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66 Cards in this Set

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Interact to control most of the body functions

Both systems arecommunication systems that receive and deliver messages throughout the body.

The nervous andendocrine systems

a change in the environmentthat elicit a response


no need to think about the reactions.


Encompasses elements within the animalorganism concerned with

• Reception of stimuli• Transmission of nerve impulses• Activation of muscle mechanisms

consists of majorglands in the body that produce chemical messages called hormones that regulate certain body activities.

Endocrine System

nerve cells form a network capableof mediating only a relatively stereotyped response


cerebral ganglion, a main nervecord and branching pairs of lateral nerves


cell bodies of neurons organized incluster, cerebral ganglia, that acts a a primitive brain, controlling and coordinating various basic functions


• Includes the brain and spinal cord

• Seat of complex brain functions such as memory, intelligence, learning and emotion (love, hate fear, anger, elation and sadness)

• Receives and interprets the countless signals that are sent to it from other parts of the body and from the external environment.

Central nervous system

controlseverything in the body.

The brain

weight of the brain


neurons in brain

100B neurons

protects the brain


outermostmembrane, the toughest and the thickest

Dura matter-

middlemembrane below the dura matter


the innermostmembrane consisting mainly of small blood vessels following the surface of the brain supported by cerebrospinal fluid

Pia matter

important centers forplanning, learning movement sequences

Basic nuclei

sensory information isanalyzed, motor commands are issued & language is generated

Cerebral cortex

The brain has three main parts...

1) Cerebrum 2) Cerebellum3) Brain Stem

controls thinking, memory, speech, movement and identifies the information gathered by your sense organs.


coordinatesmovements, posture & balance− hand-eye coordination


connects the brain tothe spinal cord.

The Brain Stem

control yourheartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure.

The nerves in the brainstem

derived from themetencephalon, regulates the breathing center of medulla


derived frommesencephalon, functions in homeostasis, coordination of movement, conduction of information to higher brain centers


derivedfrom myelencephalon, controls breathing, heart and blood vessel activity, vomiting digestion

Medulla oblongata-

is thepart of the nervous system that connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system.

The spinal cord

• Responsible for providing sensory (afferent) information to the central nervous system

• Carry motor (efferent) commands out to the body’s tissues

Peripheral nervous system

Includes all neural tissue outside of the centralnervous system

Somatic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system

carries the impulse for the sensation of sight

optic nerve

carries impulses for the sensation smell

olfactory nerve

motor nerve for four of six extrinsic eye muscle and for the elevator of the eyelid


enervates the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball

torchlear nerve

enervates the muscle of mastication, carries the impulse from the skin of the face, eyeball and mucosa of the mouth, nose and teeth


motor and sensory nerve for external rectus muscle of the eyeball


motor nerves for the muscle of the face, ears and scalp

facial nerve

carries the impulses for the sensation of hearing

auditory nerve

carries the impulses for the sensation of taste and ouch, innervates the muscles of the pharynx and the base of the tongue

glossopharygeal nerve

sensory nerves for vocal cord and lungs, motor nerve for larynx and alimentary

vagus nerve

major nerve for muscles of the pharynx and neck

spinal accessory nerve

motor nerve for the movement of the tongue

hypoglossal nerve

• Sympathetic division-most active in times of stress

• Parasympathetic division-controls maintenance activities and helps conserve the body’s energy

Autonomic nervous system

• Responsible for fight or flight system

• Arises from the middle portion of the spinal cord (thoracolumbar), joins the sympathetic ganglionated chain, courses through the spinal nerves and widely distributed throughout the body

• Increase alertness, stimulates tissue and prepares the body for quick responses to unusual situations

• Stimulated by adrenalin (epineprine) and inhibited by ergotoxin

Sympathetic Nervous System

• The rest and repose system conserves energy and controls sedentary activities, such as digestion

• Return the normal activity of the body after an emergency, and includes constriction of pupils, dilation of small blood vessels, inhibition of heartbeat, stimulation of the muscles and stomach

• Arises both above and below the sympathetic, that is from the brain and from the lower part of the spinal cord (craniosacral)

Parasympathetic nervous system

An automatic reactionwithout thinking and happens quickly in less than a second.

Reflex arc

Carries impulses from receptors e.g. pain receptorsin skin or sense organs to the CNS (brain or spinal cord)

Sensory neurons

Connects sensory and motor neurons and carriesimpulse between them

Interneuron or Relay neuron

Carries impulses from CNS (motor output) toeffector e.g. muscle to bring about movement or gland to bring about secretion of hormone e.g. ADH

Motor neuron

How does the Synapse carry the signal?

1) Electrical current travels down the axon

2) Synaptic vesicles with chemicals move toward the membrane

3) Chemicals are released and diffuse toward the next cell’s plasma membrane

4) The chemicals open up the transport proteins and allow the signal to pass to the next cell.

classified fivesenses, continued to be regarded as the classical senses, although scientists have determined the existence of as many as 15 additional senses


display a sense of balance bymaintaining their normal upright position, and their response to water currents indicates that they have a sense of touch.


have statocyststhat enable them to detect vibrations that pass under it through the sea bottom

Jellyfish and sea anemones

have statoliths, grains of sand that theanimal itself places in a pit or closed sac

Many mollusks, crustaceans and worms

have hair sensilla located almost anywhere in the body

Mosquitoes, cockroaches and other insects

have more complicated hearing organs,tympanic organs

Grasshoppers, crickets and many moths

is is also apart of respiratory system


Distinguished 4 gustatory qualities ofsubstances (sweetness, saltiness, sourness and bitterness

• Determined by taste buds receptors, the number and shape vary with individual


are located on the surface and sidesof the tongue, the roof of the mouth and entrance of pharynx

Taste buds

arrangement of papillae at theback of the tongue with the angle pointing backward


The tongue is coveredby approximately

10,000taste buds

sensations from the outsideof the body (touch, pressure, heat, cold, pain sensed by skin)


concerned with sensationswithin the body


receptorsin the muscles, tendons and joints, give rise to sensations indicating the position and movement of body parts


• Touch-nets of nervefiber surrounding the bases of hair (Meissmer’s corpuscles)

• Pressure-Vater- Pacinian corpuscles, nerve-ending surrounded by specialized capsule

• Heat-Ruffini corpuscles

• Cold-Krause end bulbs

• Pain-naked end bulbs

Sensation receptors

endowed with specialized receptorsthat detect stimuli that man cannot sense


is the adequate stimulus for visualexperience
