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31 Cards in this Set

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Cultural models

Cognitive structures pertaining to cultural activities.

Although they developed it during tolderhood they are much more complex now.

They start to develop responsibilities.

Also happiest stage of life. You chill with the buddies more.

Physical growth and sensory development. Body mass index. And myopia

The BMI is the measure of ratio weight. In this case it’s slow at 2-3 inches per year and 5-7 pounds per year. They will also be the slimmest. But males have a liffle more muscles and girls have a little more fat. They are similar in strength until puberty at age 11.

At this age they become much stronger and faster as lung capacity gets bigger. (age 6 is extremely weak compared to 10 year old.)

They also loose all their primary teeth from 6-13. After new ones come. Top Two front are the first most of the time.

Hearing gets better as the tube that is the site of the ear can protect it better for infection so it matures.


At this age you will become near sighted and it’s the age where you need glasses. The myopia effects it. Developed countries are likely to have it.

Those who spend time to reading will get it but those who go outdoors will not.

Motor development

They develop gross motor abilities like sports and writing. Think of the playground like 4 square. (Balance, stronger, coordination like swimming, agility, and reaction time responding to changing information. [the myelination of corpus callosum accelerates reaction time].)

They also play organized sports. It is not always been informal. It’s usually guys but recently girls have been raising.

People in PE participation decreased from 80% in 1969 to 8% in 2005. They recommend 60 minutes of physical activity but only 20% do it in America. But keep in mind that what’s physical is also cognitive.

Executive function & experiment

They made an expierment where one went on a PA. The physical strength have been much stronger then those who weren’t and cognatively without distraction. So they found that the executive function [the ability to solve cognitive problems without becoming distracted and to adjust one’s strategy as the nature of a problems changes] was higher on those who have exercised.

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills

fine motor skills like streangth. Many learn to tie their shoes and half of 4 year olds can’t use chop sticks that well but any age above it’s super easy. This is also bad because some become factory workers like weeding rugs. They can draw and write well. They can make it three dimensional so they can adjust the size to make it fit in the paper and to make the thing far away look distant. They also add detail while writing they can write (at age 6) the alphabet and their own name and numbers. They can make smaller and neater and they also have spacing. Then they learn to write in cursive until 8-9.

Most child workers are in Africa


At this stage your immune system and body is a lot stronger so good deprivation is significantly less severe.

Malnutrition after age 3 is when permanent damage disappears for cognitive and behavioural.

Although the ones who had no malnutrition will have been effected a lot more since they were rated as more sad, withdrawn and lose levels of cognitive development . The ones who do have malnutrition will have more positive energy, wants to explore, and less anxious.


In developed countries the obesity has big issues. Even in Asian countries are starting to get bad. WHO said this is pre bad. Blacks and latinos obese. Many get obese because they don’t cook at home so they buy street food and drink soft drinks. This is May happen due to single parents or both parents work. In developing countries are also like us since their diet is like is now.

Most children watch 2 hours of tv now. 3 hours of tv got 40% body fat. This could be to ads. Latinos and blacks watch it the most. The prenatal environment influnces it a lot too. The antibiotics in the second and third trimesters could cause obesity. Genetics okay a big role as identical twins will have it more (MZ). A gene called FTO also causes obesity (but this was only after the 1940’s may be fried food). Although one area in Arizona and Mexico have simialr genetics (indigenous peoples) but they got fat because of Arizona food transition.

They will get excluded and have negative traits as they associate it with being lazy, ugly and stupid. Obesity has emotional, behavioural and physical issues like diabetes. Around 80% stay overweight as adults. The risks has blood pressure and heart attacks.

In order to stop it is to give healthy lunches. The parents don’t notice that their parents are fat.

Illness and injuries

This is the healthiest and safest. Least deaths in developed and developing. Many have vaccinated or natural immune system got it even minor illnesses.

Governments usually help with all possible issues except asthma which can be caused by exercise, illnesses, weather, allergies and stress. They use a inhaler. Boys are higher then girls for unknown reasons. Low birth weight, obesity, low SES and smoking are risk factors to it. It can also be transmitted genetically. It may be more common now because of carpets, air rights windows and pets. Or sanitation can cause it because this hygiene hypothesis says that we get less exposed to bacteria which weakens our immune system.

In developing countries have air pollution cause asma. That poor air quality. That’s why the blacks are infected more.

Injuries that are common are bites from animals, being hit by a object or person, but they use bike now so falling is more safe

Concrete operation stage

In Piagets theory, the cognitive stage in which children become capable of using mental operations.

They can percept conservation, classification and seriation.

This is in 7-11year olds

It has 5 stages: conservation which uses principles from the natural world so, They know Santa clause isn’t real.

Second is classification. So they can make categories like elephant is a mammal which is a animal. Although when it uses mental operation they are more general categories. Think of his experiment on the 5 year old who gets confused and says their are more girls then children even though the stats are 12 girls and 2 boy.

Seriation is arranging things from longest to shortest or thickest to thinnest. It uses not just visualization but it also requires to arríate mentally.

Piagets theory is a bit wronf as some people get the tasks at eariler age. But he thought they should be mastered so they didn’t have the same criteria. Also teaching isn’t the same because he says it has to happen naturally. So a lot even she 7 can do it really well.

Information processing: attention

They can play more board games as they have better attention, memory and executive function

I’m attention they can develop selective attention. In a experiment children in middle childhood could point out cards that they were asked to pay attention. But were not able to point out the household items while the younger children it was the other way around. At age 6-7 they have trouble in paying attention that some get attention deflict/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They get impulsive and don’t wait their turn. 8% have it and boys are twice as likely to have it. The adolescent and child get Ritalin to get medication for it so they can concentrate. It can vary a lot in stages (which is absurdly high). Some show better academic and peer relation. But some side effects include growth problems and depression. Behaviour therapy can help too as it’s the most effective. The sex ratios varied but most were boys. The girls got bullied more and were likely to have emotional problems. Boys had conduct problems. Although they both had issues. The treatments varied, (25%) medication and for medication with psychotherapy, (19%) for psycho therapy. The rest weren’t treated.

Information processing: executive function

Executive function is like problem solving so being flexible when a task changed and non distracted. They are able to switch like in the dimensional change card sort. They also use more stratiges and effective ones the older they get. This is because of how flexible they are. Asians are better at this.

Information processing


For memory. The working memory enlarges. It’s the captivity to retain information for a brief time and also process it in some way. Like repeating a set of number in the opposite order. They use mnemonics are used (memory strategies) like rehearsal. They use organization a lot more (putting them into categories) and it’s because of retrieval cues of it’s effectiveness. Elaboration which involved transforming bits of information in a way that connects them and hence makes them easier to remember. Although it’s more used in adolescence. Very few people even use these strategies in general at all ages. But those who do can be masters at chess. They also get metamemory (understanding of how memory works) they know that long lists are hard. Although they tend to be inflated a bit as they will overestimate themselves.

Intelligence, Wechsler intelligence scale, intellectual disability, gifted and family studies

Their is smart and dumb kids in Cognitive abilities and it’s super noticeable now.

Wechsler intelligence scale (WISC) for children: widely used intelligence test for children 6-16.

Their is also the Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence 3-7.

After those comes the Wechsler adult intelligence scale WAIS) which is used for those above 16.

The fifth edition measure the

1. Verbal comprehension index

2. Visual spatial index

3. Fluid reasoning index

4. Processing speed index

5. Working memory index

the intelligence quotient (IQ) (median is the 100) and also looks at the average of the age. It’s a good predictor. Occupations, psychological health but the criticisms are saying it’s too limited in what skills are also important like creativity. Also cultural bias like items are biased as only the majority knows some of them. But they have tried to stop the bias and they found it may not be possible to make it culture free bias. And also the culture will change so the changes they make won’t matter.

Iq is gone on the bell curve. The intellectual disability are level of cognitive persons who score 70 or below. Any above 130 is gifted.

The twins study found that the similar genetics are the higher their IQ’s are so correlated. The ones who have no genetics are 0.24 and those who have similar genotype have 0.40 and higher when living together. have 0.50 and higher for DZ twins. And the highest is MZ twins which is 0.85.

Although one time a biological mom and her kids were dumb but then were adopted by smart guys and now they smart as ****. But smart kids get smarter. But they found that environment is much stronger on poor children. The less stimulating the environment, the less genetics influences IQ. Because children’s potential are suppressed in an unstimulating environment. But the affluent environment generally allows children to revive the cognitive stimulation nesscary to teach the top of their reaction range

Only nee thing about Flynn effect is that tv may help. Also less diseases.

Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg


Their is smart and dumb kids in Cognitive abilities and it’s super noticeable now.

Wechsler intelligence scale (WISC) for children: widely used intelligence test for children 6-16.

Their is also the Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence 3-7.

After those comes the Wechsler adult intelligence scale WAIS) which is used for those above 16.

The fifth edition measure the

1. Verbal comprehension index

2. Visual spatial index

3. Fluid reasoning index

4. Processing speed index

5. Working memory index

the intelligence quotient (IQ) (median is the 100) and also looks at the average of the age. It’s a good predictor. Occupations, psychological health but the criticisms are saying it’s too limited in what skills are also important like creativity. Also cultural bias like items are biased as only the majority knows some of them. But they have tried to stop the bias and they found it may not be possible to make it culture free bias. And also the culture will change so the changes they make won’t matter.

Iq is gone on the bell curve. The intellectual disability are level of cognitive persons who score 70 or below. Any above 130 is gifted.

The twins study found that the similar genetics are the higher their IQ’s are so correlated. The ones who have no genetics are 0.24 and those who have similar genotype have 0.40 and higher when living together. have 0.50 and higher for DZ twins. And the highest is MZ twins which is 0.85.

Although one time a biological mom and her kids were dumb but then were adopted by smart guys and now they smart as ****. But smart kids get smarter. But they found that environment is much stronger on poor children. The less stimulating the environment, the less genetics influences IQ. Because children’s potential are suppressed in an unstimulating environment. But the affluent environment generally allows children to revive the cognitive stimulation nesscary to teach the top of their reaction range

Only nee thing about Flynn effect is that tv may help. Also less diseases.

Howard Gardner and Robert Sternberg: Gardner made the chart theory of multiple intelligences. He thought the brain have each parts control it. And idiot saviants have it as they are not good at everything except being really good at one. He thought each school should focus on one school. But no valid methods have been made to measure. Stern triarchic theory of intelligence. Three distinct but related forms of intelligence. It uses analytical intelligence which is a IQ test measure which involves acquiring storing, anyalzing and retrieving information. Creative intelligence in loves the ablility to combine information in original ways to produce insights, ideas, and problem solving strategies. Practical intelligence which is street smart so problems you face in everyday life. He says it’s universal but no evidence. And nobody uses any of their theories since they take too long.

Vocabulary, grammar, and pragmática

At 5-7 they go to school so they learn new words as they read. Which helps a lot and age 6 they know 10,000 and by 10 they know 40,000. Also they now know the different forms of words like try, tried, trying and try.

Grammer they use conditional sentences. They say “if you let me play with that you I’ll share my lunch with you”

Pragmatics the social context. They know that what they say is not what is meant. Such as “how many times do I have to tell you to not feed the dog rice” which isn’t a math question. They also use humour like defying the pragmatics. Consumer; “what’s that fly doing in my soup.” Waiter; “he’s doing the backstroke.” (The costumer is trying to say to do something about the fly.) they are culturally grounded like “tu” and “usted”


Multilingual: capable of two or more languages. Most know two languages because of immigration. Also school wants to teach two languages. (Usually English)

When they learn it does not interfere with mastering it. Also they are aware that it is two diffrent languages. They are good at both languages as good as monolingual . They can separate syntax like how justice league in Spanish is league of justice. Some blend two languages together. When they learn the language after learning the first then it could take 5 years as it’s harder. But it’s still a good time to learn. An experiment showed they are as good as a native speaker. At age 12 then you start to develop a accent.

It also has benefits like metalinguístic skills (in the understanding of language, skills that reflect awareness of underlying structure of language.) in an expirment they understand rules much better to nonsense words.

Neurologically they have denser tissues especially those who heard before age 5. Cognitive functions also help with focus and switching strategies.

Their is no disadvantages. Although risks are only from poor families

Schools experiences and achievements

Attending school is common for less then 200 years. Psychologist call them school age children. Before it was only half and only for a few years until jobs required it. It took place during the winter when they didn’t need to work. It’s still not universal about 11% of children 6-10 (in developing countries). 19% in Africa of boys and 26% of girls going. But most developing countries are trying to go.

The change in a swift and girls don’t know weaving and boys don’t know farm work. 53% dropped to 7% of boys helping take care of children.

They also changed in expectations in going to school to grade 6 and past that and now half want to go past grade 12. As before they weren’t expected to go over grade 6. But now the kids can be whatever they wish.

They compared America with Asian countries like valuing education. The high standards are made for those children to word hard. Americans are made to believe that their issues are inability to do it which makes them think that they can’t do anything of it. Americans believe academic success is individual achievement.

Asian schools are more collectivist as they have a costume complex of conforming to the group with wearing uniforms and maintain the cleanliness. Children work in groups with those who can teach one who is struggling. Asian children will spend most time learning school in academic school. The schools years are so long taking 220 with America taking 160.

The effects are more due to economic development then cultural beliefs. Because they can afford what makes high academic performance. The government doesn’t pay for school in America and it’s the neighbourhood so the poor children don’t get the resources they need

Most cultures now treat genders equally in school but before they placed boys above

Learning cognitive skills of school

Phonic approach, whole language approach, dylexia and dyscalcuia

Approaches reading: 200 years people were illiterate. Learning to read happens at age 6-7 when they enter school.

Cognatily means getting the symbols as sounds, what the word means, and remember the whole sentence to make sense. Although their are two approaches to helping them achieve this.

Phonic approach: method of teaching reading that advocates breaking down words into their component sounds, called phonics, then putting the phonics together into words. First phonics then single words then short sentences then longer ones. They can then read poems and stories.

Whole language approach: method of teaching reading in which the emphasis is on the meaning of written language bin whole passages rather than breaking down words into their smallest components. So use complete stories and then guess what the word means using the context. If the material is interesting then they will try to learn.

The phonics is the most effective and to those who fall behind. But when they read then they can blend the whole language.

Most learn to read by grade 3 but the condition dyslexia (difficult sounding out letters and learning words and misperceiving the order of letters in words.) but they aren’t less intelligent but they just aren’t good at reading. Boys are likely to have it (y chromosome).

For math animals understand the meaning of numeracy (understand numbers) when they are 6 weeks old they seem to understand nimbers due to a expirment revolving toys. Toddlerhood they learn to count at age 2. They do simple addition and subtraction at age 5. They do multiplication later on and it seems to develop with language. Also dyscalculia is like dyslexia but with numbers (neurological).

They are expected differently in schools due to expectations and how they teach. But in Brazil a kid could sell candy and be crazy good at math

Smooth sailing: advanced in emotional self-regulation

It’s a high well-being and low volatility. Best time to live. Crying stopped a lot until adolescence.

Information of middle childhood using experience sampling method (ESM) [research method that involves having people wear beepers, usually for a period of 1 week; when they are beeped at random times during the day. They record a variety of characteristics of their experience at that moment] they use wrist watch beepers so they say how happy they are or any other emotion. So they found that they are pre happy 28% if the time. Only time they mad is concrete things like loosing to a game. They move to schools and new groups. They have to learn cooperation and they usually do.

They understand peoples emotions and their own and the state of ambivalence. They can now hide their emotions like fake being grateful. They also understand that others lie about their emotions too. But when they understand how others feel they have empathy.

Self understanding

We have the me self (how we view ourselves) and a I self (how others view us). And they change importantly in middle childhood

Self concept changes happen that they kids ages 6-7 describe themselves from internal and from the physical to the psychological (personality). They also mention possessions (like a Ps5) or activities they enjoy. They add personality traits like shy (which is the most common self concept). Also describe what they aren’t. They can get more complex near the end explaining how they act during circumstances. They also use social comparison in achievements, ablilites or status. It reflects cognative abilities of seration. So they can compare like shortest to tallest but with status. Since they are in school they can tell with grades.

In a multicultural socites they can see how social context effects them. Black people chose to choose the white doll as the good one and so did the rest. They saw that black is bad and white is good. Which lowers their self esteem. But they actually had higher self esteem then others.

Self esteem is valued in America. In Japan they think self criticism is important and see self esteem as a flaw. (It may be American individualism.) for most physical appearance is the highest for self esteem rather then the other characteristics like athletic or social competence. Like some don’t care about those characteristics so they don’t get effected.

Culture and the self

They can tell the difference between independent self which is good to think about yourself, consider who you are as a independent person and to think high of yourself in a individualistic culture. The interdependent self by the collectivism culture which look at the interests of the group, religion, and nation come first before yourself. It’s not good to think highly of yourself because you may purse your own interests instead of the groups and make them jealous. but none support selfishness.

Parents worry more that the children’s will be selfish rather then self esteem. Though the parenting happens differently as when it’s a cultural norm it may be less significant as Chinese’s kids ain’t traumatized but a exception in the culture. The critical and negative effect will make the American children upset. Americans expect praise which make them upset.

Gender development

It is sharply divided in middle childhood as the culture believes start to set in and they start to take their parents work which are usually gender roles like hunting which happen in developing countries. And they get personality characteristics from those jobs. Independence for boys and compliance for girls. It seems universal. In modern countries they have it gender characteristics for certain traits. Gentle seems feminine. They also see occupations with genders like firemen as high status as men do it. They put labels in art for women and science for boys. They feel more confident in math and science while girls are confident in verbal skills even when they have similar abilities.

They try to perceive themself different as masculine for men and avoid what crosses gender boundaries. Although girls use masculine characteristics but don’t describe themselves as feminine traits. They aspire to look at occupation with men while men don’t aspire to get a occupation with women.

In their playground the gender segregated play groups happen. This happens in traditional cultures because of gender specific work. They went up in 2-3 it was 20-40% while 8-11 it was over 90%. But the pattern is the same in developed countries. The games are usually more antagonistic. They call it border work. It is the first stem to Romaric relations in adolescence.

Family relations: coregulation and siblings relationships

In middle childhood they become okay with less monitoring. So parents move more towards coregulation. (Relationship between parents and children in which parents provide broad guidlines for behaviour but children are capable of substantial amount of independent, self directed behaviour) but they still check in to see where they are and what they do.

In developed countries they spend less time with the parents as they get cognative development. Parents also stop using physical punishment and use explanation. They give chores.

Traditional cultures parents and children move toward coreglation. Children can also explore out especially boys. Women have more responsibilities but they have more independent activities. Like going to the market without an adult and making calculations.

Siblings who have a older one benefit with parent or academic issues and the young and older get mutual companionship happens. Although sibling companionship happens that happen once evey twenty minutes they we’re together. Most are personal possessions and they get jealous when one gets favorited.

Family relations: Diverse family forms

In the US 63% live with 2 biological/adopted parents. 21% live with a single parent and 26% live with other type like a grandparent or non relatives. A lot of countries let gays have kids which went up by 20% and they are similar to normal children social adjustment, academically, emotional development and gender oretation.

For single parents and in the US it’s highest. 40% if birth are to single moms and they go high for both whites and blacks. But African Americans are up to 70% single moms. Northern Europe is also common but the dad is in the home.

The consequences must make the child have more responsibilities for basic function like cleaning. Although it increases the likey hood of growing up in poverty. Which has negative effects. They are even higher in US and Canada close to 50% compared to Scandinavia which is 12%. Many children function well like when the mom has enough money and they function like the average family. The single father also works well as the average middle childhood in social and academics.

Single parent doesn’t mean their is one parent. 1/4 has the grandmother especially in African and Americans.

Family relations: children’s response to divorce

Divorce got bigger the past half century and half of children in many countries experience it in middle childhood. They respond negatively especially boys and in the first two years. These effects include: in external problems (unguly behaviour, and conflict with mothers, siblings, peers, and teachers). And internalizing problems (depressed mood, anxieties, phobias and sleep disturbances). But also things like academic performance decrease and early childhood they blame themself but middle childhood they are less egocentric and understand why. Their was a longitudinal study that showed 25% had emotional and behavioural problems compare to 10% which is normal families. Low points are 1 year and after they improve function. By 2 years girls as back to normal except boys still have issues until year 5.

Though not all children act negatively like 75% do not. It matter about family process (quality of the relationships between family members). The quality before during and after the divorce so the parental conflict is what’s linked. The less the conflict the less issues. Also the relationship to the mother. Moms go through financial issues as the dad doesn’t pay child support. The mom becomes more stressed and more cold causing a harder relationship. Relationships between moms and boys are more likely to go down hill. They will get sucked into a coercive cycle (pattern in relations between parents and children in which children’s disobedient behaviour evokes harsh responses from parents, which in turn makes children even more resistant to parental control, evoking even harsher responses) so the mom says to do something and the boy will most listen but as long as the mom takes a chill but it’s Saul goodman.

Dad after math is important but 90% of custody battles so the dad is not seen as much and only seen very little. They also must get use being in two houses. But the relationship dies down and 40% have weakly contact with their dad. When a father remarries then the contact declines. But the father stays if he is loving to the children.

Divorce mediation: arrangement in which a professional mediator meets with divorcing parents to help them negotiate an agreement that both will find acceptable. So less damage is done to child and it can settle a lot of cases and improve relations after a long time

Family relation: out of the frying pan; children’s response to remarriage

90% get a step family

The entrance for a step father will get higher income and help. Moms emotional well-being get better. But children usually hate step parents. They get lower academic grades, lower self esteem and greater behavioural problems.

Girls respond worst

And if the step dad has step sons or daughters then it’s worse.

Reasons to why it’s so hated (1) it’s a new adjustment (2) the step father are seemed to be coming in between their mothers relationship between them and their mom especially girls (3) some will resist the step dad authority because they don’t like how he’s trying to replace the dad.

Some litterly leave their step dad out of a picture. But family processing takes time and they can develops good relationship but it grows a lot the younger the child.

Friends and peers: making friends

They get into a school environment more then family which cause friendships since they see them daily

They choose friendship based on selective association which is choosing to be around those whom you are similar to. Boys play with boys (socialability, academic and intro/extrovert.) trust is important. As they have less friends in middle childhood and they have longer friendships. In grade 3-6 the increase of trust went to 25% to 72% across the age span on girls. But boys it comes a bit later with less trust. (Boys are more shared activities) but breaking trusts end friendships.

Simple social games are still popular. (Tag and hide and seek are universal) though it becomes more complex later like limitations and powers. Think of Pokémon. Also board games (UNO)

Hobbies are born like collecting things. It can help with organizing and planning.

Friends and peers: friendships and play across cultures

Friendship change in other ways like trust and activities. Trust is when your buddy has your back. They still have selective association. Girls are less aggressive. But they okay more with imagination.

Friends and peers: friendships and play across cultures

Friendship change in other ways like trust and activities. Trust is when your buddy has your back. They still have selective association. Girls are less aggressive. But they okay more with imagination.

Friends and peers: popularity and unpopularity

Schools age graded (social organization based on grouping persons of similar ages) and age is the social status (degree of authority and respect) . But when they are the same age they choose the social status others ways like

Popular children: more liked them disliked (Pavel)

Rejected children: are disliked and they are rejected for being too aggressive but 10%-20% of cases rejected children and shy and withdrawn. Boys are more likely then girls to be rejected (Jada)

Neglected children: the unknown ones who are usually girls. (Those girls in basketball that never participated but you knew of their existence)

Controversial children: are liked by some but disliked by others (Nickhail) May be too aggressive

So they usually choose based on social skills which is what determines their popularity (friendly, helpful, cooperative and considerate) they understand needs and interests. Intelligence, and athletic among boys is respected too. Nerds lack social skills (not intelligence thing)

Rejected are impulsive and they lack self control which annoys everyone. Social skills and social understanding are bad. They have bad social information processing (SIP) (seeing intentions) so they think others are hostile when they aren’t.

Neglected are well adjusted. They just aren’t social but they have skills. They still happy

Controversial children have good social skills but are aggressive. So they got good and bad. They may defy adults

Popularity is important especially for rejected as they feel lonely with less friends. They may dislike going to school and agresiveness may have issues with parents and teachers. It has issues in development into adolescence and emerging adulthood which is known as developmental cascade (when a problem at one point in life surges into a series of problems over time). Being rejected by peers makes social skills hard to get good at

Friends and peers: bullying

So bullying has three components,

aggression: verbal or physical

Repetition: pattern

Power imbalance: the bully has higher peer status then the victim

It’s international. 20% are victims at middle childhood. Boys are bully physically and verbally while girls only use verbal methods.

Bully-victims are bully’s who got bullied or have abusive family members that cause such actions

Conterverisl bullies have high peer status cause the athletic but are feared for bully behaviour.

Victims have low self esteem since they are rejected and have no buddies to back them up. They cry easily which makes them looks weak. They will get depressed and lonely.

Most children intervene were popular kids. But most didn’t as they didn’t want to get bullied themself. Although 20-30% the peers encouraged the behaviour or joined in.