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77 Cards in this Set

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Differentiate first class lever

Fulcrum is in the middle with load and effort at the ends.

In order to complete the calculations (name) wants to make about her activities,she needs to know her mass. Exactly what property does his/her mass measure?

Tendency to maintain a constant state of motion

If an object is in free fall, what is the only force acting upon that object?


Which of the following is paramagnetic substance






Renaissance scientist credited with the invention of the pendulum.

Galileo Galilei

A derivative represents the rate of change of something. What is the derivative of a velocity function with respect to time?


Some of my players aren't to bright, so I avoid big words while explaining that physics is the study of matter and its "what" through space and time?


What is the name of the science of sound?


1921 Nobel Prize for physics winner and a scientist who worked on "Theory of Relativity"

Albert Einstein

In bowling, what creates the most kinetic friction with the bawling ball?


How far does the force of gravity go?

An infinite distance, but at some point you won't notice it anymore.

A physicist who worked on theory of special relativity

Albert Einstein

Laws that makes the most sense for the rock not moving.

Laws of Motion

What is the unit of measurement used to express the frequency range of sound?


X-rays are

Indirect Ionizing Radiation

What is the SI unit of weight?


Which of these can be described as having neutral equilibrium?

-traffic cone


-glass of water

-tennis ball

Tennis ball

We can calculate the velocity of an object once we know its trajectory, and its acceleration once we know its velocity. What is the name of this mathematical operation?


Which of the following is NOT a way to increase the strength of the electromagnet?

-add an iron core

-increase the current

-add more turns

-alternate the current

Alternate the current

Albert Einstein offered a groundbreaking theory that gives some scientific possibility to actual time travel. What theory is this?

Special Relativity Theory

Diffrentiate the second class lever

Load is in the middle with effort and fulcrum at the ends.

Differentiate third class lever

Effort lies in between fulcrum and load

The "center of mass" is a powerful concept for understanding the way that complicated objects move, hugely simplifying calculations of momentum and force. How do you calculate the center of mass of a group of objects?

Take the average of the objects' positions, weighted by their masses.


Extensions is the physical property which can also be phrased as the change in length (delta length). If the extension of an object is divided by the original length of the same object, what is being measured?


Suppose... A common situation when studying special relativity. Which of these words describes that conversion?


Isaac Newton, a famous english physicist, came up with three extremely important laws, which are known as Newton's laws of ______. What word fills in the blank?


Willhelm Wien, a german physicist who received the 1911 Nobel Proze in Physics.... Wien was able to develop his eponymous desplacement law, which relates the peak wavelength- the emitted wavelength with the grestest intensity- to what characteristic of the object emitting it?

Its temperature

What quantities is an extension of the linear momentum concept to motion along a curved path?

Angular momentum

German physicist who received the 1911 Nobel Prize in Physics for shredding light on a vexing issue.

Wilheim Wien (1864-1928)

Which instrument is used to measure gas pressure?


At the time of the ceremony in 1901, X-rays had been described in detail but had never been explained. So what is an X-ray, anyway?

An X-ray is light that is more energetic than visible light.

Which physicist became more famous for his cat than for his equation?

Erwin Schrodinger

You are driving on the freeway when you see a police car on the side of the road. Your speedometer broke, so you don't know how fast you are going. What formula should you use to find out your speed?

(d/t) Distance over time

Similarities of X-rays, gamma rays, infra-red, ultra-violet and visible light

They all travel with the same speed in a vacuum

Work of Isaac Newton

Universal law of gravitation

What is the name of the tube used to produce x-rays?

Coolidge tube

What is the SI unit of the physical quantity which defines the rate of doing work?


Issac Newton work is

Universal Law of Gravitation

Which of these is the SI unit of the physical quantity which defines the rate of doing work?


What is the name of the tube used to produce x-rays?

Coolidge tube

If an object is at rest on a flat surface, there is always gravity pulling down and the normal force pushing up. Which force is greater?

They are equal

An integral is the product of two quantities. What physical quantity is obtained when you take the integral of a velocity function with respect to time?


Study of motion known as what?


What do we call a solid whose arrangement of atoms and molecules has no definite pattern?


Physicist that was Niel Bohr working with when he made the discoveries that led to his 1922 Prize for physics?

Joseph J Thompson

Where is the center of gravity in bowling pin located?

Near the bottom

Name of object with so much gravitational force, even light can't escape.

Black hole

Astronomer whose work is law of planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler

What is the name of the material that sound passes through to reach your ear drums?


In radiation therapy how are x-rays different from gamma rays?

X-rays are man made

What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of light?

V/m (Volts per meter)

What is measured in Nm (Newton metres) and is defined as the force multiplied by the perpendicular distance from a point?


What material allows sound to travel through it at the fastest speed


Kevin Bonsor published which book in 2000, realting to time travel?

How Time Travel Will Work

What is the smallest non-zero amount of charge that such a particle can carry?

The charge of a proton

Which scientist who made discoveries in this field is the following named after? 'The extension (x) of an object is proportional to the load (F)'


What is the primary function of an ideal battery in an electrical circuit?

It provides a DC voltage

Nobel Prize in 2007 was jointly awarded to two men for seperate studies on the same phenomenon. What are the names of these two men?

Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg

What happens to a metal as it absorbs sunlight?

It expands as it heats

What is it that describes an orbit's farthest point from Earth?


What is the function of capacitor?

It stores electrical energy.

What was Albert Einstein's first Nobel prize all about?

Photo-electric effect

A car speed up from 54km/he to 90km/hr in 2 sec. Calculate the acceleration. (Note: 1km/hr=5/18m/s)


The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends upon what factors?

Mass and velocity KE=(1/2)mv^2

The amount of Potential energy an object has depends upon what factors?

Mass, gravity and height PE=mgh

The amount of Potential energy in a spring has depends upon what factors?

Spring Constant (k) and distance (x) U=(1/2)kx^2

Whose principle state that an experiment cannot simultaneously determine the exact component of momentum and position?


Who is credited with the discovery of infrared radiation?

William Herschel

What word describe the measure of how quickly changes from a starting point to top speed?


What unit is used to measure forces?


In the year 1900, Who introduce his quantum theory?

Max Planck

A method called in Japanese alternative method of healing.


What is the derivative of the momentum function with respect to time?

Net force

What is the name of the process that makes an object immersed in fluid rise to the top of a container?

Buoyant force

What is the unit of measurement that tells how loud something is?


What nuclear decay scheme results in the usable emission of radiation for this isotope?

Gamma Decay

The tendency of a system to oscillate at larger amplitude at some frequencied than the others
