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39 Cards in this Set

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What muscles are part of the anterior compartment of the thigh and flex the thigh/hip?

1. Iliacus

2. Psoas Major

3. Sartorius

What is the function of the iliacus and the psoas major?

flex the thigh/hip

What are the iliacus and psoas major often collectively referred to as?

the Iliopsoas

What is the function of the sartorius?

also flexes leg/knee

What is special about the sartorius?

it is the longest muscle in our body

What muscles are part of the anterior compartment of the thigh that extend the leg/knee?

1. Quadriceps Femoris

What muscles are the quadriceps composed of?

1. Rectus Femoris

2. Vastus Medialis

3. Vastus Intermedius

4. Vastus Lateralis

What is the common insertion?

quadriceps tendon--> becomes patellar ligament

What muscles are part of the medial compartment of the thigh that adduct the thigh/hip?

1. Adductors (a. Longus, b. Brevis, c. Magnus)

2. Pectineus

3. Gracilis

What is the function of the the adductors?

flex thigh/hip

What is the function of the pectineus?

flexes thigh/hip

What is the function of the gracilis?

flexes leg/knee

What muscle is part of the lateral compartment of the thigh that abducts the thigh?

Tensor Fascis Latae

What is the function of the tensor fascia latae?

connects to the iliotibial tract

What glutealmuscles are part of the posterior compartment?

1. Gluteus Maximus

2. Gluteus Medius

3. Gluteus Minimus

What is the function of the gluteus maximus?

extends thigh/hip

What is the function of the gluteus medius?

abducts thigh/hip

What is the function of the gluteus minimus?

abducts thigh/hip?

What muscles compose the "hamstring" muscles?

1. Biceps Femoris

2. Semitendinosus

3. Semimembranosus

What is the function of the hamstring muscles?

all extend the thigh (hip) and flex the leg (knee)

What muscles make up the anterior compartment of the leg?

1. Tibialis Anterior

2. Extensor Digitorum Longus

3. Extensor Hallucis Longus

What do all of the anterior compartment leg muscles do?

ALL dorsiflex the foot/ankle

What is the function of the tibialis anterior?

also inverts foot

What is the function of the extensor digitorum longus?

also extends toes 2-5

What is the function of the extensor hallucis longus?

also extends big toe

What muscles make up the lateral compartment of the leg?

1. Fibular (Peroneus) Longus

2. Fibular (Peroneus) Brevis (shorter)

What is the function of the fibular longus and fibular brevis?

BOTH plantar flex foot/ankle and evert foot

What muscles make make up the posterior/superficial compartment of the leg?

1. Gastrocnemius

2. Soleus

What is the function of the gastrocnemius and the soleus?

BOTH plantar flex the foot/ankle

What is another function of the gastocnemius?

also flexes leg/knee

What muscles make up the posterior/deep muscles of the leg?

1. Popliteus

2. Flexor Hallucis Longus

3. Flexor Digitorum Longus

4. Tibialis Posterior

What is the function of the popliteus?

flexes leg/knee

What is the function of the flexor hallucis longus?

plantar flexes foot/ankle and flexes the big toe

What is the function of the flexor digitorm longus?

plantar flexes foot/ankle and flexes toes 2-5

What is the function of the tibialis posterior?

plantar flexes foot/ankle and inverts foot

What muscles make up the dorsum of the foot?

1. Extensor Digitorum Brevis

2. Extensor Hallucis Brevis

What is the function of the extensor digitorum brevis?

extend toes 2-4

What is the function of the extensor hallucis brevis?

extends big toe

What is the plantar side of the foot composed of?

4 layers of flexors, abductors, and adductors of toes