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15 Cards in this Set

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1. Multiple choice

From 1930 until the 1960s, the ____ was the primary research subject for the neobehaviorists and learning theorists.A. human beingB. white manC. white bunnyD. white rat

D. white rat

2. Multiple choice

Who introduce the use of intervening variables in psychology.

A. Tolmans

B. Watson

C. Robinson

D. Secret

A. Tolmans

3.Multiple choice

Is a kind of learning that remains or stays with the individual until needed

A. Latent learning

B. Cognitive maps

C. Motivation

D. None of the above

A. Latent learning

4. Multiple choice

tolman's most famous experiment

A. Latent learning

B. Cognitive maps

C. Dogs

D. None of the above

B. Cognitive maps

5. Mutliple choice

It has aspects of behaviorism but it also reaches out to the cognitive perspective.

A. Neobehaviorism

B. Behaviorism

C. Gestalt

D. None of the above

A. Neobehaviorism

6. Identification

Focuses on the leaning that occurs within a social context.

Social learning theory

7. Identification

learning involves beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal-directed behavior.

Learning is a cognitive process

8. Identification

it has also been referred to as sign learning theory

Purposive Behavior

9. Identification.

He believed that learning is a cognitive process


10. Identification

his form of behaviorism stressrd the relationahip between stimuli rather that stimulus response.

Tolman's Behaviorism

11. Identification.

Tolman specified that the independent variables (stimuli) affect processes within the organism. These processes then control the occurrence of behavior (response). These internal processes are known as ____.

intervening variables

12. Identification

Which of the following did Tolman not consider to be a cause of behavior?​


13. Identification

Edward C. Tolman's system combining the objective study of behavior with the consideration of goal-orientation in behavior is called ____.

Purposive behaviorism

14. Identification.

According to Tolman's learning theory, as a rat learns all of the sign-Gestalt relationships in a maze, the rat has acquired a ____.

Cognitive map


Tolman recognized that research on rats could not uncover basic processes of human behavior.​