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100 Cards in this Set

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When focusing the microscope once should begin with which adjective ?


I'm focusing a microscope with a 10x ocular and the 40x odjectives in place, the total magnification is ?


The pH of urine sample is checked to determine

Acidity and alkalinity

When performing at routine phlebotomy , the most common gauge needle is?

20 or 22

When performing a finger puncture the first drop of blood should be?

Wiped away


Is the liquid portion of a whole blood after the blood has been allowed to clot and the solid and liquid portion have separated

When collecting a specimen for blood cell count you will use a tube that contains

An anticoagulant

When performing a differential white blood cell count, a basophil will be recognized by

Large blue to purple staining granules

When a venipuncture is performed using a lavender top vacutainer tube, the example?

Is commonly used for hematology testing

Does not clot because an anticoagulant has been mix with the whole blood

The most common bacteriology stain is

Gram stain

Gram staining is done to determine

Whether a bacteria is a gram positive or gram negative

A Papanicolaou smear is used to

Detect cervical cancer

The universal donor is blood type


GTT test for

Sugar metabolism

A lipid profile includes testing for


Large amounts of injectable medication at least 2 milligrams or more are given


A medical assistant make give an injection

Only on the orders of a physician

Which of the following needles has the widest lumen

#19 gauge

The nerve to be concerned with when given an injection into buttocks is


Intradermal injections are usually given

For allergy testing

The size of the needle is s expressed by

Gouge numbers

The part of the syringe and the needle that may be touched is called

The outside of the barrel

An injection given at a 45 degree angle is an


A z-trac injection is what type of injection given to the gluteal muscle of the buttocks


The most common position for chest x-rays are

PA and lateral

The substance used to prevent x-ray for exposure is?


When you are asked to take a cervical x-ray you will take the film to the?

Neck region

On a normal ECG tracing the first wave to show a downward deflection is a

Q wave

The purpose of applying paste or jelly when running an ECG is to reduce

Skin resistance

An electrocardiograph is

A device to monitor electrical heart activity

An ultrasound should not be use for


A technique that employs high-frequency , inaudible sound waves witch bounce off body tissues and then recorded , is called

Sonogram or echogram

A diagnostic technic which detects region of heat and cold in the body is called


The application of water in the treatment of disease is referred to as


The branch of medicine which uses radionuclides in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases is


The type of a physician that would diagnose and treat diseases and malfunction of the glands of internal secretion is a/an


One who studies disease is ab


Physiology is the

Study of the functions of living organisms

Hypertension is also referred to as

High blood pressure

Another name for myocardia infarction is

Heart attac

During galvanic electrical stimulation the patient

Must be attended at all times

Metastasis refers to

Growth of cancer cell from one tissue to another

A tumor that is non-progressive and not life threatening is considerate


Drugs used to prevent the clotting of blood are


Drug agent that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach are called


An agent which affects blood pressure by increasing the flow of urine and thus reducing the volume of fluid in the body is called


An agent given to counteract an unwanted effect of the drug is called a/an


A mild hypnotic drug is that relaxing but dosent necessary produced sleep is called


An agent which excites and promotes functional activity is call


Under the controlled substance act how many schedule are there


IPPB is used in the treatment of




A governmental agency having the legal responsibility for enforcing proper drug manufacturers and clinical use is called

Food and Drug Administration

Intrecoastal refers to

Between the ribs

A patient in the prone position

Laying face down

a patient in the supine position is

Laying flat on their back with palms and face up

in the anatomical position the patient

Stand erect with palms turned anterior

The lithotomy position is used when a patient

Is having a vaginal examination

The opposites of superficial is


When preparing the patient for vaginal examination you would position them in what position


The urinary system is composed of

Kidney ureters bladder and urethra

And inflamed condition of the tendon and tendon muscules is call


Did most important muscles to aid in breathing is


The muscle walls of the heart are called the


The bone forms the forehead and sockets which contains the eyes


Facial bones that compose the massive upper jaw bones are called

Maxillary bones

Facial bones that Compose the lower jaw are referred to as

Mandibular bones

The collar bone,a slender bone, one on each side of the body connecting the breastbone to each shoulder is called the


The small sac attached to the underside of the liver ad stores bile is call the


Insulin is secreted directly into the bloodstream by what organ


A substance provided by the stomach necessarily for the digestion of food is call

Hydrochloric acid

the master gland of the human body is called the

Pituitary gland

The premature termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to exist on its own is referred to as


For this first 2 months, the unborn child is referred to as


The number of bones in the body is


The longest bone in the body is the


The most common place to take a pulse is the

Radial artery

The patients with a rapid pulse has


The best respiratory rate can be taken by

Watching the patient chest rise and fall while appearing to take the pulse

The first sound heard when taking the blood pressure is E

Systolic pressure

When applying a cast the plaster

Is applied over a stockinette

A counting chamber utilized in in manual microscopic method is called a


if a carotid pulse was taken it will be taken at the


Hot packs are a form of physical therapy that provides

Deep heat

moist heat

palpation is done by

Feeling a part with the hand

Auscultation is done by using a


a hemostatic forcep

Clamps off small vessels and bleeders

Tissues are composed off


Pathology is

The study of the diseases

High blood pressure is refers to has


incision into the chest wall is referred to has


Bradycardia refers to

Slow heartbeat

Neoplasm refers to

new growth

Atriomegaly refers to

enlargement of the atrium of the heart

When autoclaving instruments the timing period begins

When adequate pressure has build up

When the proper temperature has to be reached

an instrument used to view the nose is a


A try for a pelvic examination normally includes

Lubricant ,vaginal speculum , gloves

During an eye examination using the snellens's eye chart the patient should

Keep both eyes open, but cover one of them

Hemostats are type off


the smallest blood vessels is the


The normal oral temperature is 98. 6 degrees Fahrenheit the equivalent Celsius temperature is

37. 0 Celsius