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aerial images

không ảnh; ảnh chụp vệ tinh

aerial images show Dorian hurricane's widespread devastation


phe bảo thủ Anh

a member of the Conservative Party in Great Britain or Canada.

a member of a political party in Great Britain from the late 17th century to about 1832 that favored royal authority over Parliament and the preservation of the existing social and political order:


1. chương trình nghị sự

2. cương lĩnh hành động

crossing the floor

fleeing, defection

bỏ ngũ, chạy sang hàng ngũ phe đối lập

mandate (n)

sự uỷ thác, sự giao quyền

thẩm quyền được giao phó

Boris has no mandate, no morals and no majority


đạo đức =ethics

# morale =luân lý

Boris has no mandate, no morals and no majority

hung government

chính phủ treo

chính phủ không có phe đa số

An election would open up three main options: a Brexit-supporting government under Johnson, a Labour government led by Corbyn or a hung parliament that could lead to a coalition or minority government of some kind


trình tự


thủ tục


quá trình

worth of..

amount of

số lượng có giá trị bằng với..

US President Donald Trump announced afterwards he would increase tariffs on more than half-a-trillion dollars worth of imports in a new round of punitive measures, prompting Beijing to respond with fresh tariffs on US goods worth $75 billion.

generational devastation

utter disaster =

tai họa cùng cực, sự tàn phá cả một thế hệ đời người


nội soi, phương pháp nội soi

Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group is the first business in Việt Nam to apply AI in endoscopy, helping identify, localise and assess levels of damage in the digestive system.

ruling Conservative Party

đảng Bảo thủ (hiện) cầm quyền

The UK's Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd resigned from the government and the ruling Conservative Party on Saturday in a protest over Prime Minister Boris Johnson's handling of the country's departure from the EU.


trại viên (đang ở tù) www

More than 3,100 inmates will be released under the act, which has been praised by both Republicans and Democrats.


sự xuất huyết, chảy máu ra ngoài, mất máu

suy yếu sức lực vì liên tiếp dinh đòn

sự tổn hao tài sân hay sinh lực

ON a daily basis we witness the Tory Party haemorrhaging before our very eyes. How ironic to think David Cameron started the whole referendum Brexit process to avoid the destruction of his “precious” party, as they were losing supporters to Nigel Farage!

gear =equipment

thiết bị

and a U.S. campaign to persuade countries to bar Huawei, the world’s biggest telecoms equipment maker, from supplying network gear.


tiền lệ, các thông lệ có từ trước trong lịch sử

Bercow has served as speaker of parliament's lower chamber for 10 years, overseeing heated debates on Brexit and making decisions as to what the house should do, based on centuries of precedent.


hậu quả để lại

Durian hurricane afterma

reckless warmonger

kẻ hiểu chiến liều lĩnh

người hiếu chiến không cẩn trọng

measles-free status

tư cách là nước không còn bệnh đậu mùa

4 EU countries have lost measles-free status


sự đình trệ, ngưng trệ

ách tắc, xáo trộn

Heavy rains bring major disruptions


heavy rain

mưa như trút nước, mưa rất lớn

Heavy rains bring major disruptions

fusion cusine

ẩm thực tổng hợp (nhiều văn hoá ẩm thực đặc sắc khác biệt)

Fusion cuisine is cuisine that combines elements of different culinary traditions that originate from different countries, regions, cultures.


sway (n)

sức ảnh hưởng, sự kiểm soát

formal control or influence

In the 19803, the organization came under the sway of (= became strongly inf1uenced by) Christian fundamentalism. Her parents no longer seem to have much sway over her. The party could hold sway (= have an important imhuence) on some crucial votes.

[] A A f-\


2.đội hình (bay, chiến đấu..).

1. sự hình thành, tạo hình

toiletry, toiletries

cầu tiêu buồng tắm

They went into the basement and called for help, while the mountain lion appeared to take the opportunity to knock around toiletries


a male wild pig, any wild pig, also called a wild boar

lợn lòi, lợn rừng, lợn lòi đực

The boar sparked the hunt when it was spotted in Hong Kong Park in Central district, where it was shot with a tranquiliser gun.

The boar sparked the hunt when it was spotted in Hong Kong Park in Central district, where it was shot with a tranquiliser gun.

súng bắn thuốc mê, súng gây mê

bia mộ

This hyperbolical epitaph _ Fuller.

An inscription on a gravestone in memory of the deceased.2. A poem or other short text

cách nói phóng đại, phép khoa trương (tu từ học),

of exaggerated speech

hyperbole, hyperbolical

This hyperbolical epitaph. - Fuller.

người điệu đàng, người thích làm cảnh, tạo dáng

A poseur is someone who poses for effect, or behaves affectedly, who affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others, or who pretends to belong to a particular group. Wikipedia

poser, poseur (F)

bệnh dịch

In this Saturday, July 13, 2019 photo, a child is vaccinated against Ebola in Beni, Congo. But after nearly a year and some 171,000 doses given, the epidemic shows few signs of waning.

an epidemic

đại dịch

Health experts are warning the world to prepare for a major pandemic. But the experts say they just do not know when it will strike.

pandemic, major epidemic

huge and widespread epidemic

nhân viên thi hành pháp luật

We strongly regret to learn that a high school student taking part in the protest was shot by a law enforcer of the Hong Kong government,” Tsai’s office said in a statement late on Tuesday.

a law enforcer

chuyển qua giai đoạn

move to {v-ing}


The trial then moved to the sentencing phase and prosecutors showed the jury derisive text messages Guyger sent about working a Martin Luther King Day parade in 2018. Responding to a message that asked “When does this end lol,” she wrote: “When MLK is dead… oh wait…

mặc bộ đồ kiểu-nhà binh

in a military-style outfit

Two people died and two more were severely injured in the eastern German city of Halle on Wednesday, after a gunman in a military-style outfit tried to force his way into a synagogue in an attempted mass shooting

việc cấm vận

rào chắn

blockade, barricade

sức mạnh

might, strength, power

It remains unclear whether prolonged sanctions will eventually rob Huawei of growth, something Ren himself has warned may happen. Huawei remains at the heart of U.S. tensions with China, a symbol of the Asian country’s rising technological might.

phổ thông đầu phiếu

They also projected the words "Five demands - not one less" on the wall behind her. Since the protests began, they have widened from rallies against the bill to five key demands - including universal suffrage.

người phàm, phàm nhân thiên hạ

mere mortals, ordinary people

* “The thing about the greased piglet is that he manages to slip through other people’s hands where mere mortals fail.”

“The thing about the greased piglet is that he manages to slip through other people’s hands where mere mortals fail.

những nhân vật

figures, personage

That Trump should be coming under such sharp criticism from figures as revered as McRaven is all the more extraordinary given that Trump put those he called “my generals” at the center of his cabinet when he took office almost three years ago.

cung cách

demeanor, manner, behavior, conduct, deportment, geste

Another source, who spoke to CNN's Jamie Gangel, said that Trump's demeanor left even Republicans "completely shaken," "shell-shocked" and "sickened."

vai chính, thủ lãnh


kết cục

However there is one key difference that led to both cases having entirely different outcomes.

outcome, result

nhân vật hư cấu

a fictional character

còn bài chủ, con bài mạnh nhất

trump card

The trump card, however, may be India’s unique position to dominate a sea conflict, with dire consequences for the Chinese economy.

nhân viên hoạt động

điệp viên hoạt động ngầm (ở nước ngoài)

The strike targeted Iranian Quds Force operatives and Shiite militias which were preparing to advance attack plans targeting sites in Israel from within Syria over the last number of days,” the military said in a statement.

khách du lịch


khách thăm quan


người phụ trách bảo tàng


bối cảnh, khung cảnh

background, environment,

mức sinh lời, lợi suất


sự cải tổ, tổ chức lại

reshuffle, shake-up

This reshuffle has brought to the fore the officers who can do just that. They are loyal to Kim Jong Un and no one else."

tổ chức nghiên cứu và phân tích

research & analysis organization

những mẫu chuyện làm nên tin tức

stories making news

nỗ lực, ý định cố làm một việc gì

(thất bại không) thực hiện được một kế hoạch gì

Boris Johnson has lost his third bid for a general election, after Labour abstained and he failed to reach the two-thirds majority he needed for a poll.

bid, attempt

cơ quan đăng ký

The country’s automobile registrar told an importer based in northern Vietnam to take the app out of Chinese-made cars which are distributed in the country.

gỡ bỏ

The country’s automobile registrar told an importer based in northern Vietnam to take the app out of Chinese-made cars which are distributed in the country.

take out, remove

một thiểu số,

We’re launching the most ambitious and radical campaign for real change our country has ever seen. This is a once in a generation chance to build a country for the many, not the few. It’s time,” Corbyn said.

chi nhánh

branch, arm of

The arm of Mitsubishi that pulled its sponsorship support was Mitsubishi Motors Taiwan, the Taiwanese branch of the Japanese auto company.

sự lắng đọng xuống, rơi xuống

settling (to the ground, bottom of something)

the settling to the ground of airborne particles ejected into the atmosphere from the earth by explosions, eruptions, forest fires, etc., especially such settling from nuclear explosions (radioactive fallout).the particles themselves.

bụi phóng xạ rơi xuống



=the settling to the ground of airborne particles ejected into the atmosphere from the earth by explosions, eruptions, forest fires, etc., especially such settling from nuclear explosions (radioactive fallout).=the particles thếmlves.

phun trào


the settling to the ground of airborne particles ejected into the atmosphere from the earth by explosions, eruptions, forest fires, etc., especially such settling from nuclear explosions (radioactive fallout).the particles themselves.

những cái lịch sự tinh tế, những cái khách khí văn hoa


“Men of action don’t have time for niceties like facts and rules. And neither do 30-second ads. Effective angle for any incumbent – even this one.

một yếu tố,

một chút gì đó

một mầm mống của.

an element of..

a grain of something

but there's a grain of discovery in the solution of any problem

cơ quan ngôn luận


according to a commentary in yesterday’s People’s Daily, the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece.

cơ quan giám sát


nine-dash linet

duong chị


lòng tham tiền, hám lợi

0 It was cupidity that made Alana steal her co-worker's share of the profits from the project; especially since it was money that she did not necessarily need.

making the headline

đang chiếm đầu đề các tựa báo

đúng là như vậy

to be the case

The department also confirmed this to be the case.

cuộc giải tán


Police fired 44 tear gas rounds, 11 rubber bullets, three beanbag rounds and one sponge-tipped round in the vicinity during the dispersal.


gốc thực vật

plant-based food revolution

cuộc cách mạng của thực phẩm gốc thực vật

buổi điều trần trực tiếp truyền hình

televised hearings

An aggressive push by President Donald Trump’s Republican allies to unmask an anonymous whistleblower who ignited the impeachment inquiry could help shore up voter support for Trump, as Congress enters a critical new phase of televised hearings, party officials and strategists say.

an tử



Also called mercy killing (cái chết làm ơn) .

the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.

dung dịch chuẩn

standardized solution

pH meter that shows the pH value in two decimal places are certainly more accurate, and accuracy of any pH meter is checked by measuring the pH value of the standardized solutions.

giáo viên dạy thế

thầy /cô giáo thay thế

substitute teacher

substitute instructor

A former substitute teacher faces an assault charge after she allegedly beat a student at a Texas high school on Friday, the Hays County Sheriff's Office said.

áo quần mặc trên người

outfit, clothes

xquad is designed for all kinds of situations, like wearing on your wrist, attaching on your outfit and backpack, and also for pets.

cuộc điều trần công khai

public hearings

early bird

người đến sớm, đến trước mọi người

early bird customers

vở bi hài kich lâm li nhiều hồi

vở trường ca (gay cấn hồi hộp)


The UK's Brexit saga entered a new phase early Tuesday, when Prime Minister Boris Johnson prorogued -- or suspended-- Parliament for more than a month.

lờ nhại; việc nhại chế diễu, sự bắt chước để châm biếmp


a parody of Shakespearian sonnet , an operatic aria , a well-known politicianmột đoạn nhại bài xonê của Shakespearian, bản aria của opêra, một nhà chính trị nổi tiếngtrò chế nhạo, khôi hài

trái đạn, lựu đạn

round, rounds (of)

Police fired 1,576 rounds of tear gas, 1,312 rubber bullets, 380 beanbag rounds and 126 sponge-tipped rounds on Tuesday, breaking the record of rubber bullets used in a single day during more than five months of demonstrations.

viên (đạn)


Police fired 1,576 rounds of tear gas, 1,312 rubber bullets, 380 beanbag rounds and 126 sponge-tipped rounds on Tuesday, breaking the record of rubber bullets used in a single day during more than five months of demonstrations.

câu chuyện

câu chuyện sau hậu trường

behind-the-scenes account

Among the many incendiary details contained in A Warning, a behind-the-scenes account of the White House under Trump, is the revelation that the president floated the idea of changing the legal designation of migrants as a way of forcibly keeping them out of the country

sự phát hiện ra rằng

the revelation that

Among the many incendiary details contained in A Warning, a behind-the-scenes account of the White House under Trump, is the revelation that the president floated the idea of changing the legal designation of migrants as a way of forcibly keeping them out of the country

bí ẩn, bí mật,

secret, myth,

the puzzle of

The puzzle of how some people live healthily for a century or more may finally have been answered by scientists.

sự vỡ mộng


Disillusioned with the trappings of late-stage capitalism, ‘Another Community’ is building a different way of life in the countryside

cuộc hội thảo



tình trạng kẹt xe (dính chặt với nhau như mứt không di chuyển được)


traffic jam

điều tra, thăm dò, khảo sát

inquiry=an investigation, a probe

Mueller defends inquiry's integrity, says he did not exonerate Trump.


bi hài kịch, tấn tuồng nhiều hồi lắm lớp,

a musical or dramatic composition or production, as comic opera or musical comedy, marked by a loose structure, a frivolous theme, and elaborate costuming and staging.any lavish or opulent show, event, assemblage, etc.:an extravaganza of new housewares on the twelfth floor.


khoản tiền, đợt tiền

món tiền, phần tiền

tranche /trɑːnʃ/ noun [countable]

part of a larger sum of money or collection of shares

The government has traded 200 million Eurobonds in two tranches.The second tranche of the loan would be repaid over three years.

một loạt, rất nhiều


a host of

multitude of

a horde of..

a great number of

a series of

Wei and Esper discussed a host of issues -- including the political unrest in Hong Kong and the status of the South China Sea, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said

Tòa Chống Án,

Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal rules that Ajimobi petition against Balogun lacks merit

cuộc giằng co

tình trạng bất phân thắng bại


Hong Kong protests: bitter stand-off inside Polytechnic University continues with as many as 100 activists still on campus, determined to evade capture

lễ tuyên thệ

being sworn in

In an exclusive interview with the Post ahead of being sworn in on Tuesday, Chris Tang Ping-keung said the crisis, now in its sixth month, was much more than a law-and-order issue.

thủ tục (xử án, tòa án)


The proceedings took less than five hours and Chau was cut off by the presiding judge as he made a statement in his defence.

cháy rừng

bushfire, wildfire

nhiệm kỳ

tenure, term

Vietnam’s national leader, Nguyen Phu Trong, implored state investigators this week to speed up their inquiries and convictions into corrupt Communist Party officials, the latest salvo in an anti-graft campaign that has come to define his tenure.

chống tham nhũng



Vietnam’s national leader, Nguyen Phu Trong, implored state investigators this week to speed up their inquiries and convictions into corrupt Communist Party officials, the latest salvo in an anti-graft campaign that has come to define his tenure.

Ban Chấp hành Trung ương

Central Steering Committee

At a Central Steering Committee on Anti-Corruption meeting 2018, Trong boasted that anti-corruption investigators had monitored more than 490 party organizations and 35,000 members since 2016, 1,300 of which were found to have violated regulations.

narcissism, narcissistic

bệnh tự yêu chính mình

It’s not the first time Trump has publicly disparaged George Conway, who has emerged as one of his most persistent critics.Conway frequently uses his Twitter feed and newspaper op-eds to draw attention to what he calls the president’s malignant narcissism.


No postage is required if mail is send intem


hệ thống tem, những con têm

trẻ vị thành niên


Kingston police have confirmed that seven people are dead, including three minors, after a small aircraft crashed in Kingston

người đại diện, đại lý


James died peacefully and at home, surrounded by his family , his agents said

khuôn viên đại học

khu trường sở


Authorities moved into Hong Kong Polytechnic University on November 28, 2019, to search for dangerous items and gather evidence after recent violent protests at the campus as well as to try and convince any remaining demonstrators to leave.

cuộc bao vây


A small group of protesters had remained in hiding on campus despite a police siege of the complex starting on November 17. Clashes with police started around November 12 when several Hong Kong universities became battlegrounds, with the violence at PolyU escalating on November 14 when protesters started to dig in.

đụng độ


Clashes with police started around November 12 when several Hong Kong universities became battlegrounds, with the violence at PolyU escalating on November 14 when protesters started to dig in.

dẫn độ


Meng, the tech giant’s chief financial officer, is fighting extradition to the United States, where she is wanted on fraud charges relating to alleged breaches of US sanctions on Iran.

bị truy nã (vì tội)

bị truy bắt, bị tróc nã

be wanted (on... charges)

Meng, the tech giant’s chief financial officer, is fighting extradition to the United States, where she is wanted on fraud charges relating to alleged breaches of US sanctions on Iran.

nhậm chức

taking one's post

Canada’s new ambassador to China, Dominic Barton, personally visited the two detained Canadians last month, soon after taking up his post the previous month.

hạ thuế biểu (hải quan)

tariff relief

(khác với tax reduction)

In latest sign of trade-war pain, the Trump administration announces tariff relief for dozens of Chinese products

đoạn phim, đoạn video


The footage was shared on Weibo, a popular microblogging site in mainland China. Internet users commented on the levels of hatred the attacker must have had for his victim to carry out such an act.


changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic:

a mercurial nature.

bản chất mau thay đổi

tính cách phập phù

thẩm phán, viên thẩm phán

a justice

The nine justices will hear arguments in an appeal by three handgun owners and the New York state affiliate of the NRA - the gun rights group closely aligned with President Donald Trump and other Republicans - who say the regulation violates the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

lòng thù hận, máu căm hờn


The footage was shared on Weibo, a popular microblogging site in mainland China. Internet users commented on the levels of hatred the attacker must have had for his victim to carry out such an act.

sự kêu ca, phàn nàn, nỗi bất bình



chủ nghĩa cực đoan


a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods.

tù binh,


Trump and Macron began by gently outlining their differing views on the alliance. But the conversation became more pointed after Trump invited Macron to take back Islamic State captives held by U.S.-allied forces in Syria.


nơi thờ phượng, chỗ thiêng liêng?

We condemn in the strongest terms yesterday’s attack on worshipers at a mosque in Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Places of worship should be sanctuaries, not targets for terrorist attacks.

52-week low

The 52-week high and low for the price of any actively traded security expresses the highest and lowest price over the course of the previous year (expressed as 52 weeks).

If you observe the market prices for a given security during a specific period of time, there will be a price that is higher than all others and a price that is lower than all others.

chứng khoán

cổ phiếu công ty

security, a security (finance)

securities [plural]

= documents proving that somebody is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company

* government securities

** If you observe the market prices for a given security during a specific period of time, there will be a price that is higher than all others and a price that is lower than all others.

tiền đồn, căn cứ quân sự


nổi tiếng, được nhiều người biết

renown, famous,


Nakamura was renowned for his aid work in the country. He led the Japanese based non-governmental organization Peshawar-kai, a group that helped to rebuild the war-torn country.

quyền dân sự, quyền dân chủ

civil rights

Democrats put pressure on Beijing for civil rights

cuộc bao vây, phong tỏa


Protesters protect themselves from tear gas canister using umbrellas in the Kowloon area of Hong Kong. As night fell in Hong Kong, police tightened a siege on Monday at a university campus as hundreds of anti-government protesters trapped inside sought to escape [Vincent Yu/The Associated Press]

mallet: búa nhỏ, gậy búa

gavel =búa lệnh (ở tòa án)

hammer : búa (công cụ)

a gavel

cáo buộc lừa đảo

fraud charges


chỉ trích /đấu đá nội bộ

NATO leaders intended to put up a more united front on the second day of the alliance's 70th-anniversary summit on Wednesday after public infighting overshadowed the opening.

làm u ám,

làm ảnh hưởng tới bức tranh chung


NATO leaders intended to put up a more united front on the second day of the alliance's 70th-anniversary summit on Wednesday after public infighting overshadowed the opening.


Canonization is the act by which a Christian church declares that a person who has died is a saint, upon which declaration the person is included in the list of recognized saints, called the "canon." Originally, a person was recognized as a saint without any formal process

Cf: beatification

đủ các thành phần xã hội

people from all walks of life

Pop star Son Naeun has been also the target of cruel comments on her Instagram page. Cyberbullying appears rampant in South Korea, with people from all walks of life becoming targets

khủng bố tinh thần qua mạng

đe dọa trên mạng xã hội

thủ ác trực tuyến


Forensic psychologist Lee Soo-jung says anyone can become a victim of cyberbullying... or a perpetrator.

cá mập hổ

tiger shark

He assumes the animal mistook Irwin's shadow for a tiger shark, its main prey.

không thực hiện, không làm việc gì (mà trách nhiệm đòi hỏi)

failure to do something

House speaker said inquiry revealed a failure by president to uphold the law and his actions are a ‘violation of the public trust

nhân vật chính


the hero

protagonist =nhân vật chính

antagonist =đối th

proponent =người chủ trương một đường lối, người đề xướng lý thuyết



sự trả đủa, trả thù

reprisal, retaliation, counterblow, counterstroke

vengeance, eye for an eye,

The video’s producers remain anonymous, fearing reprisals from the government and police.

những người có thể bị tổn thương,

vulnerable (as noun)

those who are most vulnerable.

those most vulnerable to some danger in question.

Killer heat: US cities' plans for coming heatwaves fail to protect vulnerable

bước đi sai lạc, việc sai lầm

missteps, mistakes

Taken together, the documents paint a stark picture of missteps and failures.

sai trái, việc làm sai quấy


Babis, 65 and in power since 2017, denies any wrongdoing in the criminal case and also repeatedly said he met all legal requirements on conflict of interest by setting up the fund structure.


uỷ ban bầu cử của một đảng chính trị.

[Mrs.] Pelosi meets with [her party's] caucus before vote

hệ lụy, hậu quả

sự ảnh hưởng vang động

implication, consequence



There is clearly an economic implication for the firms involved, but there is also the risk of global resonance

người đưa tin dấu mặt

người rò rỉ thông tin

> người thổi còi

leaker (information)

> whistleblower

Note that even though the tweet says its the Huawei P40 specs, it’s the P40 Pro variant in reality. The leaker has added later that this is the specs of the Pro version.


rút về mức thuế cũ

Beijing is also demanding rollbacks of all existing tariffs imposed by the United States.


cáu chuyện huyên thuyên, chuyện phiếm

Servant of the People follows the fictionalised Zelenskiy’s unlikely rise from high-school teacher to Ukraine’s president after his rant against corruption goes viral

tính bảo mật


In order to protect confidentiality, the case histories in this report are fictionalized composites based on multiple interviews with multiple informants.

top stories

tin tức hàng đầu


hoax =trò xỏ lá, trò chơi khăm

witch hunt =cuộc săn phù thủy


an undoing of what has been done before, gỡ bỏ những việc làm /quyết định liên quan trước đây

bức phá,

một sự khai thông (bế tắc)


China and the US have made a breakthrough in trade negotiations, with a consensus agreement reached for a phase-one deal that will halt further tariff increases and lower some already in place, Vice-Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen announced on Friday.

bức phá,

một sự khai thông (bế tắc)


a leap forward a quantum leap a breakthrough strike a deal =đạt được một thỏa thuận

China and the US have made a breakthrough in trade negotiations, with a consensus agreement reached for a phase-one deal that will halt further tariff increases and lower some already in place, Vice-Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen announced on Friday.


hội nghị chuyên đề

hội nghị chuyên đề

hội thảo

hội luận

a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.

Wang was speaking at an annual symposium in Beijing on international affairs and China’s diplomacy.

vì SỰ TIẾN BỘ của khoa học

vì SỰ THĂNG TIẾN của khoa học

for the ADVANCEMENT of science

người chần chừ

a holdout

Pelosi’s evolution from holdout to leader in the process has pushed a president to the brink of impeachment for only the third time in US history

travel industry

ngành giao thông vận tải? No!


US travel industry calls for Congress to pass UMSCA

Bộ trưởng bộ Giao thông Vận tải

Sanna Marin, Finland's 34-year-old transportation minister, will also become the country's youngest ever prime minister when she is sworn in on Tuesda

travel = du lịch

Thủ tướng (Mới-) được bầu

The prime minister-elect told reporters that she has "a lot of work ahead to rebuild trust," according to Reuters.

cảnh máu me, cảnh thịt nát xương tan


Checks and balances.

Checks and balances. Checks and balances, principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power.


lời bóng gió, cạnh khóe

cách nói không rõ ràng, ù ơ


lừa đảo và làm ăn bất chính

fraud and racketeering

He was charged with fraud and racketeering

Mấy người ơi,

Các cậu ơi,


You, guys..

Folks, this might be the greatest compliment McConnell has ever received. They are seriously entertaining holding a grenade with the pin pulled rather than facing what happens when they send it over McConnell’s wall.


trận thư hùng, phen sống mái

phút xổ bài ai thắng ai thua

1. the laying down of one's cards, face upward2. confrontation

2. An international showdown was inevitable.

cháy rừng

bushfire, wildfire

collocation: break out


schedule, timetable

Do you have any idea over the timing of the trial in the Senate?

ông ngoại

maternal grandfather

Gail Lukasik was always curious about her mother's side of the family, particularly about her maternal grandfather

sự vội vã, việc hấp tấp

the rush to (do something)

Despite the rush to deploy extra police, city officials, including de Blasio, appear keen to learn the lessons of the Crown Heights disturbances of the early 90s that found Jewish and Black communities clashing violently.


phóng nhanh, chạy nước rút

lập trường

stance, stand

standpoint, posture

attitude, viewpoint.

Collins’ stance on the parameters of the impeachment trial aligns her with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who has all but promised a swift acquittal of Trump.

miễn trừ, quyền miễn trừ


Netanyahu asks Knesset immunity for corruption case.

khuôn viên


There have been conflicting reports as to how the incident unfolded, with the Iraqi security media cell reporting that three rockets came down inside the airport perimeter, near the air cargo terminal, early on Friday morning local time. The resulting explosions set two vehicles alight, injuring civilians, it said


dòng, họ

*a new strain of virus

**The virus could be a new strain and take longer to identify, experts say.

người bị chết, người chết

the kilked

the deceased (those who have died or been killed)

Late in the afternoon reports surfaced of a fresh US airstrike which is believed to have hit a pro-Iran group of soldiers north of Baghdad. Details have been slowly trickling out, but still unconfirmed are the identities of the deceased.


phi trường, sân bay nhỏ



cuộc diễu hành

Soleimani funeral procession reaches Iran's capital

giảm leo thang


(there're) calls for de-escalation amid heightened tensions

potential fallout

những hậu quả tai hại,

di hại tiềm ẩn (sau một hành động hay biến cố)


cõi, chốn

nơi, chỗ

nền phi đạo, đường băng phủ nhựa bitumen,

sân đổ máy bay, sàn xưởng chế tạo máy bay


FILE PHOTO: An aerial photo shows Boeing 737 MAX airplanes parked on the tarmac at the Boeing Factory in Renton, Washington, U.S. March 21, 2019. REUTERS/Lindsey Wasson/File Photo

thiếu hụt

shortfall of

pork shortfall in China due to flu jacks global prices up



Clinton, since 2011, has received an annual retainer of $50,000 for serving on the board of IAC InterActiveCorp, which is controlled by business and television mogul Barry Diller, according to financial publication Barron’s.

sự được mất, sự đổi chác phải có

a tradeoff

Embassy in Baghdad. Right now, no one can predict the long-term cost-benefit tradeoffs of that seemingly rash decision.

quyết định vội vã /hấp tấp

rash decision

Embassy in Baghdad. Right now, no one can predict the long-term cost-benefit tradeoffs of that seemingly rash decision.

Defense scy.

=defense secretary

Bộ trưởng bộ quốc phòng

nơi chốn, vị trí ở đâu


Once the Cham Wings Airlines Airbus A320 landed, American spies at Iraq’s main airport, which houses U.S. military personnel, confirmed its exact whereabouts.

câu chuyện, việc kể lại


This account of how the United States took out Soleimani is based on interviews with two people directly familiar with the details of the operation, as well as other American officials who were briefed on it.

cuộc săn lùng, sự truy tìm

a manhunt

So he wasn’t nearly as hard to find as bin Laden, who was hiding in Pakistan when he was killed in 2011, or the Islamic State militant group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in Syria during a U.S. raid in October after a yearslong manhunt.

một luồng chảy ngầm, một luồng sóng ngầm

an undercurrent

The home secretary, Priti Patel, contradicted Prince Harry’s claims that negative coverage of his wife has been motivated by an undercurrent of racism.

chợ bán sĩ

(chợ đầu mối?)

wholesale market

Woman, 61, could have caught the virus in Wuhan at other markets, as her infection has no relation to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market

cuộc cạnh tranh, sự kình địch



fight for control or influence

The fight for power and global influence between the US and China has already shaken international trade, the South China Sea and Africa – and now the Arctic looks set to become the next focal point in the rivalry.

một động thái

một bước đi

a move

The three EU countries on Tuesday launched a process charging Iran with failing to observe the terms of the 2015 deal curtailing its nuclear programme, a move that sparked anger from Tehran.

việc thừa nhận rằng

the admission that..

The decision to begin the so-called dispute mechanism process comes as tensions soar between the West and Iran following the killing of top commander Qassem Soleimani in a US strike, and the admission by Tehran days later that it had accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airliner.

biệt thự xa hoa, nhà cửa bạc tỉ

lavish property

Another Russian media site, Project, raised questions about hidden registration information on his lavish property.

công ty nhà đất công ty địa ốc

property company

Another Russian media site, Project, raised questions about hidden registration information on his lavish property.

kiện tụng

các thủ tục pháp lý

litigation, legal proceedings in a court

The administration’s travel ban, which has been through several rounds of litigation and iterations, currently includes seven countries (with certain exceptions) not allowed to fly to the United States: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea.

mưu tinh, mưu toan

attempt, an attempt to...

The document said the impeachment articles failed to allege any crime and were a "brazen" attempt to interfere with the 2020 presidential elections.

ảnh hưởng, tác động tiêu cực

sự suy suyển


Hong Kong has been ranked yet again as the world’s least affordable housing market with social unrest failing to make any meaningful dent on home prices for most of 2019. That dubious honour is for the 10th straight year and is unlikely to be toppled in near future.

trong bối cảnh

against the backdrop of

dòng mã lệnh

lines of codes

fewer lines of codes /

có it dòng mã lệnh hơncó số dòng chương trình ngắn hơn

tấm chắn

trung tâm (của sự kiện gây chấn động, tai họa động đất hay sóng thần)


The city’s airport and rail station are packed as travellers desperately try to get out of city at the epicentre of the outbreak

vụ bùng phát (dịch bệnh)


The city’s airport and rail station are packed as travellers desperately try to get out of city at the epicentre of the outbreak


thuỷ tinh hóa, biến thành thủy tinh, hóa kiếng

sự phản bác

a rebuttal

bị coi là

is deemed [to be]

The HK$42 million carnival, which was organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, was meant to replace the annual Lunar New Year night parade, but that was deemed “too risky” amid the ongoing anti-government protests.

Nhóm Biện hộ

Ban Phản biện

defense team

President 's defense team, Impeachment defense team

sự phơi nhiễm (với bệnh tật)

sự phơi sáng (của phim ảnh)

mức độ phơi lộ đối với một tác nhân bên ngoài


window #

the limits (of interval or period of time) during which an attempt to carry out certain project or endeavor is physically feasible.

khung thời gian

(khoảng thời gian cho phép, thuận lợi cho một toan tính hay hoạt động mong muốn)

The January transfer window will soon be shut, meaning the business of buying and selling players will be concluded for another few months.

<mùa chuyển nhượng cầu thủ >


tiền đạo

Machia: Cameroon striker leads Braga to victory over Sporting CP


(etymon =đánh /đá)

cái đánh lửa (bật lửa)

cầu thủ đá tấn công (tiền đạo)

người đánh búa (phụ rèn)

cái búa gõ (trong đồng hồ)

người đình công (chống lại chủ)

trát bắt

arrest warrant

Authorities then issued both Canada-wide and international arrest warrants against Kapoor, believing he was in the United States.

giờ thứ 21,

vào phút chót, giờ cận kết

the 11th hour

In an 11th-hour decision, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has withdrawn his request to parliament to grant him immunity from prosecution. The move apparently undermines his rival Benny Gantz’s US visit.

thu hồi tài sản


dự luật


State Representative Micah Van Huss has introduced a bill into the House that "recognizes CNN and 'The Washington Post' as fake news and condemns them for denigrating our citizens."

cách hành xử

smb's conduct, behavior

kiến nghị, đề nghị


Senate defeats (the) motion to call witnesses

lừa đảo?


The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats keep chanting “fairness”, when they put on the most unfair Witch Hunt in the history of the U.S. Congress. They had 17 Witnesses, we were allowed ZERO, and no lawyers. They didn’t do their job, had no case. The Dems are scamming America!

bottom line

kết số,

cái kết quả cuối cùng

rốt cục là cái gì

registered democrat

đảng viên dân chủ có ghi danh

đảng viên dân chủ có đăng ký

hợp lưu


thiếu hụt

shortage, shortfall

He said the company’s supply of surgical masks was enough for now, but he was worried it would run out soon amid a citywide shortfall.

rác thải


He uses two masks during his 10-hour shift from 7am to 5pm at a refuse collection point in the southern part of Hong Kong Island.

kiểm tra bất ngờ

surprise inspection

Department officers would conduct regular and surprise inspections on contractors, he added. (South Morning Star, 2 Feb, 2020)

sự va chạm, đụng độ, xung đột (nhỏ)


In what appears to be the first international skirmish since Brexit, French politicians have condemned a temporary ban on foreign fishing boats in waters off Guernsey triggered by Britain’s departure from the European Union.

một đòn đau

significant blow

Confirmation of al-Rimi's death would mean a significant blow for the group

truyền thông nhà nước

state media

China has deployed hundreds of military officers to control the flow of medical and essential supplies in Wuhan, ground zero of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, state media and sources said.

ground zero

surface zero, hypocenter

<Cf: tâm chấn (núi lửa trong lòng biển) =epicenter>

nền số không

tâm điểm vụ nổ

China has deployed hundreds of military officers to control the flow of medical and essential supplies in Wuhan, ground zero of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, state media and sources said.

đang trong thời gian bị theo dõi

đang trong thời gian quản chế

under surveillance

Police were immediately on the scene, amid reports that the suspect was under surveillance having previously served a prison sentence for terrorism offences. Police said they were confident the suspect was 20-year-old Sudesh Amman.


ground zero

tâm bùng nổ (dịch bệnh)

tâm điểm vụ nổ

cơ quan, tổ chức

a body

an organ or an agency

The pan-Islamic body, which represents more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, "rejects this US-Israeli plan as it does not meet the minimum aspirations and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and contradicts the terms of reference of the peace process", it said in a statement.

cảnh tượng ngổn ngang, bừa bãi, cảnh hỗn loạn


When we arrived at the scene we saw chaos; three youths were lying on the sidewalk, and nearby nine others were gathered who had been hurt,” said medic Oz Pollak.

(BrE) khu vực dành riêng (cho người đi bộ)

(AE) đơn vị bầu cử của một tỉnh hay quận (được chia thành nhiều khu)


Over 100 precincts in Iowa reported inconsistent results

dirty cop

côn an,

công an côn đồ

công an mất dạy, hối lộ

A corrupt cop, usually abusing authority or taking parts in illegal activities.

Everytime Officer Meekins arrests some big-time gangbanger they have no cash on them, I think he takes the cash, he's probably a dirty cop


tòa nhà thành phố.

tòa thị sảnh

chốn tụ tập??

presidential town hall

buổi phỏng vấn lập trường tranh cử tổng thống tại tòa nhà thành phố

buổi tranh biện lập trường tranh cử tổng thống tại tòa nhà thành phố

presidential town hall

sự điềm tĩnh

sự bình tĩnh

com‧po‧sure /kəmˈpəʊʒə/the state of feeling or seeming calm

*recover/regain your composure (=become calm after feeling angry or upset)**Carter looked stunned, but he soon regained his composure.keep/maintain your composure (=stay calm)***The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.****He has lost his composure under the pressure of the situation.

kết quả sơ bộ

kết quả chưa đầy đủ

kết quả điểm phiếu

preliminary results

partial results

initial tally

That task was all but impossible in three of the four counties where the Democrats have called for a new tally.


threshold of..

final vote for both charges but FELL well SHORT OF the threshold of 67 for removal


cảnh khốn khổ, gian nan,

màn /hồi thử thách gay go,

sự đày ải (tinh thần hay thể xác)

The Thai soldier who killed at least 20 people and holed up in a mall overnight was shot dead Sunday morning by commandos, ending a near-17-hour ordeal which left dozens wounded and stunned the country.

tràng đạn, loạt đạn

volleys of (..gunfire)

Volleys of gunfire rang out as the siege ran into dawn, hours after Thai security services stormed the ground floor and freed scores of stunned, terrified shoppers from a bloody rampage that the gunman – a junior army officer identified as Sergeant-Major Jakrapanth Thomma – had relayed via Facebook posts.

thượng sĩ

sergeant (major)

Volleys of gunfire rang out as the siege ran into dawn, hours after Thai security services stormed the ground floor and freed scores of stunned, terrified shoppers from a bloody rampage that the gunman – a junior army officer identified as Sergeant-Major Jakrapanth Thomma – had relayed via Facebook posts.

trại lính


sinh viên năm (thứ) hai


The station reported that Sam was remembered Friday evening at a candlelight vigil at Arlington High School, where he was a sophomore.

đêm thắp nến tưởng niệm

đêm không ngủ thắp nến tưởng niệm

candlelight vigil

The station reported that Sam was remembered Friday evening at a candlelight vigil at Arlington High School, where he was a sophomore.

phòng /khu/

đơn vị chăm sóc đặc biệt

intensive care unit

Jordan Peterson, 57, emerged last week from an intensive care unit in a Russian hospital after being treated for a dependence on benzodiazepine, an anti-anxiety medication.

ngưng trệ giao thông

viêc đi lại bị gián đoạn

travel disruptions

Storm Ciara, the first storm of the year, hit Ireland on Saturday night and reached the UK and northern mainland Europe on Sunday. As it is sweeping across the continent, Ciara's heavy rain and strong gales are causing travel disruptions, damages and power cuts.

trường hợp nghiêm trọng

severe cases

The commission on Monday morning reported 3,062 new cases of infection as of Sunday at midnight, taking the total to date to 40,171. Of those in hospital, almost 6,500 are severe cases, according to the data.

phiên xử


Fong was kept in custody to await his next hearing scheduled on April 6 and 7, at Fanling and Kowloon City Courts respectively.

phòng chăm sóc đặc biệt

bộ phận chăm sóc đặc biệt

intensive care unit

Kato added that the patients in hospital from the ship include four people in serious condition who are on artificial respirators or being treated in intensive care units. He says the four are all men in their 60s to 70s including three Japanese nationals.

sự khống chế, không để lây lan

viêc kiểm soát không để lan rộng


Today China sees first day of more than 100 reported deaths as WHO encouraged containment.

giáng cấp (sự)


The stunning reshuffle at the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office (HKMAO) ­– coming after months of social turmoil and anti-government protest violence in Hong Kong, and as the city reels from the ongoing coronavirus crisis – is seen as a demotion but still leaves Zhang running daily operations with his ministerial rank intact.


tay sai, đồ tể

an unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, especially a criminal:The leader of the gang went everywhere accompanied by his henchmen.

gian lận tài chính

financial fraud

Racketeering, obstruction of justice and money laundering have been added to the criminal case, unsealed in January last year, accusing Huawei of financial fraud.

cản trở công lý

obstruction of justice

Racketeering, obstruction of justice and money laundering have been added to the criminal case, unsealed in January last year, accusing Huawei of financial fraud.

rửa tiền

money laundering

Racketeering, obstruction of justice and money laundering have been added to the criminal case, unsealed in January last year, accusing Huawei of financial fraud.

vụ án

vụ kiện


lawsuit, litigation

Racketeering, obstruction of justice and money laundering have been added to the criminal case, unsealed in January last year, accusing Huawei of financial fraud.



việc vận động người dân tham gia đi bầu.

"Get out the vote" or "getting out the vote" describes efforts aimed at increasing the voter turnout in elections. In countries that do not have or enforce compulsory voting, voter turnout can be low, sometimes even below a third of the eligible voter pool.

bệnh truyền nhiễm

infectious disease

giáo đoàn

đại hội đồng (trường đại học)


Congregation de Propagandagiáo đoàn truyền giáo

nhà nước lớn (bao biện)

nhà nước dài tay

nhà nước can thiệp quá sâu vào đời sống xã hội

Some members of the party fear his progressive agenda would be a deal-breaker for swing voters wary of big government.

housing market

thị trường nhà đất

One of China’s largest developers will slash the prices of all its new flats by a quarter in what it says is the biggest ever nationwide price cut, as the coronavirus outbreak threatens to derail China’s all-important housing market.

tờ khai thuế thu thập

tax return (form)

Others had more immediate connections. Paul Pogue, the owner of a Texas construction company, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison in 2010 for filing a false federal tax return.


What Is a Tax Return?

A tax return is a form(s) filed with a taxing authority that reports income, expenses and other pertinent tax information. Tax returns allow taxpayers to calculate their tax liability, schedule tax payments, or request refunds for the overpayment of taxes. In most countries, tax returns must be filed annually for an individual or business with reportable income (e.g., wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, or other profits).

chuyện không cần phải bận tâm nữa

a non-issue

In the early days of the microwave oven, leaks were more of a concern due to imperfect oven designs. Due to federal standards and improved engineering today, experts agree that this is now a non-issue

caucuses (2)

các diễn đàn tranh luận để giành vị trí ứng viên tổng thống (của Dân chủ hay Cộng Hoà) tại mỗi một tiểu bang của Hoa Kỳ.

Sanders, 78, a democratic socialist U.S. senator from Vermont, is considered the front-runner for the Democratic nomination and is favored to win the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.


1. thỏa ước

2. nhóm, liên minh

Mahathir, however, did not commit to a date. He became prime minister after the ruling pact swept to power in the general elections in May, 2018 and pledged to step aside for Anwar after two years.

nhóm chủng tộc

racial group,

ethnic group/ community

Furthermore, 70% of all those stopped were later found to be innocent. By contrast, 54.1% of the population of New York City in 2010 was African-American or Latino; however, 74.4% of individuals arrested overall were of those two racial groups.

đa số

plurality, majority

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has won the Nevada caucuses, winning a plurality of county delegates.

sự thách thức


In the early part of her address, Warren deployed new lines in her stump speech, suggesting she’s taken some time to retool her standard address. “Yes, I’m a fighter. But I’m a fighter who gets things done,” Warren said. Other candidates have criticized her “fighter” persona, saying that the country needs a leader able to unite.

lá phiếu


We believe the Nevada debate will have more impact on the structure of the race than the Nevada result," Lau wrote. "Since a huge percentage of the votes were cast before the debate — likely well more than half — tonight’s results are a lagging indicator of the current state of the race.

sợi mì luộc chín quá

overcooked spaghetti

His legs were like overcooked spaghetti as he struggled to keep his balance. The Gypsy King was working him over, either connecting with hard punches or smothering Wilder with his weight


nhà thờ, nhà nguyện (Do Thái giáo)

11 dead in a mass shooting at Pittyburg synagogue

thực thi, thực hiện

thi hành

exercise of

Art. 19. “Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due and observe honesty and good faith.


đường sống, sinh l

Today we sanctioned Russian-owned oil firm Rosneft Trading S.A., cutting off Maduro’s main lifeline to evade our sanctions on the Venezuelan oil sector. Those who prop up the corrupt regime and enable its repression of the Venezuelan people will be held accountable

oil firm

hãng dầu // oil company

Today we sanctioned Russian-owned oil firm Rosneft Trading S.A., cutting off Maduro’s main lifeline to evade our sanctions on the Venezuelan oil sector. Those who prop up the corrupt regime and enable its repression of the Venezuelan people will be held accountable

count of (felony /misdemeanor)

tội danh (trọng tội /khinh tội)

Lori Vallow, 46, is facing two counts of felony desertion of a child and misdemeanor charges of resisting and obstructing officers, solicitation of a crime and contempt, a statement from the Madison County, Idaho, Prosecuting Attorney said in a statement.

tội (danh) bỏ rơi con

desertion of a child (§ felony)

Lori Vallow, 46, is facing two counts of felony desertion of a child and misdemeanor charges of resisting and obstructing officers, solicitation of a crime and contempt, a statement from the Madison County, Idaho, Prosecuting Attorney said in a statement.


cây liễu

đảo ngũ


=chạy qua hàng ngũ đối phương

desertion =đào ngũ, bỏ ngũ

bỏ ngủ =do not sleep

However, there is also talk that the number of MPs showing their support for either side can change from now till parliament sits the next time, as defections and strategic realignments due to factionalism can take place.

bout of

trận.. /cuộc.. /cơn.. /hồi...

một loại hình (nghệ thuật)

a genre of

a type of

a category of

formal a particular type of art, writing, music etc, which has certain features that all examples of this type sharegenre of

a new genre of film-makinga literary genre

caucus win

chiên thắng trong hội luận giành vị trí ứng cử viên tổng thống

Biden focused much of his attention and $890,000 worth of ads on South Carolina, where African American voters — who tend to be socially moderate or conservative — make up about 60% of the Democratic Party.

diễn biến



=an unusual or unexpected change in what is happening..

Malaysia’s Premier, Mahathir Mohamad, Is Ousted in a Surprising Turn

*His health has taken a turn for the worse (= suddenly got worse).**Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.***a surprising turn of events

vấn nạn

an issue

a problem

a difficulty,

Cf: dilemma, impasse, cul de sac

Foreign illiteracy is a problem likely to grow as Japan welcomes more foreign workers to help deal with a severe labor shortage. The government has introduced a new work visa program it says will attract around 345,000 people from abroad over the next five years.

sự khan hiếm



Foreign illiteracy is a problem likely to grow as Japan welcomes more foreign workers to help deal with a severe labor shortage. The government has introduced a new work visa program it says will attract around 345,000 people from abroad over the next five years.

hệ lụy, ảnh hưởng về sâu xa



There is clearly an economic implication for the firms involved, but there is also the risk of global resonance


buổi họp, gặp gỡ họp mặt

(meeting, official and important)

The Feb 27 function was said to be a farewell event for the outgoing minister and deputy minister. All Malaysian ministers were relieved of their duties on Monday, following the resignation of Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister.

dịp, lễ (nghi thức)


event (eg. farewell ~ )

The Feb 27 function was said to be a farewell event for the outgoing minister and deputy minister. All Malaysian ministers were relieved of their duties on Monday, following the resignation of Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister.

số người chết

số tử vong



number of deaths

Coronavirus toll tops 3000. More countries hit. Live update

cuộc bầu cử sơ bộ (để chọn ứng cử viên tổng thống)

presidential primary election.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to score a much needed victory in Saturday’s South Carolina Democratic presidential primary election.

state primary.

cuộc tranh luận (debate) lập trường tranh cử (polical agenda), để giành vị trí được đề cử là ứng viên (tổng thống) của bang.

caucus (this also have other related meanings)

Saturday was the first time in his three presidential runs that he won a state primary or caucus.


tổng số đếm được

con số kiếm đếm

The global death toll has passed 3,000, and South Korea said Monday it had confirmed 599 new cases, far higher than the daily tally reported in China. Italy now has more than 1,600 confirmed cases, while Iran surpassed 1,500, with 66 deaths.

cơ quan



Respiratory specialist says outbreak could have been worse if action had been delayed by just a few daysHe also calls for China’s disease control body to be given greater authority

bang nhà, bang quê nhà

bang nơi sinh sống

home state

Left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders is projected to win Colorado, Utah and his home state of Vermont.

thuyền tuần du

cruise ship

Princess cruise ship is expected to dock in San Francisco on Thursday after the company confirmed that 62 passengers onboard may have been exposed to a “small cluster’’ of patients from a previous voyage who have contracted the coronavirus.

trung tâm điểm (ở vào)

at the heart of

at tge center of

These efforts help to raise the resilience of our early childhood workforce,” he said, adding that educators are “at the heart” of quality pre-schools.

nghị hội chính trị

buổi họp nội bộ đảng (thảo luận việc bầu chọn ứng cử viên, chiến lược tranh cử, gây quỹ vv..)

caucus /caucuses

However, the word "caucus" did have wide currency in the UK in the late 19th century, in reference to a highly structured system of management and control within a political party, specifically the Liberal Party. Originally a pejorative term (with overtones of corrupt American practices) used by detractors of the system, the name was soon adopted by the Liberals themselves

được dùng nhiều, được sử dụng rộng rãi

have/gain a wide currency

However, the word "caucus" did have wide currency in the UK in the late 19th century, in reference to a highly structured system of management and control within a political party, specifically the Liberal Party. Originally a pejorative term (with overtones of corrupt American practices) used by detractors of the system, the name was soon adopted by the Liberals themselves

đã có, từng có

did have /possess

However, the word "caucus" did have wide currency in the UK in the late 19th century, in reference to a highly structured system of management and control within a political party, specifically the Liberal Party. Originally a pejorative term (with overtones of corrupt American practices) used by detractors of the system, the name was soon adopted by the Liberals themselves

arachnid /uh.R@k.nid/

động vật lớp nhện

loài nhện

There’s even a species of jumping spider that prefers to eat blood-filled mosquitoes in African homes. So killing a spider doesn’t just cost the arachnid its life, it may take an important predator out of your home.


động vật /thú săn mồi

There’s even a species of jumping spider that prefers to eat blood-filled mosquitoes in African homes. So killing a spider doesn’t just cost the arachnid its life, it may take an important predator out of your home.

nhà quý tộc


The move against the Conservative Party grandee marks one of the most bizarre turns in the three-year Brexit crisis that has gripped a country once touted as a confident pillar of Western economic and political stability.

diễn biến

development /


The move against the Conservative Party grandee marks one of the most bizarre turns in the three-year Brexit crisis that has gripped a country once touted as a confident pillar of Western economic and political stability.

báo sư tử



sodium, salt

Since then, breakfasts and lunches served at schools now follow guidelines designed to help fight obesity and other problems linked to poor diets. Schools have been sure to include larger amounts of fruits and vegetables in the meals. They also have been including more whole grain foods as well as ones that are lower in sodium.

buổi họp mặt ăn tối

buổi dạ tiệc họp mặt

dinner function

One of the new cases is an imported case while the rest are part of a cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong on Feb 15, said MOH in the media release

poor diet

chế độ ăn không hợp lý

Since then, breakfasts and lunches served at schools now follow guidelines designed to help fight obesity and other problems linked to poor diets. Schools have been sure to include larger amounts of fruits and vegetables in the meals. They also have been including more whole grain foods as well as ones that are lower in sodium.

hồi phục trở lại, trỗi dậy trở lại

rebound (n)

Joe Biden has won half of the 14 states that voted to pick a Democratic White House candidate on Super Tuesday, in a remarkable rebound for his campaign


sự đốn ngộ, sự minh giác


người tiên tri thấu thị

người thấy được việc tương lai

năng khiếu trời cho , thiên phú


the gifts of telepathy and clairvoyance

năng khiếu thần giao cách cảm và năng lực tiên tri thấu thị

tìm kiếm khẩn cấp


người chủ xướng

someone who tries to make

someone who tries to make

LOA, leave of absence

việc nghỉ phép

thời gian được nghỉ phép

viêm nhiễm

sưng đỏ, sưng tấy

° inflammation of the ear

° a cream to reduce the inflammation

/in.flu. M8. §un/

a condition i'which a body part becomes red, sore and swollen (because of infection or injury)


Are China-style lockdowns the answer to containing of Coronavirus

sự khóa chặt (không cho ra vào)

sự cô lập một vùng

chuyến viếng thăm

call, visit

The cruise ship will dock in Singapore as part of a scheduled call, MPA and STB added. It departed Singapore on Mar 3 and was turned away from other ports on its itinerary in Thailand and Malaysia before heading back to Singapore.

người trung gian


He was one of nine children abducted by a gang, but police say there is no evidence of a woman alleged to be the go-between


loạn trí, tâm thần bất ổn

This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like.

thù hận, căm hận

oil feud and coronavirus concerns leave market shell-shocked

các lo ngại về suy thoái

Coronavirus: Trump suspends European travel as global recession fears intensify

recession fears

gàn dở, quái đản

dở hơi, ấm đầu..


sự xuất hiện (có mặt trên đời)

sự ra đời (của một loai máy móc, phát minh mới)

the advent of

Over the 140 years it has been in the White House's collection, it has become synonymous with the presidency itself, and, since the advent of radio and television, it has acquired a historical weight that goes far beyond the 1,000 pounds at which it tips the scales.


Meeting in Washington follows Chinese foreign ministry spokesman’s insinuation that the US military brought the coronavirus to China

ý nói xa nói gần, ngầm ý không ngay thẳng.

hoạt động như

It also acts as a layer of protection for the hands during these processes. It is usually supplied as a long strip of perforated paper wrapped around a paperboard core for storage in a dispenser near a toilet

cái vợt lưới (nấu ăn)

With a casual flick of the forearm and wrist, born of a decade of practice, Mr Lee easily tossed the bundle of noodles high into the air and deftly caught it in his sieve.

aversion for something

sự căm ghét, không thích

In India, Snakes are worshipped as gods even today. Many women pour milk on snakes, despite snakes' aversion for it.

dislike, distaste, disfavor, odium, disinclination, aversion

buổi nói chuyện

bài diễn văn, diễn từ

Don Lemon suffers on-air meltdown in argument with John Kasich on President Trump's Oval Office Address

an address

bên người gửi hàng,

người gửi hàng


phụ họa, nói thêm vào

=to break into a conversation or discussion especially to express an opinion

chime in


tái định cư

đến nơi ở mới

số tử vong

suất tử vong, tỉ lệ tử vong

vong tính, tính giới hạn của đời người

She added that they had "not seen any significant mortality in children".


number of deaths, or

rate of deaths

also, the fact that people or animal cannot live forever

Ủy viên (một hội đồng, uỷ ban, vv..)

Job title, a commissioner is, in principle, a member of a commission or an individual who has been given a commission.

In practice, the title of commissioner has evolved to include a variety of senior officials, often sitting on a specific commission.



1.sĩ quan cảnh sát

2.người phụ trách cơ quan thi hành pháp luật, sở chấp pháp

2.cảnh sát trưởng : chief constable

A constable is a person holding a particular office, most commonly in criminal law enforcement. The office of constable can vary significantly in different jurisdictions. A constable is commonly the rank

of an officer within the police.

kiều dân với 2 quốc tịch

Iran Revolutionary Guards have arrested dozens of dual nationals in recent years, mostly on espionage charges.


khu vực hành chính (an administrative territory or district, h+)

vùng tài phán

In the next week, the number of reported cases doubled every 48 hours, spreading to nearly two dozen jurisdictions in and around the nation’s capital.

the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised

* He was arrested in another jurisdiction

giọng lưỡi, ngôn từ

lời lẽ khoa trương,

trò khua môi múa mép

The rhetoric coming from Blue and White sounds just like what comes from our democrats. It's obstructionist and uncooperative, and they don't care. The object of the left is to try and destroy everything that is good.

tự kiềm chế (việc, khả năng)


"she was struggling to regain her composure"

composure =the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself

synonyms: self-control, self-possession, self-command, tranquility calmness, equilibrium, coolness, presence of mind, sangfroid, self-assurance, placidity, placidness, stolidity, unexcitability, cool, unflappability, countenance, ataraxy

mất khứu giác (không ngửi được mùi)

Ear, nose and throat medical specialists from the US and UK over the weekend released statements about growing evidence that anosmia, or the loss of smell, and dysgeusia, or the loss of taste, were detected among patients later confirmed to have the coronavirus, despite not having other symptoms

absence of the sense of smell (as by damage to olfactory nasal tissue or the olfactory nerve or by obstruction of the nasal passages)


recommendation (eg. a letter) to consult a specialist or any person (considered to be specialized) by the physician who has examined /diagnosed a patient.

a recommendation to consult the (professional) person or group to whom one has been referred

thư giới thiệu của y sĩ điều trị

contract count

số người bị nhiễm

death count =số người bị chết,

tử số



xe cà tàng, xe bệ rạc, xì trum

Great news! American families will now be able to buy safer, more affordable, and environmentally friendly cars with our new safe vehicles rule . Get rid of those old, unsafe CLUNKERS . Build better and safer American cars and create American jobs. Buy American!

(hàng) Mỹ

(Buy) American! =please buy American goods

Great news! American families will now be able to buy safer, more affordable, and environmentally friendly cars with our new safe vehicles rule . Get rid of those old, unsafe CLUNKERS . Build better and safer American cars and create American jobs. Buy American!


xúc cảm mạnh mẽ, xao xuyến,

xôn xao, xì xào

general feeling of excitement and heightened interest

les systèmes hospitaliers des pays les plus touchés peinent à faire face à l’afflux de malades..

hệ thống bệnh viện của các quốc gia bị ảnh hưởng nhất đang vật lộn để đối phó với dòng bệnh nhân.

peiner a faire quelque chose

struggle to do something

=faire des efforts pour, se fatiguer à..

khổ công tốn sức để làm một việc gì

=être chargé d'un poids trop lourd


Cảnh sát Kỵ binh Hoàng gia Canada

A 31-year-old man has been denied bail after being charged with second-degree murder in the case of two Métis hunters shot dead last Friday in the wake of a fight on the side of a rural northern Alberta road, RCMP say.

GRC- Gendarmerie [Royale] [du] [Canada]

Royal [Canadian Mounted Police]


Cảnh sát Kỵ binh Hoàng gia Canada

A 31-year-old man has been denied bail after being charged with second-degree murder in the case of two Métis hunters shot dead last Friday in the wake of a fight on the side of a rural northern Alberta road, RCMP say.

GRC- Gendarmerie [Royale] [du] [Canada]

Royal [Canadian Mounted Police]

tỉ số tử vong, tử suất

The province has also confirmed an additional 25 deaths. The total number of fatalities attributed to the virus now stands at 119, which equates to a fatality rate of just under three per cent.

fatality rate


nai sừng tấm (elk, sing. & plur.)

British Columbia conservation officers are investigating after two rare elk were illegally shot and killed on Vancouver Island.

poacher : kẻ câu /săn trộm

kẻ phổng tay trên, kẻ cướp tình

Conservation officers are asking the public to report instances of poaching to the province's Report All Poachers and Polluters tip line at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP)

cách tiếp cận

chiến thuật

”The administration is taking a kind of kick-them-while-they’re - down approach", Peter Harrell, a former senior sanctions official at the state department, explained to British newspaper The Guardian.

approach, tactics

mô hình toán học, dự đoán

Models show US death toll rising to as many as 240,000 as coronavirus enters its deadliest period.

điểm phần trăm

điểm bách phân

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe the economy is getting worse — a 40 percentage point jump from four weeks earlier, when only 25% believed it was getting worse, according to the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape Project with USA TODAY.

25 percent : 25 phần trăm

20 percentage points : 20 điểm bách phân75 percentile= nhóm phân vị 75%

20 điểm bách phân75 percentile= nhóm phân vị 75%

khôn khéo chính trị

President Trump announced at the White House coronavirus press briefing in the Rose Garden on Tuesday that the United States will immediately halt all funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), saying it had put "political correctness over lifesaving measures."

political correctness


khoảng lặng, khoảng thời gian không hoạt động

Let:s make the most of the hiatus

machine tool

máy công cụ

nom pluriel: machines-outilsun outil électrique non portable, tel qu'un tour ou une fraiseuse, utilisé pour couper ou façonner du métal (gia công kim loại) , du bois ou d'autres matériaux.

Máy công cụ là loại máy cơ khí gia công khuôn hoặc linh kiện để cấu tạo nên các máy móc khác, vì vậy có người còn gọi máy công cụ là máy mẹ. Có những máy công cụ như máy tiện, máy cắt răng, máy khoan lỗ, máy tiện doa lỗ, máy phay, máy cắt, máy bào...