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185 Cards in this Set

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The Chinese called the music notes what?


What scale is mainly used in Chinese music?

Pentatonic - 5 tone scale

What are the 5 notes included in the Pentatonic scale that the Chinese use?

Kung, Shang, Chiao, Chih, and Yu

Forms of poetry are delivered through....


Enlist the eight categories of Chinese musical instruments.

Bamboo, wood, silk, gourd, stone, metal, skin, or clay.

This is one of the famous Chinese instruments. This is a two-string, violin-like instrument played with a bow.


This has four strings and thirty frets in a gourd-shaped frame.


This is an ancient Chinese instrument with 13 to 21 strings stretched over individual bridges.


This is a seven-string zither without bridges. This is the most ancient Chinese instrument with over 3000 years of history.


This is large with 18 to 23 strings, usually played by a female. Similar to the Japanese Koto.


This is a bamboo side-blown transverse flute with 6 finger holes.


This is a vertical end-blown flute made of bamboo.


This is a blowing instrument like a horn.

Suona, Laba, or Haidi

This is considered one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments. Mouth organ similar to a panpipe with 12 to 36 bamboo pipes.


These are small cymbals.

Ching and Chap

This is a tiger-like animal resting on a sounding box.


Cantonese popular music.


Cantopop is sometimes referred to as...


Who is the Godfather of Cantopop?

Roman Tam or Lo Man (stage name)

Music of one's homeland.


The Buddhists created chants based on religious hymns called...


Hard mode/male scale


Soft mode/female scale


Japanese pop


J-pop started in Japan in the...


Japanese orchestra


Plucked table zither with 13 strings.


Lute pear-shaped instrument with 4 or 5 strings and frets made of wood.


Long-necked plucked instrument with 3 strings played with a bow.


End-blown 5 finger hole flute


Set of seventeen bamboo mouthpipes.


Short bamboo double-reed pipe with 9 fingerholes.


This is a flute instrument.


Small drum whose both ends are covered in animal skin. Played using 2 sticks.


Shoulder mounted hand drum used in the Noh play.


This is the smaller drum.


This is the larger drum.


Has a short but wide body, played with sticks called batchi.


Korean music is greatly influenced by ________ music.

Chinese music

Elegant vocal and instrumental music


Foreign music


Popular music


Elegant ritual and ceremonial court music.


Enumerate the 4 Pentatonic scales built by the Koreans.

Ujo scale, Akshejo scale, Kyemyonjo scale, Pyongjo scale

Korean pop


Proper name for the original four-man group.

Samul Nori

From Samul Nori, “Sa” and “Mul” mean what?

Four things

From Samul Nori, “No” and “Ri” mean what?

To play

One of the 4 basic instruments used.

This is a small handheld gong. This represents lightning.

Kkwaenggawari or Ggwaenggawari

One of the 4 basic instruments used

This is a large handheld gong. This represents wind.

Jing or Ching

One of the 4 basic instruments used

This is a double-headed, hourglass drum. This represents rain.

Janggu or Janggo (Changgu or Changgo)

One of the 4 basic instruments used

This is a barrel drum. This represents thunder.

Buk or Puk

This has 12 strings stretched along a wooden board with movable strings.

Kayagum or Gayageum

This is a bamboo string instrument played with a bow.

Haegum or Haegeum

This is a bamboo flute with 6 finger holes.


This plays the main melody in the Korean music ensemble.


This is a 17-pipe bamboo mouth organ.


Started from prehistoric humans.


They used ____ ____ and _____ pigment.

Red ochre and black

Regarded as the quintessential form of Chinese painting.

Landscape painting

Three major components of landscape painting.

Nature, heaven, humankind

Harmony between man and nature.

Tianren Heyi

This artist used techniques such as aerial perspective and overlapping.

Wang Hui

A type of balance wherein two sides aren't alike, but carry equal visual weight.

Asymmetrical balance

Connotes all parts of the image relate to and compliment each other.


Ornamental writing usually done with a pen.


“An artist should identify himself with the landscape and watch it until its significance is revealed to him.”

Kuo Hsi

Enumerate the “Six Canons of Painting”

Spirit Resonance,

Bone Method,

Correspondence to the Object, Suitability to Type,

Division and Planning,

Transmission by Copying

The history of Korean painting dates back to ____ C.E.

108 C.E.

Until the Joseon dynasty, the primary influence of Korean paintings were...

Chinese Paintings

Korean paintings' subjects are usually divided into 4 categories. Enumerate them.

Landscape, minhwa, the Four Gentlemen, and portrait styles

Under the Four Gentlemen, this symbolizes productivity and autumn.


Under the Four Gentlemen, this symbolizes integrity and winter.


Under the Four Gentlemen, this symbolizes refinement and summer.


Under the Four Gentlemen, this symbolizes courage in a gentleman and spring.

Plum blossom

Is a mark or shape made on a flat surface by an inked block.


Is a technique for printing text, images, or patterns.

Woodblock printing

Which Japanese artist created this asymmetrical balanced woodblock print?

Ando Hiroshige

Pictures of the floating world.


Made from a design carved out from a block of wood.

Woodblock print or a woodcut

Is the process by which different types of prints are made.


When an image is printed from the raised carvings on a block, it is called what?

Relief print

If it is printed from an image scratched onto a metal plate, it is called a what?

Intaglio print

This is a type of roof that is more economical for common Chinese architecture.

Straight inclined

These are roofs with two or more inclined sections.


These are roofs with curves that rise at the corners. Usually reserved for temples and palaces.


One of the largest Chinese opera forms.

Peking opera

The Peking opera presents dramatic plays and figures emphasizing the four artistic methods. Enumerate the 4.




Martial Arts

The type of face painting wherein performers paint their faces with different colors.

Jingju Lianpu

In the Peking opera, this color is used to indicate positive character, prosperity, loyalty, courage or bravery, intelligence, and heroism.


In the Peking opera, this color is used to substitute for the color red. This also represents justice and sophistication.

Violet or Purple

In the Peking opera, this color signifies the character's neutrality, impartiality, and integrity.


In the Peking opera, this color indicates neutrality too. This also shows astuteness and fierceness.


In the Peking opera, this color shows the character is violent, impulsive, and lacks restraint.


In the Peking opera, this color tells the audience that the character is cruel, ambitious, or sly.


In the Peking opera, this color also indicates that the character is evil and hypocritical, commonly used by powerful villains.


In the Peking opera, these two colors exhibit the character of a god or a demon. This can also be associated with a ghost or a spirit. It also symbolizes mystery.

Gold and silver

Japan is known for this face painting art that elucidates the performer's own role through the medium of facial features.

Kabuki makeup or kesho

In Japanese fave painting, the lines painted onto the actor's face that are smudged to soften them are called...

Mukumi-guma or Suji-guma

In Japanese face painting, in a performance, the common actors get a _________ makeup.


In Japanese face painting, in a performance, the villain gets the _________ makeup, where the lines and shapes are somehow presented in a more dramatic manner.



This color means passion, wrath, and fierceness.

Dark red


This color means sadness and depression.

Dark blue


This color means tranquility and peacefulness.

Light green


This color means youth.



This color means fright, anxiety, and fear.



This color means dignity and nobleness.



These colors mean inhuman, demonic, and monstrous.

Gray and Brown

*Tal or Ta'l*

The mask colors Intense and vivacious black, red, and white mean what?

Helps determine the age and race of the figure.

*Tal or Ta'l*

The mask colors half red and half white mean what?

Indicates that the character has two fathers, Mr. Red and Mr. White

*Tal or Ta'l*

The Dark-faced mask means what?

Connotes that the wearer was born of an adulterous mother

______ played an important role in the development of art, not just in East Asia but also all over the world.


A folded paper that looks like a gold nugget, which is also known as sycee.


During what festival do they burn the yuanbao at their ancestors' graves?

Ghost Festival

Silver or gold ingot currency used in China until the 20th century. Derived from the Cantonese term “fine silk”.


The Chinese decorative paper cuttings are commonly _________.


The Chinese decorative paper cuttings are commonly symmetrical and use _____ paper.

Red paper

In China, _______ ________ is indeed part of their arts and culture.

Paper cutting

The Chinese philosophers that are said to be the inventors of kite.

Mozi and Lu Ban

Weifang, Shandong was known as “China's capital city of kites” during what dynasties?

Song and Ming

An assembled or joined aircraft and is made of silk or paper attached to a bowline bamboo.


Nowadays, kites are usually made of what?


Enumerate the 4 common Chinese kite categories.


Hard-winged kites

Soft-winged kites

Flat kites

The term origami originates from the two words: ___ and _____.

Ori and Kami

Ori means what?


Kami means what?


When was Japanese origami popularized?


The objective of this art is to transform a flat sheet of squared paper into a three-dimensional form by following various folding techniques without cutting.


One of the most popular origami figures.

Paper crane

Is a team sport where a player aims to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally portioned to score points while following a set of rules.


How many players per team are on the court in Basketball?

5 players

There are various violations that are generally called....


In December 1891, who invented the sport of Basketball?

James Naismith

In what year was the NBL formed?


In what year was the NBL established?


In what season did the NBL merge with the BAA to form the NBA?


This is the first basic skill to be learned.


This allows you to advance with the ball and move around the court while you are in possession of the ball.


This is one of the most important skills in Basketball.


This is one of the major skills of the game. Grabbing it means making your team gain a chance to shoot again.


This is one of the most basic skills in Basketball because speed defines the best player in this sport.


Their position will depend on how regulated the game will be.

Officiating staff

The official in charge who controls the game.


No official has the authority to question decisions made by another official.

Officials' conduct of the game

This signal means what?

3 points

This signal means what?

3 points (success)

This signal means what?


This signal means what?

Jump ball

This signal means what?


This signal means what?

Technical foul

This signal means what?

3-second violation

A kind of pass that results in a goal being scored.


An attacking move at full speed.


*True or False*

Marriage has significantly contributed to happier, healthier, and more prosperous families.


Based on the statistics, the best age to marry is after what age?


Is a period in a couple's relationship which precedes their engagement and marriage.


_______ can enhance one's relational skills, socialization with people, and coping with infatuations.


A lifelong partnership and bond between a man and a woman who understand, accept, trust, and love each other.


Enumerate the factors that are necessary to consider in choosing a lifetime partner.

Maturity - The one who can make wise decisions.

Fidelity - The one who is sincere and true to his/her promise. (Faithful)

Commitment - The one who is dedicated to their responsibilities.

Love - The one who accepts and understands their partner.

Economic Stability - The one who provides the needs of the family.

Character - The one who is God-fearing.

*True or False*

Couples who have any religious affiliation of any kind have lesser marital problems.


This is a union between a groom and a bride who are selected by other parties rather than each other.

Arranged marriage

This is a forced marriage or shotgun marriage.


This is the parents' prearranged or preplanned future marriage of their child.


This is when someone runs away secretly with a lover.


This is a process wherein the property of the parent is distributed to a daughter at her marriage rather than at the holder's death.


This happens in a very early pregnancy just after conception.

Blighted Ovum

The embryo implants outside of the uterus.

Ectopic pregnancy

This is a hormonal imbalance in the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone levels of a woman.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This is a benign, noncancerous tumor that develops in or around the uterus.


This is a type of diabetes that affects women during pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes

This usually occurs and affects pregnant women during the second half of pregnancy, or soon after their baby is delivered.


Babies in this position are usually delivered by Caesarean or C-section.

Suhi or Breech position

Many mothers experience the “baby blues” after childbirth.

Postpartum disorder

Medical condition wherein the body has an overwhelming immune response to a bacterial infection.


Major surgery that can prevent pregnancy from occurring.

Tubal Ligation

Traditional birth attendants


Responsible parenthood is defined by _____ _____ __ in his encyclical Humanae Vitae.

Pope Paul VI

Who should be properly bonded and focused not only to each other but also practice responsible parenthood?

Husbands and wives

Enumerate the areas in which families should do well to be successful.

Problem solving

Effective communication

Family roles

Affective responsiveness

Behavior control

Health professionals recommend a __ year gap between pregnancies.

3-year gap

This is a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their biological or adopted children.

Nuclear family/Traditional family

This consists of one parent raising one or more children on their own.

Single-parent family

This consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living under the same roof.

Extended family

This consists of a husband and a wife living together and caring for each other. This family is the most unpopular because it does not meet the traditional standards of a family.

Childless family

This consists of 2 divorced/legally separated people who bring with them their children from the old families and decide to live together.

Blended family