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36 Cards in this Set

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Classic Marxism defines ideaologybas false consciousness or complex production of illusory ideas about the way society works and who benefits

Karl Marx Econmics

Society is controlled by who owns production (ruling class) and control ideological superstructures (education, church, media)

Marx has economic argument. Class division is solely based on economics

How ideology operates

Ruling class promulgates systems of meaning to promote own interests

Ruling class generalizes and universalize meanings

Oppressed and subservient classes adopt ruling class ideas as own unintentionally

Assumptions of ideological criticism

Dominant ideologies maintained through rhetorical strategies. Media is tied to promote dominant ideology

Noam Chomsky

Manufacturing of consent through necessary illusion

Indoctrination not inconsistent with democracy but is the essence of it.

Manufacturing of consent is propaganda

Antonio Gramscri hegemony and consent

Diverse social groups attained hegemony, or dominance at different times through inducing consent of majority of subaltern groups to a sociopolitical constellation

Antonio Gramsci culture and history

Hegemony theory falls for historically specific sociology-cultural analysis of particular contexts and forces

Gramsci’s approach requires social contextualization of all ideas, representation and cultural forms.

Frankfurt school critical and cultural studies

Frankfurt school inaugurated critical studies of mass communication and culture showing how media were controlled by groups who employed them to further their own interests and domination

Frankfurt school mass communication studies

Developed critical approach to cultural and communication studies combining

Critiques of political economy


Audience reception studies

Frankfurt school

Coined term “cultural industries” to signify process of industrialization of mass produced culture and commericalbimperatives which drive system

Ideological criticism

Tries to understand the ways which meanings are produced by and for individuals. Within social formation

Includes the way narrative, visual or genetic structures orient our understanding and how they naturalize events and stories in media

Ideological criticism: political economy

The study of power relations that mutually constitute production, distribution and consumption of resources including communication resources. Agends of funders

Ideological criticism: rave class gender

Understanding discourses that ideologically constrict relationships between race class and gender can explain how identity is built and experienced

When school of cultural studies was inaugurated

University of bermingham center for contemporary arts 1964

Bermingham group came to concentrate on interplay of representation of class gender sexuality race ethnicity in media in response to what

Social struggless and movements of the 60s and 70s

Frankfurt school

Capitalist societies and mass production: cultural industry

Antonio Gramsci



History and culture

Antonio Gramsci



History and culture

Louis Althusser

Ideology as system of representation

British cultural studies analyzes what with Gramsci’a model of hegemony

Hegemonic social and cultural forces of domination but also seeks counterhegemomic forces of resistance and struggle

Briatish studies and audience

Overcomes limitations of the previous theoretical notion of a passive audience in its conceptions of an active audience that can create meanings from oppositional readings of the texts

Briatish studies and audience

Overcomes limitations of the previous theoretical notion of a passive audience in its conceptions of an active audience that can create meanings from oppositional readings of the texts

Encoding decoding

Distinction must be made between encoding texts and deciding from consumers. There are oppositional ways to decode texts that may not be seen by creator

Dominant reading

Viewer agress and accepts dominant ideological message in text

Dominant reading

Viewer agress and accepts dominant ideological message in text

Negotiated reading

Viewer fits into dominant ideology, but needs to inflect it locally to take account social position

Dominant reading

Viewer agress and accepts dominant ideological message in text

Negotiated reading

Viewer fits into dominant ideology, but needs to inflect it locally to take account social position

Oppositional reading

Viewers social cultural situation puts them in direct opposition with dominant ideology

Cultural appropriation

Use of cultures symbols artifacts genres rituals or techs by members of different culture

Active process and retains meaning of a stealing.

Queer media studies

Examines how media contribute to maintenance of sexual status in representation of social interactions


Shifts in regulatory opinions and political power have led to dramatic clashes between congress and fcc which have put regulation of industries on front page and center of heated public discussion. Specifically after deregulation promoted by Reagan


Media consolidation process progressively fewer individuals ocontrol increasing shares of mass media. Before 48 and current media are monopolies

Political economy

Study of social relations, power relations, that constitute production distribution and exibition

Trade agreements and alliances

Lead multi billion dollar deals


Process of adapting a product or content to specific locale or market