or ultraviolet radiation a device that is used by astronomers is commonly known as the Hubble telescope and the radio telescope. The Hubble telescope is a space telescope that was launched into a low earth orbit in the year 1990. …show more content…
Hubble was named by NAASA as the world’s first large, space based optical telescope after an American astronomer Edwin P. Hobble (1889-19953) (Hubble site, N.D.) Featuring a 2.4 meters mirror, Hubble’s main observing instatement consist of the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared spectra. The Hubble is based on the same principle as the first ever built reflecting telescope in the 1600’s by Sir Isaac Newton. Light enters through the telescope and strikes a concave mirrors which then acts as a lens to be able to focus the lights. The primary mirror is reflected to a smaller mirror situated in front of the large primary mirror and is reflected back through a small hole to the observing instruments behind the focal point were the image is formed. (Hubble site) The radio telescope is a form of directional radio antenna which is most commonly used in radio astronomy, the telescope consist of a radio receiver and an antenna system that is used to detect radio frequency radiation emitted by outer-space sources. As radio wavelength are much longer than those wavelengths of visible light, radio telescopes must be large in size to obtain the high resolution of which optical telescope obtain. (Abv. S) The first built radio telescope in 1937 by Grote Reber of Wheaton had a reflector shaped dish that would focus the incoming radio waves onto a small pickup antenna, measuring in ay 76m in diameter. The reflecting surface on the telescope was equipped with a rad transmitter for the study of radar signals reflected from objects as planets and their satellites. Radio waves have a wavelength between