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47 Cards in this Set

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What does OLAP stand for?
Online analytical processing
What is dimensional modeling?
The process used to architect schemas to support data analytics and reporting
mostly done through denormalizing, reducing the number of tables, and simplifying schema
What are facts?
The numeric data at an individual level
What are dimesnsions?
Slices of the fact table by suject areas
What is a UDM?
Unified Dimensional Model, AKA SSAS cube, which is a logical storage object that combines dimensions and measures to provide a multidimensional view of data.
What are the six components of the UDM?
Data Source
Data Source View
Dimensional model
Calculations (optional)
end-user model (optional)
Management Settings
What are your two options for data sources?
A native OLE DB provider or a Microsoft.NET managed provider (which increases overhead
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Java Database Community (JDBC) are not supported
Which is more secure--standard or windows authentication?
Windows authentication
(Standard is the SQL Server Authentication option)
What does impersonation do?
It allows you to specify the identity under which a server-side data operation will be carried out
Many impersonation options are applicable only with Windows Authentication
What does the inherit impersonation information do?
the server will decide which impersonation mode is most appropriate--it will use the service account for cube processing and the credentials of the current user for querying data models
How would you specify the identity of the user in a connection setting?
With the EffectiveUserName connection setting. This requires the interactive user to be an SSAS administrator
What do you need to add to the DSV if it is not defined?
Primary key and table relationship definitions
(Logical primary keys and table relationships are not validated, so don't screw it up or you won't know it until you try to use it)
What does a named query do?
It creates a new logical table that is added to the DSV and then treated like a physical table from the underlying relational database
What does the DSV do?
Captures schematic information for the relationsal database
Contains metadata describing tables and views
contains primary key definitions
lets you extend the data source schema by adding named calculations and anmed queries
defines table relationships and logical primary keys
Does the cube wizard validate database schema?
What are the cube designer tabs?
Cube structure
Dimension usage
Where would you set the formatting for a measure as a currency or a percentage?
Measure properties
What does a blue wavy line indicate?
A warning that relates to best practice rules
What do you need to do to make the cube available for browsing?
Deploy the cube definition to the server and process its objects to load it with data. BIDS combines these two taks in one step when you deploy the database to the server.
Can you modify the design of a dimention that has been included in a cube?
You can modify certain properties for a dimension but the phyiscal design of a "cube dimension" is inherited from the dimension at a database level
Whate are the five steps to crating a dimension?
1. Select Creation Method (optionally generating a time or other table)
2. Specify source information (select dimension key)
3. Select related tables
4. Select Dimension Attributes (be sure to use dimmension attributes to represent time dimensions)
Complete the Wizard
Where would you set ROLAP, MOLAP and ProactiveCaching for a dimension?
Dimension properties
What does the usage dimension attribute property do?
Determines whether the attribute represents the key for the dimension, defines a parent-shild hierarchy, or is a regular attribute
What does the NameColumn dimension attribute property do?
Specifices the column that provides name values for the members of the attribute
NameColumn is optional
What are the commonly modified dimension attribute properties?
What is it called when you add the same dimensions multiple times to the cube (i.e. due date, ship date, and order date)?
Role-playing dimension
What is the best data type for attribute keys?
What are the two main scenaris in which you might need to add a new measure group?
When a new fact table has been added to the database and you need to bring its data into the cube
You need a DistinctCount measure that calculates the nbumber of fact rows with unique values, such as the number of unique customers who have placed orders
What are the three steps to adding a new measure group?
Make sure the underlying fact table is included in the cube's DSV
Click Cube Structure-->Measures-->New Measure Group
Select the fact table
What does the ErrorConfiguration measure group property do?
Specifies whether the default (msmdsrv.ini) or the custom error configuration will be used to handle error conditions.
What does the EstimatedRows measure group property do?
Helps the server choose the optimum data structures and processing algorithms for a measure group when the number of rows in a fact table is already known
What does the IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions group property do?
Controls the query results when the user browses the measure group by that dimension. By default, unrelated dimesnsions are ignored
What does the ProcesingMode measure group property do?
Defines the place in the cube procesing at which data becomse available to users. By defaut it is set to regular but can be set to LazyAggregations where users can access as soon as it is processed, but processing takes longer
What does the StorageMode measure group property do?
Defines default storae mode for the measure group partitions (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP)
What does the type measure group property do?
Provides client applicaitons with information about the contents of the measure group (E.g. sales). This property is not used by the server. The client can inspect and interpret this property as needed.
What measure must be placed in a seperate measure group?
Distinct Count Measure
What are the clasifications of new measures?
Additive (e.g. Sales amount) can be summed cross all dimensions
Sem-additive (e.g. account and inventory balaces) can be aggregated across all dimensions except time
Where can you get "lastChild, LastNonEmpty, and AverageOfChildren functions and what are they used for?
They are used to handle semiadditive measures and are in development and enterprise editions of SSAS
What does the AggregateFunction measure property do?
Specifies the measure aggregate function
What does the DataType measure property do?
Needs to be explicity set for Count and Distinct Count measures only. The default option, inherited, get the data type from the underlying DSV
What does the DisplayFolder measure property do?
Groups measures into logical folders
What does the FormatString measure property do?
Defines the measure display format. Custom format strings such as #,##0
are supported
What does the MeasureExpression measure property do?
Defines a measure expression (multiplication or division only) of tow operands
the second operand must be in a different measure group. E.g. sales amount by average currency rate for currency conversion
What does the Source measure property do?
Defines the measure binding. Measures are typically bound to a single numeric column (fact) from the fact table that serves as the source of the measure group (column binding). However, a Count measure could be bound to a row (row binding) if it needs to count rows
What does the Visible measure property do?
When set to False, hides the measure from the end user. The measure can still be used in MDX expressions
What should you verify after adding a new measure group?
The relationships between the measure groups and the dimensions, which are auto-configured by the cube desinger based on the relationships in the DSV. Go to the Dimension Usage tab.
What is the difference between measures and a measure group?
A measure is a container of measures. Typically, a measure group represents a fact table and its measures represent the facts.