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18 Cards in this Set

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What are simple machines?

Simple machines are a tool or device made up of one basic machine

What are the 6 simple machines ?

Lever, inclined plane, wedge, pulley and the wheel & axel, screw

What are the three types of levers ?

First class lever has the fulcrum in the middle between the effort and load

second class lever has the load between the effort and fulcrum

Third class lever had the effort between the load and fulcrum

What is a lever and what is it's advantages & disadvantages?

A lever is plank that can rotate around a fixed point called the pivot or flucrum. The advantage is less amount of force is need to move a heavy load the disadvatage would be that you would have to move a greater distance than the load does.

What is an inclined plane and what adore it's advantages and disadvantages?

An inclined plane is a ramp the advantage is smaller force is needed to lift up heavy loads the disadvantage would be that you would have to exert the force over a larger distance. And the steeper the ramp is the harder it is to control to the motion of the load.

What are wedges and what are it's advantage & disadvantage?

A wedge is similar shape of an inclined plane it increases the force applied to the object, splitting the object in half. The disadvantage is that it can be used in one direction to push objects apart. Ex knives and axes.

What is a screw and what are it's advantages & disadvantages ?

A screw is a cylinder with groove cut in a spiral on the outside. It increases the force you use and can penetrate materials with a small force. Can also do a turning motion ex Archimedes screw lifts water but is very slow.

What are pulleys?

Pulleys help you left large loads they consist of wire, rope or a cable moving on a grooved wheel. There are two types of pulleys the fixed or movable pulleys.

What is the wheel and and axel ? And what are it's disadvantages?

The wheel and axel is a combination of two wheels of different diameters that turn together. It can be used to increase force or increase speed. A longer motion on the wheel produces a shorter but powerful motion on the axel the only disadvantage is that you have to turn a greater distance to apply the force.

What are complex machines?

A complex machine is made up of multiple simple machines thay all work together. Ex bicycle

What are systems & subsystems

A system is a group of parts that work together to perform a function. A subsystem are groups of parts that have one specific function.

What is a linkage?

A linkage is the part of a machine that transfers the energy. Ex in bikes the chain is the linkage.

What are transmissions ?

Transmissions are a special kind of linkage it consists of multiple gears. They transfer energy from the engine to the wheels.

What are gears ?

Gears are a pair of wheels that have teeth the interlink. They can be used to increase or decrease speed and change direction.

What is a gear train ?

Has a driving gear and a driven gear the driving gear gets force applied to it from the gear train then transfers it to the driven gear.

What is the driven & driving gear?

The driving gear receiving force outside the gear train and the driven receives the force from the driving gear.

How do gears affect speed?

If the driving gear is smaller than driven gear the turning speed in the system will increase. Gears that increase speed are called multiplying gears

If the driving gear is smaller and has fewer teeth than the driven gear then it will decrease the turning speed. Gears that decrease speed are called reducing gears.

What is the criteria for evaluation?

Is it efficient

Is it effective

Is it safe

Is it convenient

