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49 Cards in this Set

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Name 3 types of absorbable sutures

Catgut, chromic, vicryl

What is another name for swagged needle?


What is the thickest and the finest suture between the following numbers?

Thickest: 5

Finest: 6-0

What is the purpose for administering a local anesthetic? most common one is used in clinics are?

purpose is to take away sensation from local area.

Most common ones used in clinics are lidocaine, marcacaine, carbocaine.

Which local anesthetic is labeled in red

Lidocaine and epinephrine

What is chain of infection

1.) infectious agent

2.) reservoir host- man animal

3.) exited infected person- nose,throat, mouth, ear, intestinal tract

4.) vehicle of transmission- hands, equipment, instruments, silverware

5.) portal of entry- break in skin, mouth, nose

6.) susceptible host- elderly, children

What are three phases of wound healing

Phase 1: inflammation

Phase 2: granulation

Phase 3: scarring/ remodeling

What is meant by healing through primary and secondary intention?

Primary intention- going through 3 healing phases

Secondary intention- healing with more oxygen which creates more scarring

Signs of inflammation include

Redness, puss coming out, swelling, warmth

What is the benefit of irrigating a wound? What temperature should the solution be?

To clean up the loose debris and it should be room temp

What are 4 reasons for applying a sterile dressing to a wound

Clean and dry, hold medication, absorb discharge, hide disfigurement, apply pressure

What should be done if the dressing gets stuck to the wound

Soak in sterile irrigation

Post operative instructions should be given

Verbally and written to a caregiver if there is one.

What organism oxygen to live and which does not live in oxygen

Live in oxygen- Aerobe with O2

Doesn’t live in oxygen- anaerobe without oxygen

What is it called when debris is cleaned off of instruments


Surgical hand scrub should begin at your ____and extend io the ___

Begin at Fingertips

Extend up to elbows

Which type of sterilization is commonly used in clinics


What are benefits of using an autoclave to sterile instruments

Saves time, convenient, easy to use, cost effective

Autoclave should run at what temp for adequate sterilization

250 Fahrenheit

With regard to autoclave what three things have to occur for sterilization to take place

Temp at 250 F

Pressure at 15psi


Unwrapped instruments should be autoclaved for minimum of_____ min

20 minutes

Wrapped instruments should be autoclaved for a minimum of _____ min

20-30 minutes

What is the purpose for using autoclave tape on packs?

To show that packs have been through autoclave because heat will change the color of the tape

What are sterilization indicator strips that are put in packs or pouches? What has to occur for the color to change to black?

The indicator strips would let us know if the instruments have been sterilized in autoclave and went through heat and pressure process.

The indicators color would change to black if it has been through the autoclave.

Muslin is a type of material used for?

It is used for wrapping instruments to sterilize them.

What is the proper technique for adding sterile liquid to the sterile tray?

Remove the cap, pour a little out and pour 4-6 inches above.

What must be performed on the autoclave to assure that it is performing adequately?

Culture test.

What is cold sterilization?

Using chemicals to sterile.

If a sterile pack or pouch becomes moist, what should be done to it and why?

Repack it and put it back into the autoclave.

What is fenestrated drape and what purpose does it serve?

Fenestrated drape is a sterile drape with a hole. It is used for procedures on local areas.

What is the difference between medical and surgical asepsis?

Surgical asepsis kills all living microorganisms and medical asepsis cleans most of the microbes.

What is the ratio of water to bleach for disinfecting biohazard material?


OSHA safety rules regarding sharps:

1.) color coded

2.) leak proof

3.) puncture proof

4.) conveniently located

5.) closed when 2/3rds full

6.) has a locking mechanism

OSHA mandates the used needles must

Be thrown away immediately into sharps container

What instruments have a ratchet and a jaw?


Which instruments allows for making a progressive opening?


Which instrument is used for cutting tissue?

Operating scissors or iris scissors

What is a speculum and what does it do?

Speculum is used to open cavity wider

Assisted devices include wheelchairs, crutches, cane walkers. Why are they helpful?

They help for patients that cant walk by themselves and get around

Which ones of the devices require upper body strength?

Axillary crutches

For the walker, cane and axilla crutch, at what degree should the elbow be flexed at?

20-30 degrees

What fracture is most common in children?


Which crutch can be used long term?

Canadian or lofstrands

What is cryotherapy?

Helps with inflammation

What is thermotherapy?

Help with circulation to area

When referring to points with regard to crutches, what is 3 and 4 point?

3 point- 2 crutches + foot moves together

4 point- All four points are on the ground

Define eversion

Moving joint outward

Define extension

Straightening out a body part

Examples of bloodborne pathogens include:

HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HBV