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37 Cards in this Set

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ch9 Bitcoin Core uses _ database

Google's Level DB

Ch9 Each block has _ parent(s)


Ch9 After_ blocks there is so much stability that the coinbase tx can be spent


Ch9 a block is a container data structure that aggregates _ for inclusion in the public ledger


ch9 Header size in bytes


Ch9 Structure of a block

4 bytes block size

80 bytes block Header

1-9 bytes tx counter

variable - tx

ch9 3 sets of data in block header are:

previous block,

mining competition,

merkle tree

Ch9 hash block id size in bytes

32 bytes

Ch9 block id can be height. Its not unique when

Blocks compete

Ch9 genesis block has _ transactions


Ch9 every node starts with a blockchain of at least _ block


Ch9 what is a merkle tree

A data structure for efficiently summarizing and verifying the integrity of large sets of data

Ch9 what is the hash algorithm used in merkle trees

Double sha256

Ch9 To prove a tx is included in a block a node needs to produce _ hashes

log base2 of (N) where N is the number of tx in the block

Ch9 Bitcoin test nets

segnet, regtest , testnet

ch9 Bitcoin network created by Satoshi Nakamoto


Ch10 in 2017 miners income was _ % fees


Ch10 first 4 years each block contained _ bitcoins


Ch10 after _ million blocks, mining blocks will contain no bitcoin

21 million

Ch10 consesus in bitcoin happens overtime as nodes select longer chain. This kind of consensus is called:

Emergent consensus

Ch10 nodes check this in each tx to consider it valid. (List 3)

Sintax structure

Inputs n outputs not empty

Tx size


Unlocking script

Ch10 what does the mempool stores

independently verified tx

Ch10 first tx in a block is called

coinbase transaction

ch10 coin base rewards half every _ blocks

210 000

ch10 fields in the block header


previous block hash

merkle root





Ch10 mining is hashing repeatedly the _ changing the _ parameter. Unitil hash matches a target

Block header, nonce parameter

Ch10 notation of 8 bits for mining target is called

target bits

ch10 difficulty attempts to keep mining time to _ min


Ch10 Difficulty changes every _ blocks


Ch10 there is max factor of _ by which difficul ty increases


Ch10 criteria (list) to check block validity (3)

block Structure is Sintactally valid

enforce proof of work

timestamp less than two hours in the Future

block size acceptable limits

Coinbase tx

All transactions are valid

ch10 a node stores three sets of blocks named

mainblock chain

secondary chain

orphan blocks

ch10 protocols for pool mining (2)

Stratum, GBT ( get Block Template)

ch10 critisism of soft forks (3)

changes are still irreversible

validation relaxation

technical debt

Ch10 mechanism to vote bip number is described in BIP _


Ch10 Bip 34 is a replaced proposal for voting. Some problems with BIP34 are (3)

No way to reject and propose again

Only one proposal may be voted at a time

reduces the availability of the version field

ch10 Percentage of blocks that must agree for proposal to be activated