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25 Cards in this Set

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What's the purpose of complexity editing?

Used to intensify

Big part is montages

What are the 4 different types of montages?

Metric Montage

Accelerated Metric Montage

Analytical Montage

Idea-Associative Montage

What's included in a metric montage?

Series of shots put together to create tertiary rhythm

What's included in an Accelerated Metric Montage?

Shots get shorter and faster as you go forward

What's included in an Analytical Montage?

Analyze a single event

What's included in a Idea-Associative Montage

Juxtaposition of 2 stories to compare and contrast and show overall theme

What are the 2 types of Analytical Montage?

Sequential Montage

Sectional Montage

What are the different parts that make up a Sequential Montage?

Event Analysis

Shot Selection

Edit Shots

What's the definition of Sectional Montage?

Freeze portion of event and look into it

Is Analytical Sequential Montage lie on the Horizontal or Vertical time vector?

Horizontal Time Vector

Does Analytical Sectional Montage lie on the Horizontal or Vertical time vector?


What are the 2 types of Idea-Associative Montage?



What constitutes an Idea-Associative Comparison Montage?

Compare two thematically related events

What constitutes an Idea-Associative Collision Montage?

Collide 2 dissimilar things

What's the importance of "Life Stinks (Homeless gets splashed with car while radio saying 'Gold is up!')"

Showed good example of Idea-Associative Collision Montage

What's the importance of "Missing Link (Monkey's doing what scientist is saying they can't do in order to retrieve the pepsi)"

Good example of Idea-Associative Collision Montage through use of Audio and Video

What is the importance of "Modern Times (Factory workers being treated like animals)"

Good example of Idea-Associative Comparison Montage

What's the importance of "King Of Hearts (Flower is thrown instead of grenade/ Horses joined together but soldiers were ones who killed eachother)"

Good example of Idea-Associative Comparison Montage

What was the importance of "Julia (Her on the log as a child symbolizes her going on the sketchy journey)"

Good example of Idea-Associative Comparison Montage

What's the importance of "Dreams of Wilde Horses"

Good example of sound structural matching

How do you achieve Contrapuntal Tension? (Hospital commercial where people sing same song by saying "ahhh")

You change the pitch of the sounds played in a montage

What is the importance of "The Godfather (Several scenes depicting baptism and satanic work)"

Good example of Idea Associative Collision Montage

What was the importance of "Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge" (Soldiers pointing their guns at guy that's about to be hung"

Good example of Idea Associative Collision Montage

What was the importance of "Roger & Me (GM CEO talking about charity event while workers families are getting evicted)"

Good example of Idea-Associated Collision Montage

What is the importance of "Jaws (Shark chasing after guy using the broken piece of a dock)"

Good example of Idea-Associative Comparison Montage