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119 Cards in this Set

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Business skills to be cultivated include interpersonal skills and

developing an inspirational manner, creating rapport, establishing professional boundaries

A recommendation to prepare for the business of personal fitness training includes

Make a list of career goals

Marketing your business requires

Determining the target market to be promoted, determining marketing goals for promotion, advertising, registering your business

Professionalism is demonstrated by

making eye contact whenever communicating with potential clients

Benefits of working as an independent contractor include

choosing your own training rates and fees

Networking with other professionals for business promotion include

chiropractors, sports apparel stores, physical therapists

To begin your journey in the business of personal fitness training, it is recommended that an individual have self-awareness and do this by

evaluate their personal traits, make a list of major accomplishments, high-light strengths

Two ways of producing ATP anaerobically are breaking down ___________ and _____________

Creatine Phosphate, Glycogen

The hamstrings group include all following muscles except:

A.) Biceps femoris

B.) Rectus femoris

C.) Semimembranosus

D.) Semitendinosus

B.) Rectus femoris; it's part of the quadriceps/thigh

All of the following stabilize the pelvis except:

A) Serratus Anterior

B) External Oblique

C) Quadratus Lumborum

D) All of these stabilize the pelvis

A) Serratus anterior; it's part of the trapezius, the Protraction and Upward Rotation of the Scapula

What instrument is used to measure lung capacity?


Starch and fiber are examples of which kind of carbohydrate?

polysaccharide; Both fiber and starch are polysaccharides, meaning they are made up of many units of sugar and resemble a long chain. Plant foods, including grains, potatoes and legumes, contain starches.

Whey, in the form of ____________ has the greatest form of bioavailability for use in the body.

100% whey hydrolysate; the fastest absorbing form but it does not mean you should avoid other protein sources

Using supplements other than vitamins and minerals is recommended for

Only those who focus first on eating properly

Glucose is a

simple sugar

A trans fat is

an unsaturated fat (usually vegetable oils) that has been hydrogenated (add hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid); usually found in processed foods

Carbohydrate loading prior to an endurance event is used to maximize

muscle glycogen (energy in muscles)

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are

polyunsaturated fat; essential

The protein requirement of children is ___________ than that of an adult

slightly higher

Individuals trained in nutrition, food chemistry, diet planning and graduated from a college program accredited by the ADA are identified as

registered dietitian

Triglycerides are

the primary storage form of fat

Positive self-talk, creating routines and eliminating distractions are examples of

Focusing strategies

Most researchers argue that vigorous exercise programs for non-athletes are

doomed for failure

Research has shown that with regard to antidepressants

They are as effective as exercise for treating depressive symptoms

An athlete envisioning themselves in an environment successfully performing a specific activity, utilizing all of their senses (sight, hearing, feeling and smelling) is known as

mental imagery

Eating disorders in athletes should be evaluated and treated by

clinical sport psychologist

A client's self-efficacy (confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation) can be improved by

Goal accomplishments

An individual who has regular episodes of overeating and uses different methods such as vomiting or abusing laxatives is a sign of


With regard to personality and exercise, one study noted that exercise increased


An anticipated positive outcome of distributing a professional promotional flyer would be

potential clients will see that you have revenue from previous client success

In determining how much to charge for a personal training session, which is not appropriate?

A) negotiating with a client a rate best for him

B) Establish an hourly fee and travel expenses

C) Ask to be paid for each session in advance

D) Allow client to pay monthly sessions in full


Which is NOT an acceptable communication vehicle for advertising a personal training business?

A) community newsletters

B) corporate publications

C) local magazines

D) flyers delivered door to door


The Rule of Seven states

A consumer will typically hear about a business seven times before making a decision

Trainers working in a club environment find which of the following to be a disadvantage?

A) there is a full support system

B) liability is typically the employer's responsibility

C) The personal trainer is subject to constant supervision

C) the personal trainer is subject to constant supervision

Which is NOT a recommended characteristic for increasing your client base?

offering free sessions

When a client requires a refund, the payment should be in the form of

Services, such as additional training sessions

What percentage of individuals begin an exercise program drop out within 6 months?


The leg extension is an example of what type of exercise?

A) multi-joint

B) closed chain

C) open chain

D) free weight


If an individual performs 3 sets of 8 reps of 100 lb. (45 kg) on the bench press, what is the training volume?

2,400 lb.


Relaxation techniques recommended by fitness trainers include

Autogenic training (mental imagery), diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation

What is the function of a beta blocker?

prevents an increase in heartrate

Time for the Golgi tendon organ to gradually override the muscle spindle is during which type of stretching


Those muscles that contract first in every exercise and are the muscles that resist movement are the

Core muscles

What is primarily responsible for initiating hip flexion?

psoas major and minor, iliacus; all combined to form illiopsoas

What is the acceptable range of motion for the knee in extension?

120-0 degrees

The frontal (coronal) planes divide the body between

anterior and posterior

Blood pressure is the product of the _________ and the total peripheral resistance

cardiac output; BP = Q x TPR

equation: cardiac output = Q (measure of the amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart in one minute); made up of two components: heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV)

SV refers to the quantity of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with every heart beat. The exact volumes are not easily measured, so they are often estimated based on what we know about stroke volume and the factors that it affects such as blood pressure which we can measure.

The sensory receptor responsible for preventing overstretching is the ___________ and for preventing overcontracting is the ____________.

Muscle spindle, Golgi Tendon organ

An impulse is a Force over __________. Work is a product of Force and ____________.

Time, distance

The ___________ relationship is the relationship between the length of the muscle and the tension produced by the muscle


Power can be described by what equation?

Work/Time; (FxD)/T

Which term refers to a maximum force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified velocity?


Interval workouts in a cardiovascular training regimen should be utilized during which stage of training?

Intermediate and advanced stages

How is the erector spinae engaged?

anterior pelvic tilt, with hip flexors, created by lumbar flexion and hip extension

Using elastic tubing to correct a valgus knee with any squatting or deadlifting pattern is known as

reactive neuromuscular training

What describes the replication of kinesthetic sensations associated with an action?

mental imagery

What are the applications of exercise psychology?

motivation, interventions, exercise adherence

During the first month of training, which type and duration is the most appropriate?

aerobic endurance training for 20 minutes or less

The main focus during the first mesocycle of training is

coordination and cardiovascular endurance

What principle of resistance training denotes the concept of systematically manipulating program variables to continually increase training stimulus over time?


the three minute step test is used to determine an individual's

cardiovascular fitness and tolerance to exercise

the level of an individual's exertion during exercise is most accurately determined by

use of the RPE scale (subjective scale) and heart rate monitor

Which assessment is best suited to be performed at the end of the initial assessment protocol?

Aerobic capacity

significant increase in thirst in a client could be showing early signs of


What type of stretch is best for post-exercise because it allows better blood flow and circulation?


Define periodization

cycling of training to vary stress

How many minutes is a general or sport-specific warm-up recommended?

5-10 minutes

What is overreaching?

the short-term overload that can be managed within a few days

What bones depend on the wrist?

ulna, radius, carpal

During an isometric exercise, muscle length

stabilizes under load; remains relatively constant

Allowing a body to adapt to a new stimulus before moving on to the next level of fitness training requires approximately

4-8 weeks

What is the first step to take to help a client reach their goals?


The ranking of carbohydrates based upon its immediate effect on blood glucose is called

glycemic index

All of the following are methods used to test cardiovascular health except

A) resting heart rate

B) resting metabolic rate

C) resting blood pressure

D) V02 max

B; deals with energy consumption

What are examples of antihypertensive medications?

calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics

What is the cholesterol range for being at risk for coronary heart disease?

Current hypercholesterolemia or total serum cholesterol of greater than 240 mg/dl or HDL of less than35 mg/dl or on current cholesterol medication

How much time should the client give the trainer when canceling a session?

24-48 hours

The type of business structures available when creating a business with one other person would be

limited liability corporation, general partnership, S-corporation

Other than educational levels, what is a crucial differentiating factor between professional fitness trainer and personal fitness trainers?

business and sales

All of these are guidelines to follow for exercise nutrition except

A) goal

B) starting position

C) motion

D) coordination


A trainer should allow a minimum of ___________ minutes between clients to prepare for the next training session

5-10 minutes

Which term describes the varying of the FITTR principles to achieve an individual goal within a macrocycle?


During the initial assessment, which exercise is used to determine lower body strength?

leg press

If a body part is torn away from a body, one should

place the body part in a moistened gauze and sent to the hospital with patient

What statement is true with respect to ROM at the iliofemoral joint?

ideally, the pelvis would be at neutral position; too much or too little pelvic tilt can be detrimental to low-back function

Symptoms of excessive thirst, excessive sweating, and cold clammy skin can be indication of

heat exhaustion

What makes a special population?

chronic conditions such as asthma and outstanding performance

How long should the cool down be?

10-15 minutes

In an overhead lateral reaching stretch, which muscles are stretched?

external obliques

a flexibility specialist who applies gentle pressure into a joint to perform a specific muscle stretch, is performing what type of range of motion?


Which has a greater risk, an independent contractor or a gym employee?

independent contractor

Which is used as a standard reference point--anatomical neutral or anatomical position?

anatomical position

What are the functions of the oblique group?

flexion of the spine, rotation of the spine, increases intra-abdominal pressure

What are the benefits of a proper cool down?

significant reduction of post-exercise soreness, return of the cardiovascular system to a recovery state, increased circulation to and from the periphery

What are the types of strength?

absolute, relative, power

Between Eccentric, Isometric, and Concentric muscle actions, __________ is the 'strongest' and ___________ is the 'weakest'

eccentric, concentric

What is the RDA? The RDA represents amounts of nutrients found to be adequate for approximately ________ of the population

Recommended Dietary Allowances; 97%

In an incline bench press, what would be the "motion"?

lower weight in a controlled manner

The division of muscle through three layers of fascia (endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium) during muscle contraction is significant because

It enables separate innervation of muscle fibers within a muscle in accordance with the size principle of recruitment

What percentage of Americans engage in the recommended levels of physical activity by the CDC?


The primary mental health issues that negatively affects a person's ability to work out is


During the assessment, what is the first step?

medical history review

True or False: Plyometrics training emphasizes strength over power


What would be the most appropriate exercise at the beginning of a client's first full workout?

bodyweight squats and bodyweight 12-inch high box step ups; emphasis on BODYWEIGHT

Aerobic exercise refers to

exercise in which oxygen can be utilized efficiently by the muscles

Which muscles are primarily responsible for scapular elevation?

upper trapezius

Of the following, which is not a type of diarthrodial joint?

A) saddle

B) hinge

C) condyloid

D) lever


What are the types of functions and movements of the scapula?

elevation, protraction, upward rotation

What is the difference between a static and dynamic postural assessment?

Static is to measure one's posture while immobile, while dynamic is for motion

An individual who cuts food portions into small pieces, has a fear of gaining weight and can be depressed is a sign of

anorexia nervosa

What is a synarthrodial joint?

the joint is immovable

Which substance affects athletic performance more than any other nutrient?


The Stages of Change Model is also known as the

Transtheoretical Model

The Kubitz et al. study on sleep and exercise showed that people who exercised

slept longer and fell asleep faster

An example of a smooth muscle is the


Which artery can most easily and safely be used to accurately measure an individual's heart rate?


10-15% of an adult's protein intake in their daily diet is calculated as

0.80 gram/kg of body weight

Which fat is solid at room temperature and comes from animals?

saturated fat

The quadriceps group contains all of the muscles EXCEPT:

A) rectus femoris

B) vastus medialis

C) vastus lateralis

D) biceps femoris