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13 Cards in this Set

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Which name should come first when working with alpha numeric filing?

Peter G. Burns

Major filing system used in healthcare...

Alphabetic, numeric, subject

When stamping check with the restrictive endorsement “for deposit only” prevents ...

Loss of theft

Which U.S P.S mailing services should we select when mailing routine patients record to an insurance carrier?


Checking for and repairing damaged documents in part of what step in the filing process?


The purpose of record management includes...

Arranging, classifying , storage

Which represents improper telephone techniques...

Answering the phone with “please hold”

Which of the following types of appointments scheduling would be the best method for an office with standard hours, multiple provides and accommodating work in appointment


Post office returns a note with unknown addy, what steps are you going to take to handle the situation...

Verify mailing addy and document the post mark date and prepare the new envelope and correct addy with new postage

A patient calls the pediatrician office upset because there child is vomiting and has a fever of 103•. What is the MA going to do ....

Schedule a same day appointment

What would be the appropriate action to a physician schedule when running late .....

Give patient an estimate delay time and give the options to deal with delay

The office policy is to arrive 30/40 minutes prior to there appointment to complete patients history forms. What would be the most effectient technique for this office ...?

Time specify scheduling

A filing system that organizes items chronologically for action when the date arrives if called ....

Ticker file