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20 Cards in this Set

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Glucose: normal, pre-diabetes, diabetes

Normal: <100 (fasting)

Pre-Diabetes: 100-126

Diabetes: >126

Random blood glucose level: >200

A1C: >6.5 (avg blood sugar in 3 months)

Sodium (Na+) Ranges

Normal: 135-145 mEq/L

Hyponatremia: 125-130

—water retention, muscle cramps, confusion/delirium

Hypernatremia: >160 mEq/L

—lack of water, thirst, dry flushed skin, heart failure

Sodium = Fluid Balance

Vitamin K+ Ranges

Potassium Normal: 3.5-5.0

Hypokalemia: <3.5 parenthesis, EKG changes

Hyperkalemia: >5.0, paralysis, EKG changes

Cardiac sensitive, arrhythmia, CV changes

Cholesterol Values

Total cholesterol: > 200 mg/dL

LDL: <100, should be low

HDL: Should be high

Does not travel through your body unless you are having fat (clogs arteries)

Hemoglobin Ranges

Hgb, main component of RBC, transports oxygen

Men normal range: 14-17

Women normal range: 12-16

Critical: <5 or >20

Divide by 3 to get HCT (hematocrit)

Hematocrit Range


Percent of plasma to blood, percent of RBC in circulation

Times 3 to get Hgb

HCT = 3 x Hgb

Hemoglobin/Hematocrit Increased and Decreased Symptoms

Increased H/H: hypovolemia, dehydration, diarrhea

— >17 Hgb

Decreased H/H: anemia, malnutrition (lack of iron, b12, folate), bleeding, over hydration

— <12

Platelet Ranges

Thrombocytes: essential for clotting

Normal: 150,000-400,000 x10^3mm


<50,000: observe for bleeding - call doctor, can go down quick!

<40,000: prolonged bleeding

<20,000: spontaneous bleeding

PT Normal Values

Prothrombin Time

Heparin: 11.0-13.0 seconds

Critical Value: >30 seconds


WBCs, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Chloride, Albumin

WBCs: 4.3-10.3

Magnesium: 1.5-2.5 (too little muscles tight tachycardia seizure, too much muscles relaxed bradycardia respiratory arrest)

Phosphorus: 2.5-4.5 (too little muscles relaxed respiratory failure, too much muscles excited and involuntary contractions)

Calcium: 8.5-10.5 (cell signaling, blood clotting)

Chloride: 95.0-105

Albumin: 3.5-5.5 (if too low skin will not heal)

Hypoalbuminemia: <3.5

Digoxin Therapeutic Range

Therapeutic Level: 0.8-2 ng/mL

Toxic Level: >2 ng/mL

Hold if apical <60

Seborrheic Keratosis

Red/brown color, peel, torso

Cherry Angioma

Blood vessels underneath skin, harmless

Dermatitis Papulosa Nigra

Dark skinned, younger age as getting older


Skin tags, hereditary, off epidermis


Age spots, liver spots

Medication for mild-severe Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and moderate-advanced AD

Mild-severe: Aricept/Donepezil

Moderate-advanced: Namenda/Memantine


Diphenhydramine- Benadryl

-Beers criteria- avoid in OA

-Dry mouth, confusion, urinary retention, constipation, delirium


1. Diuretics: Lasix, HCTZ, potassium sparing diuretics

2. Beta Blockers: ‘olol’, atenolol, metoprolol

3. Ace Inhibitors: ‘pril’, enalapril, captopril

4. Calcium Channel Blockers: ‘pine’, ‘pamil’, amlodipine, nifedipine, verapamil

Cholinesterase Inhibitors

Medications for Alzheimer’s Disease: Aricept/Donepezil, Namenda/Memantine

S/E GI upset